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10 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Texas Toland
[stdlib-candidate] Clean up file bulk-rename a little (#798)
[Generated diff]( for command
because move broke it.

- No `file` prefix similar to other [filesystem
- Input paths instead of directory param for filters or globbing
- Record closure param with original path (`$in` is still stem)
- `--verbose` table output
- `--no-exectute` for dry run with `--verbose`
- Shorthand flags
- Parallel renaming for large directories
- More tests

@amtoine Request feedback 🙏🏼 Happy to revise ot revert anything!

❯ bulk-rename -h
Rename bulk input files in parallel using a closure.

The reason behind this command is quite simple:
- Sometimes one receives a bunch of files with integer ids: 1, 2, 3, ...
- These ids come rarely with padding... i.e. 1 instead of 001 when there are 3-digit ids
- This means that file with id 9 will be sorted way after file with id 1000

This command allows to do such a task!

  Rename `.mise.toml` files to `.mise.local.toml` recursively
  > glob **/.mise.toml | bulk-rename { str append .local }

  Rename files in `/foo` with a name that has an id to have 3 digits with 0-padding
  > ls /foo | bulk-rename { |path|
     if $path.input.type == file {
       $path.stem | parse "some_format_{id}"
         | get 0
         | update id { fill --alignment r --character 0 --width 3 }
         | $"some_format_($"
     # else skip dirs

  > main {flags} <update_stem>

  -v, --verbose - Show which files were renamed, if any
  -n, --no-execute - Do not make any changes; add --verbose to see what would be made
whitespace bug: nushell/nushell#12264
  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  update_stem <closure()>: The code to rename the file stem: receives the old stem as input and a record param with both `stem` and `input` keys

Input/output types:
  │ # │   input   │             output              │
  │ 0 │ list<any> │ nothing                         │
  │ 1 │ list<any> │ table<old: string, new: string> │
2024-03-30 16:19:06 -05:00
Texas Toland
Clean up str append/prepend a little (#797)
- Move to directory for other `str` contributions
- Add simple `help` docs
- Simplify type check since only 2 cases are possible

@savente93 Are these okay?
2024-03-20 10:46:12 -05:00
Texas Toland
Refactor stdlib-candidate for nupm (#790)
Easier to review individual commits because of renames. Happy to provide
DiffNow links if helpful. Involved:

1. Moving scripts to a subdirectory
2. Copying `nupm.nuon` from another directory
3. Making modules work
4. Extracting tests
5. Fixing tests (related to nushell/nushell#12193)

To test first set up nupm then:

nu_scripts on  std-nupm-integration
❯ $env.NUPM_REGISTRIES.nupm_test = ''

nu_scripts on  std-nupm-integration
❯ nupm install std-rfc
│ name     │ std-rfc                                   │
│ version  │ 0.1.0                                     │
│ url      │ │
│ revision │ 65aa7cc                                   │
│ path     │ stdlib-candidate                          │
│ type     │ git                                       │
Cloning into 'nu_scripts-4a047f13a05fe35393f3a8d73377b02c-65aa7cc'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 8015, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (822/822), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (333/333), done.
remote: Total 8015 (delta 538), reused 641 (delta 445), pack-reused 7193
Receiving objects: 100% (8015/8015), 49.72 MiB | 23.12 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (4605/4605), done.
Note: switching to '65aa7cc'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:

  git switch -c <new-branch-name>

Or undo this operation with:

  git switch -

Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false

HEAD is now at 65aa7cc Fix nupm test --dir stdlib-candidate
2024-03-12T20:42:49.462|INF|installing package std-rfc

nu_scripts on  std-nupm-integration took 4s
❯ use std-rfc set-env

nu_scripts on  std-nupm-integration
❯ set-env -h
Gracefully set an environment variable or merge a nested option.

nu_scripts on  std-nupm-integration
❯ nupm test --dir stdlib-candidate
Testing package /Users/texas/Developer/nu_scripts/stdlib-candidate
tests record filter-name predicate ... SUCCESS
tests record filter-value predicate ... SUCCESS
tests record list_merge ... SUCCESS
tests str append ... SUCCESS
tests fs file bulk-rename ... SUCCESS
tests str prepend ... SUCCESS
tests record filter-name text ... SUCCESS
Ran 7 tests. 7 succeeded, 0 failed.
2024-03-16 13:57:05 +02:00
Texas Toland
[stdlib-candidate] set-env (#787)
Rewrite of nushell/nushell#12156 for jdx/mise#1763.

### Why?

Nushell philosophically omits a `set` list mutation. But `$env` is
inherently mutable leading to issues described in nushell/nushell#12148.
`set-env` provides such an operation exclusively for `$env`.

### What changed?

1. Explicit flag instead of implicit list concatenation
2. Expands updates to any `$env` field not only `$env.config`

### How is it used?

❯ set-env -h
Gracefully set an environment variable or merge a nested option.

  Set $env.NUPM_HOME
  > set-env NUPM_HOME $'($nu.home-path)/.local/share/nupm'

  Add to $env.NU_LIB_DIRS
  > set-env --append NU_LIB_DIRS $'($env.NUPM_HOME)/modules'

  Set a nested config option
  > set-env config.filesize.metric true

  Add a config hook
  > set-env -a config.hooks.pre_prompt 'ellie | print'

  > main {flags} <field> <value>

  -a, --append - Append to the previous value or wrap in a new list
  -h, --help - Display the help message for this command

  field <cell-path>: The environment variable name or nested option cell path
  value <any>: The value to set or append

Input/output types:
  │ # │  input  │ output  │
  │ 0 │ nothing │ nothing │

### How does it work?

export def --env main [
  field: cell-path
  value: any
  --append (-a)
]: nothing -> nothing {

  # just an alias
  def 'get or' [default field] {
    get --ignore-errors $field | default $default

  let value = if $append {
    # append to the previous value or empty list
    $env | get or [] $field | append $value
  } else {

  # work around nushell/nushell#12168
  let field = $field | to text | split row .
  let value = match $field {

    [_] => $value
    # if cell path is nested
    [$root, ..$field] => {
      let field = $field | into cell-path

      # reassigning $env would be an error
      # merging reserved names like PWD would be an error
      # so merge from 1 level deep instead
      $env | get or {} $root | upsert $field $value

  # avoid issues noted above
  load-env { ($field | first): $value }

### Where are the tests?

Pending next PR for nupm integration.
2024-03-12 10:55:07 -05:00
Antoine Stevan
add a "bulk rename" command to the stdlib candidates (#643)
i received an archive with files with integer ids in their names (1, 2,
...) but because these ids had no padding, the files were completely out
of order when sorting... e.g. 9 comes after 10 because 1 comes before 9
as a character 🤔

i wrote a command to rename a bulk of files in a directory with a
closure 😋

i was not really sure where to put it, so i created
`stdlib-candidate/` 👍
2023-12-11 09:00:10 +01:00
Gabin Lefranc
Add record module (#679)
Add a module to manipulate records.

It can be a potential candidate to nu's standard library ?
Take a look at the name of the functions to see if they respect naming
convention (or if you have better ideas of course 😉 )
2023-11-29 09:12:23 -06:00
remove null-stream (#670)
It's a follow up to
2023-11-17 09:16:21 -06:00
2fa5caa586 as stdlib-candidate (#649)
This is a way to redirect to a null stream with the same syntax
regardless of platform.
2023-10-23 17:57:50 +02:00
Sam Vente
add tests to (#627)
As requested by @amtoine 😋


Co-authored-by: Antoine Stevan <>
2023-10-02 19:12:08 +02:00
Sam Vente
Add str append to stdlib-candidate (#626)
As discussed in I've
added an stdlib-candidate folder where we can add scripts that might
want to be in std-lib at some point. Currently it only contains `str
append` and `str prepend` which work about how you'd expect. Thanks to
@amtoine for writing the initial function. I added a default branch that
just returns the input unaltered so it can be used more easily in the
middle of a pipe.
2023-09-30 17:13:46 -05:00