2024-08-30 21:22:48 +03:00

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export module utils {
# split string with given seperator
export def "str explode" [
separator: string, # `character`
--trim-end, # removes character if seen at the end of the given string
]: string -> list<string> {
let trimmed = if $trim_end {
$in | str trim --right --char $separator
} else {
$trimmed | split row $separator
export module version {
# compares input with an other integer
# if input > other => 1
# if input < other => -1
# if input == other => 0
def "int compare" [
other: int
]: int -> int {
let current = $in
if ($current > $other) {
return 1
} else if ($current < $other) {
return ('-1' | into int)
} else {
return 0
# compare given input with an other value
# if input > other => 1
# if input < other => -1
# if input == other => 0
export def "compare to" [
other: string
]: string -> int {
let $current = $in
match ($current | get major | int compare ($other | get major)) {
0 => {
return ($current | get minor | int compare ($other | get minor))
$a => {
return $a
# get major version from version number
# 0.90 -> 0
# 1.90.0 -> 1
# 15.0.0 -> 15
def "get major" []: string -> int {
let version = $in
use utils "str explode"
return ($version | str explode '.' | first | if ($version | str starts-with '^') { $in | str substring 1.. } else { $in } | into int)
# get major version from version number
# 0.90 -> 90
# 1.14.4 -> 14
# 15.65.15 -> 65
# ^15.65 -> 65
def "get minor" []: string -> int {
let version = $in
use utils "str explode"
return ($version | str explode '.' | $in.1 | into int)
export module plugin-list {
# converts repository url into raw download link for Cargo.toml
def "get-raw-toml-address" [
url: string, # github repository url (e.g.
branch: string # branch name (e.g. main)
]: nothing -> record {
let url: record = ($url | url parse)
use utils "str explode"
match $ {
'' => {
if ( ($url.path | str explode '/' --trim-end | length) > 3 ) {
return ($url
| upsert host
| upsert path ($url.path
| str replace $"tree/($branch)" $branch
| str explode '/' --trim-end
| append Cargo.toml
| str join '/'))
return ($url
| upsert host
| upsert path ($url.path
| str explode '/' --trim-end
| append $branch
| append Cargo.toml
| str join '/'))
'' => {
return ($url
| upsert path ($url.path
| str explode '/' --trim-end
| append -
| append raw
| append $branch
| append Cargo.toml
| str join '/'))
'' => {
return ($url
| update path {
split row "/"
| skip 1
| if ($in | length) > 2 {
update 2 raw
} else {
append [raw branch $branch]
| append Cargo.toml
| str join "/"
| "/" + $in
_ => {
# TODO add error
return $url
# download toml file from repository
def "get-toml" [
branch: string # branch name (e.g. main)
]: string -> record {
let git_repo = ($in | str replace --regex ".git$" "") # github repository url (e.g.
let toml_file_address: string = (get-raw-toml-address $git_repo $branch | url join)
try {
return (http get --raw $toml_file_address | from toml)
} catch {
return {}
# checks if given input is string or not
# TODO maybe a better way?
def is-str []: any -> bool {
return (($in | to json | str trim -c '"') == $in)
# if input is string will return itself otherwise think its record and will return for $in.version
# TODO handle error
def "get self or version" []: record -> string , string -> string {
let input = $in
if ($input | is-str) {
return $input;
} else if ($input.version? | is-empty) {
return "0.0.0"
} else {
return $input.version
# map `Cargo.toml` file to a plugin entry record
def "map-toml-to-entry" [
repository: string
]: record -> record {
let toml: record = $in
if ([$toml.package?, $toml.dependencies?] | all {|i| $i != null}) {
return {
name: $"[($]\(($repository)\)"
version: $toml.package.version
description: $toml.package.description?
plugin: ($
| get self or version)
protocol: ($
| get self or version)
} else {
return {
name: $"issue in config file for \(($repository)\)"
version: "0.0"
description: ""
plugin: "0.0"
protocol: "0.0"
def "get icon" []: int -> string {
match $in {
-1 => {
return ⚠️
_ => {
return ✅
# adds an icon to version numbers of `plugin` and `protocol` version numbers of the plugin
# if they are less than the minimum version -> add ⛔ icon before it
# if versions are as the same as latest version -> add ✅ icon
# otherwise -> add ⚠️ icon
def "set status" [
plugin: string, # latest nu-plugin version
protocol: string, # latest nu-protocol version
min_plugin: string, # minimum nu-plugin version possible
min_protocol: string # minimum nu-protocol version possible
]: record -> record {
let input = $in
use version "compare to"
match [$input.plugin?, $input.protocol?,] {
[$plugin_version,$protocol_version] if ($plugin_version != null and $protocol_version != null) => {
if ((($plugin_version | compare to $min_plugin) == -1) or ($protocol_version | compare to $min_protocol) == -1) {
return ($input
| upsert plugin $"⛔($plugin_version)"
| upsert protocol $"⛔($protocol_version)"
return ($input
| upsert plugin $"($plugin_version | compare to $plugin | get icon)($plugin_version)"
| upsert protocol $"($protocol_version | compare to $protocol | get icon)($protocol_version)"
_ => {
return $input
# crete a table entry from given plugin record
def "make entry" []: record -> record {
let item = $in
match $item.language {
"rust" => {
return ($item.repository.url | get-toml $item.repository.branch| map-toml-to-entry $item.repository.url)
_ => {
return {}
# creates a table of plugins from given plugin list yaml file
export def create-table [] : record -> table {
let config: record = $in
let plugin_version = ($config.core.plugin_repository
| get-toml main
| get package.version
| get self or version)
let protocol_version = ($config.core.protocol_repository
| get-toml main
| get package.version
| get self or version)
let result = $config.plugins
| par-each { |i| $i
| make entry
| if ($i.override? != null) {
$in | merge $i.override
} else {
| set status $plugin_version $protocol_version $config.core.minimum_plugin $config.core.minimum_protocol
| sort-by name
return $result