2023-11-20 06:55:35 -06:00

92 lines
1.9 KiB

def print_osc [] {
if $env.TERM == screen* {
} else {
def print_st [] {
if $env.TERM == screen* {
} else {
def --env b64_encode [fn] {
open $fn | encode base64
def --env b64_decode [fn] {
$fn | decode base64 -b
def print_image [
filename # Filename to convey to client
inline # 0 or 1
base64contents # Base64-encoded contents
print_filename # If non-empty, print the filename before outputting the image
] {
let a = (print_osc)
let b = "1337;File="
let c = (if ($filename | length) > 0 {
let b64_enc_data = (b64_encode $filename)
let b64_dec_data = (b64_decode $base64contents)
let d = $"size=($b64_dec_data | bytes length)"
let e = $";inline=($inline)"
let f = ":"
let g = $base64contents
let h = print_st
let i = "\n"
let j = (if ($print_filename | length) > 0 {
print -n $filename
[ $a $b $c $d $e $f $g $h $i $j ] | str join
def error [] {
print "Error: ($env.LAST_EXIT_CODE)"
def show_help [] {
print "Usage: imgcat [-p] filename ..."
print " or: cat filename | imgcat"
# shows images in your terminal if your terminal supports it
def imgcat [
--help(-h) # Help/Usage message
--print(-p) # Print filename
--url(-u) # Use a URL
filename # The filename to show
] {
if $help {
let print_filename = (
if $print {
let url_img = (
if $url {
let encoded_image = (b64_encode (http get $url))
print_image $url 1 $encoded_image $print_filename
if ($filename | path exists) {
print_image $filename 1 (b64_encode $filename) $print_filename
} else {
print $"imgcat: ($filename): No such file or directory"