Günter Zöchbauer b4a5b9e940
Change list of values to list of records with value and description (#354)
It is just one entry for now, but I just found out from the docs
that in this case comments are not used as description
2023-01-20 06:22:35 -06:00

706 lines
24 KiB

# Enums from
# Two-step login methods
# Used to specify which two-step login method to use when logging in
def "nu-complete bw login-methods" [] {
[Authenticator, Email, YubiKey]
# Item types
# Used with the create command to specify a vault item type
def "nu-complete bw item-types" [] {
[Login, "Secure Note", Card, Identity]
# Login URI match types
# Used with the create and edit command to specify URI match detection behavior for a login item
def "nu-complete bw uri-match-types" [] {
[Domain, Host, "Starts With", Exact, "Regular Expressions", Never]
# Field types
# Used with the create and edit commands to configure custom fields
def "nu-complete bw field-types" [] {
[Text, Hidden, Boolean]
# Organization user types
# Indicates a user's type
def "nu-complete bw organization-user-types" [] {
[Owner, Admin, User, Manager]
# Organization user statuses
# Indicates a user's status within the organization
def "nu-complete bw organization-user-statuses" [] {
[Owner, Admin, User, Manager]
# Config settings
# Supported settings
def "nu-complete bw config-settings" [] {
[{ value: "server", description: "On-premises hosted installation URL." }]
# bw list supported object values
def "nu-complete bw list-valid-objects" [] {
[items, folders, collections, org-collections, org-members,
# bw get supported object values
def "nu-complete bw get-valid-objects" [] {
[item, username, password, uri, totp, notes, exposed, attachment,
folder, collection, org-collection, organization, template,
fingerprint, send]
# bw create supported object values
def "nu-complete bw create-valid-objects" [] {
[item, attachment, folder, org-collection]
# bw edit supported object values
def "nu-complete bw edit-valid-objects" [] {
[item, item-collections, folder, org-collection]
# bw restore supported object values
def "nu-complete bw restore-valid-objects" [] {
# bw confirm supported object values
def "nu-complete bw confirm-valid-objects" [] {
# bw send template supported object values
def "nu-complete bw send template-valid-objects" [] {
["send.text", "send.file"]
# bw export supported object values
def "nu-complete bw export-valid-objects" [] {
[csv, json, and encrypted_json]
# bw confirm supported object values
# TODO(zoechi):
# This has multiple issues:
# - If not logged in, the completion would need to ask for the password first
# - Because there are two optional arguments, Nu doesn't show completions either
def "nu-complete bw import-formats" [] {
^bw import --formats
# bw send command supported values
def "nu-complete bw send-commands" [] {
[list, template, get, receive, create, edit, remove-password, delete]
# Chose environment variable
def "nu-complete bw env-vars" [] {
$env | columns
# Bitwarden command line client
# Examples:
# bw login
# bw lock
# bw unlock myPassword321
# bw list --help
# bw list items --search google
# bw get item 99ee88d2-6046-4ea7-92c2-acac464b1412
# bw get password
# echo '{"name":"My Folder"}' | bw encode
# bw create folder eyJuYW1lIjoiTXkgRm9sZGVyIn0K
# bw edit folder c7c7b60b-9c61-40f2-8ccd-36c49595ed72 eyJuYW1lIjoiTXkgRm9sZGVyMiJ9Cg==
# bw delete item 99ee88d2-6046-4ea7-92c2-acac464b1412
# bw generate -lusn --length 18
# bw config server
# bw send -f ./file.ext
# bw send "text to send"
# echo "text to send" | bw send
# bw receive
export extern "bw" [
--pretty # Format output. JSON is tabbed with two spaces.
--raw # Return raw output instead of a descriptive message.
--response # Return a JSON formatted version of response output.
--cleanexit # Exit with a success exit code (0) unless an error is thrown.
--quiet # Don't return anything to stdout.
--nointeraction # Do not prompt for interactive user input.
--session: string # Pass session key instead of reading from env.
--version(-v) # output the version number
--help(-h) # display help for command
# Log into a user account.
# Notes:
# See docs for valid `method` enum values.
# Pass `--raw` option to only return the session key.
# Examples:
# bw login
# bw login myPassword321 --raw
# bw login myPassword321 --method 1 --code 249213
# bw login --sso
export extern "bw login" [
--method: string@"nu-complete bw login-methods" # Two-step login method.
--code: int # Two-step login code.
--sso # Log in with Single-Sign On.
--apikey # Log in with an Api Key.
--passwordenv: string@"nu-complete bw env-vars" # Environment variable storing your password
--passwordfile: path # Path to a file containing your password as its first line
--check # Check login status.
--raw # Pass `--raw` option to only return the session key.
email?: string
password?: string
# Log out of the current user account.
# Examples:
# bw logout
export extern "bw logout" [
--help(-h) # display help for command
# Lock the vault and destroy active session keys.
# Examples:
# bw lock
export extern "bw lock" [
--help(-h) # display help for command
# Unlock the vault and return a new session key.
# Notes:
# After unlocking, any previous session keys will no longer be valid.
# Pass `--raw` option to only return the session key.
# Examples:
# bw unlock
# bw unlock myPassword321
# bw unlock myPassword321 --raw
export extern "bw unlock" [
--check # Check lock status.
--passwordenv: string@"nu-complete bw env-vars" # Environment variable storing your password
--passwordfile: path # Path to a file containing your password as its first line
--help(-h) # display help for command
# Pull the latest vault data from server.
# Examples:
# bw sync
# bw sync -f
# bw sync --last
export extern "bw sync" [
--force(-f) # Force a full sync.
--last # Get the last sync date.
--help(-h) # display help for command
# Generate a password/passphrase.
# Notes:
# Default options are `-uln --length 14`.
# Minimum `length` is 5.
# Minimum `words` is 3.
# Examples:
# bw generate
# bw generate -u -l --length 18
# bw generate -ulns --length 25
# bw generate -ul
# bw generate -p --separator _
# bw generate -p --words 5 --separator space
export extern "bw generate" [
--uppercase(-u) # Include uppercase characters.
--lowercase(-l) # Include lowercase characters.
--number(-n) # Include numeric characters.
--special(-s) # Include special characters.
--passphrase(-p) # Generate a passphrase.
--length: int # Length of the password.
--words: int # Number of words.
--separator: string # Word separator.
--capitalize(-c) # Title case passphrase.
--includeNumber # Passphrase includes number.
--help(-h) # display help for command
# Base 64 encode stdin.
# Notes:
# Use to create `encodedJson` for `create` and `edit` commands.
# Examples:
# echo '{"name":"My Folder"}' | bw encode
export extern "bw encode" [
--help(-h) # display help for command
# Configure CLI settings.
# Settings:
# server - On-premises hosted installation URL.
# Examples:
# bw config server
# bw config server
# bw config server
# bw config server --api http://localhost:4000 --identity http://localhost:33656
export extern "bw config" [
--web-vault: string # <url> Provides a custom web vault URL that differs from the base URL.
--api: string # <url> Provides a custom API URL that differs from the base URL.
--identity: string # <url> Provides a custom identity URL that differs from the base URL.
--icons: string # <url> Provides a custom icons service URL that differs from the base URL.
--notifications: string # <url> Provides a custom notifications URL that differs from the base URL.
--events: string # <url> Provides a custom events URL that differs from the base URL.
--key-connector: string # <url> Provides the URL for your Key Connector server.
--help(-h) # display help for command
settings: string@"nu-complete bw config-settings"
value?: any
# Check for updates.
# Notes:
# Returns the URL to download the newest version of this CLI tool.
# Use the `--raw` option to return only the download URL for the update.
# Examples:
# bw update
# bw update --raw
export extern "bw update" [
--help(-h) # display help for command
# Not useful in Nushell
# export extern "bw completion" [
# --help(-h) # display help for command
# Show server, last sync, user information, and vault status.
# Example return value:
# {
# "serverUrl": "",
# "lastSync": "2020-06-16T06:33:51.419Z",
# "userEmail": ",
# "userId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
# "status": "locked"
# }
# Notes:
# `status` is one of:
# - `unauthenticated` when you are not logged in
# - `locked` when you are logged in and the vault is locked
# - `unlocked` when you are logged in and the vault is unlocked
export extern "bw status" [
--help(-h) # display help for command
# Start a RESTful API webserver.
# Notes:
# Default hostname is `localhost`.
# Use hostname `all` for no hostname binding.
# Default port is `8087`.
# Examples:
# bw serve
# bw serve --port 8080
# bw serve --hostname --port 80
export extern "bw serve" [
--hostname: string # The hostname to bind your API webserver to.
--port: int # The port to run your API webserver on.
--disable-origin-protection # If set, allows requests with origin header. Warning, this option exists for backwards compatibility reasons and exposes your environment to known CSRF attacks.
--help(-h) # display help for command
# List an array of objects from the vault.
# Notes:
# Combining search with a filter performs a logical AND operation.
# Combining multiple filters performs a logical OR operation.
# Examples:
# bw list items
# bw list items --folderid 60556c31-e649-4b5d-8daf-fc1c391a1bf2
# bw list items --search google --folderid 60556c31-e649-4b5d-8daf-fc1c391a1bf2
# bw list items --url
# bw list items --folderid null
# bw list items --organizationid notnull
# bw list items --folderid 60556c31-e649-4b5d-8daf-fc1c391a1bf2 --organizationid notnull
# bw list items --trash
# bw list folders --search email
# bw list org-members --organizationid 60556c31-e649-4b5d-8daf-fc1c391a1bf2
export extern "bw list" [
--search: string # Perform a search on the listed objects.
--url: string # Filter items of type login with a url-match search.
--folderid: string # Filter items by folder id.
--collectionid: string # Filter items by collection id.
--organizationid: string # Filter items or collections by organization id.
--trash # Filter items that are deleted and in the trash.
--help(-h) # display help for command
object: string@"nu-complete bw list-valid-objects" # Valid objects are: items, folders, collections, org-collections, org-members, organizations
# Get an object from the vault.
# If raw output is specified and no output filename or directory is given for
# an attachment query, the attachment content is written to stdout.
# Examples:
# bw get item 99ee88d2-6046-4ea7-92c2-acac464b1412
# bw get password
# bw get totp
# bw get notes
# bw get exposed
# bw get attachment b857igwl1dzrs2 --itemid 99ee88d2-6046-4ea7-92c2-acac464b1412 --output ./photo.jpg
# bw get attachment photo.jpg --itemid 99ee88d2-6046-4ea7-92c2-acac464b1412 --raw
# bw get folder email
# bw get template folder
export extern "bw get" [
--itemid: string # Attachment's item id.
--output: string # Output directory or filename for attachment.
--organizationid: string # Organization id for an organization object.
--help(-h) # display help for command
object: string@"nu-complete bw get-valid-objects" # Valid objects are: item, username, password, uri, totp, notes, exposed, attachment, folder, collection, org-collection, organization, template, fingerprint, send
id: string # Search term or object's globally unique `id`.
# Create an object in the vault.
# Examples:
# bw create folder eyJuYW1lIjoiTXkgRm9sZGVyIn0K
# echo 'eyJuYW1lIjoiTXkgRm9sZGVyIn0K' | bw create folder
# bw create attachment --file ./myfile.csv --itemid 16b15b89-65b3-4639-ad2a-95052a6d8f66
export extern "bw create" [
--file: string # Path to file for attachment.
--itemid: string # Attachment's item id.
--organizationid: string # string Organization id for an organization object.
--help(-h) # display help for command
object: string@"nu-complete bw create-valid-objects" # Valid objects are: item, attachment, folder, org-collection
encodedJson?: string # Encoded json of the object to create. Can also be piped into stdin.
# Edit an object from the vault.
# Examples:
# bw edit folder 5cdfbd80-d99f-409b-915b-f4c5d0241b02 eyJuYW1lIjoiTXkgRm9sZGVyMiJ9Cg==
# echo 'eyJuYW1lIjoiTXkgRm9sZGVyMiJ9Cg==' | bw edit folder 5cdfbd80-d99f-409b-915b-f4c5d0241b02
# bw edit item-collections 78307355-fd25-416b-88b8-b33fd0e88c82 WyI5NzQwNTNkMC0zYjMzLTRiOTgtODg2ZS1mZWNmNWM4ZGJhOTYiXQ==
export extern "bw edit" [
--organizationid: string # Organization id for an organization object.
--help(-h) # display help for command
object: string@"nu-complete bw edit-valid-objects" # Valid objects are: item, item-collections, folder, org-collection
id: string@"nu-complete bw edit-valid-objects" # Object's globally unique `id`.
encodedJson?: string # Encoded json of the object to create. Can also be piped into stdin.
# Delete an object from the vault.
# Examples:
# bw delete item 7063feab-4b10-472e-b64c-785e2b870b92
# bw delete item 89c21cd2-fab0-4f69-8c6e-ab8a0168f69a --permanent
# bw delete folder 5cdfbd80-d99f-409b-915b-f4c5d0241b02
# bw delete attachment b857igwl1dzrs2 --itemid 310d5ffd-e9a2-4451-af87-ea054dce0f78
export extern "bw delete" [
--itemid: string # Attachment's item id.
--organizationid: string # Organization id for an organization object.
-p, --permanent # Permanently deletes the item instead of soft-deleting it (item only).
--help(-h) # display help for command
object: string@"nu-complete bw create-valid-objects" # Valid objects are: item, attachment, folder, org-collection
id: string # Object's globally unique `id`.
# Restores an object from the trash.
# Examples:
# bw restore item 7063feab-4b10-472e-b64c-785e2b870b92
export extern "bw restore" [
--help(-h) # display help for command
object: string@"nu-complete bw create-valid-objects" # Valid objects are: item
id: string # Object's globally unique `id`.
# Move an item to an organization.
# Examples:
# bw move 4af958ce-96a7-45d9-beed-1e70fabaa27a 6d82949b-b44d-468a-adae-3f3bacb0ea32 WyI5NzQwNTNkMC0zYjMzLTRiOTgtODg2ZS1mZWNmNWM4ZGJhOTYiXQ==
# echo '["974053d0-3b33-4b98-886e-fecf5c8dba96"]' | bw encode | bw move 4af958ce-96a7-45d9-beed-1e70fabaa27a 6d82949b-b44d-468a-adae-3f3bacb0ea32
export extern "bw move" [
--help(-h) # display help for command
id: string # Object's globally unique `id`.
organizationId: string # Organization's globally unique `id`.
encodedJson?: string # Encoded json of an array of collection ids. Can also be piped into stdin.
# Confirm an object to the organization.
# Examples:
# bw confirm org-member 7063feab-4b10-472e-b64c-785e2b870b92 --organizationid 310d5ffd-e9a2-4451-af87-ea054dce0f78
export extern "bw confirm" [
--organizationid: string # Organization id for an organization object.
--help(-h) # display help for command
object: string@"nu-complete bw create-valid-objects" # Valid objects are: org-member
id: string # Object's globally unique `id`.
# Import vault data from a file.
# Examples:
# bw import --formats
# bw import bitwardencsv ./from/source.csv
# bw import keepass2xml keepass_backup.xml
# bw import --organizationid cf14adc3-aca5-4573-890a-f6fa231436d9 keepass2xml keepass_backup.xml
export extern "bw import" [
--formats # List formats
--organizationid: string # ID of the organization to import to.
--help(-h) # display help for command
format?: string # The format of [input]
# @"nu-complete bw import-formats" does not work
input?: path # Filepath to data to import
# Export vault data to a CSV or JSON file.
# Notes:
# Valid formats are `csv`, `json`, and `encrypted_json`. Default format is `csv`.
# If --raw option is specified and no output filename or directory is given, the
# result is written to stdout.
# Examples:
# bw export
# bw --raw export
# bw export myPassword321
# bw export myPassword321 --format json
# bw export --output ./exp/bw.csv
# bw export myPassword321 --output bw.json --format json
# bw export myPassword321 --organizationid 7063feab-4b10-472e-b64c-785e2b870b92
export extern "bw export" [
--output: string # Output directory or filename.
--format: string@"nu-complete bw export-valid-objects" # Export file format.
--password: string # [password] Use password to encrypt instead of your Bitwarden account encryption key. Only applies to the encrypted_json format.
--organizationid: string # Organization id for an organization.
--help(-h) # display help for command
password?: string # Use password to encrypt instead of your Bitwarden account encryption key. Only applies to the encrypted_json format.
# --DEPRECATED-- Move an item to an organization.
export extern "bw share" [
--help(-h) # display help for command
# Work with Bitwarden sends.
# A Send can be quickly created using this command or subcommands can be used to fine-tune the Send
export extern "bw send" [
command: string@"nu-complete bw send-commands" # The subcommand to use
# List all the Sends owned by you
export extern "bw send list" [
--file(-f) # Specifies that <data> is a filepath
--deleteInDays(-d): int # The number of days in the future to set deletion date, defaults to 7 (default: "7")
--maxAccessCount(-a): int # The amount of max possible accesses.
--hidden # Hide <data> in web by default. Valid only if --file is not set.
--name(-n): string # The name of the Send. Defaults to a guid for text Sends and the filename for files.
--notes: string # Notes to add to the Send.
--fullObject # Specifies that the full Send object should be returned rather than just the access url.
--help(-h) # display help for command
data: any # The data to Send. Specify as a filepath with the --file option
# Get json templates for send objects
export extern "bw send template" [
--help(-h) # display help for command
object: string@"nu-complete bw send template-valid-objects" # Valid objects are: send.text, send.file
# Get Sends owned by you.
# If raw output is specified and no output filename or directory is given for
# an attachment query, the attachment content is written to stdout.
# Examples:
# bw send get searchText
# bw send get id
# bw send get searchText --text
# bw send get searchText --file
# bw send get searchText --file --output ../Photos/photo.jpg
# bw send get searchText --file --raw
export extern "bw send get" [
--output:path # Output directory or filename for attachment.
--text # Specifies to return the text content of a Send
--help(-h) # display help for command
id: string # Search term or Send's globally unique `id`.
# Access a Bitwarden Send from a url
# If a password is required, the provided password is used or the user is prompted.
export extern "bw send receive" [
--password: string # Password needed to access the Send.
--passwordenv: string@"nu-complete bw env-vars" # Environment variable storing the Send's password
--passwordfile: path # Path to a file containing the Sends password as its first line
--obj # Return the Send's json object rather than the Send's content
--output: path # Specify a file path to save a File-type Send to
--help(-h) # display help for command
# Create a Send
# Note:
# Options specified in JSON take precedence over command options
export extern "bw send create" [
--file: path # file to Send. Can also be specified in parent's JSON.
--text: string # text to Send. Can also be specified in parent's JSON.
--hidden # text hidden flag. Valid only with the --text option.
--password: string # optional password to access this Send. Can also be specified in JSON
--help(-h) # display help for command
encodedJson?: string # JSON object to upload. Can also be piped in through stdin.
# edit a Send
# Note:
# You cannot update a File-type Send's file. Just delete and remake it
export extern "bw send edit" [
--itemid: string # Overrides the itemId provided in [encodedJson]
--help(-h) # display help for command
encodedJson?: string # Updated JSON object to save. If not provided, encodedJson is read from stdin.
# Removes the saved password from a Send.
export extern "bw send remove-password" [
--help(-h) # display help for command
id: string # The id of the Send to alter.
# Delete a Send
export extern "bw send delete" [
--help(-h) # display help for command
id: string # The id of the Send to delete.
# Access a Bitwarden Send from a url
# If a password is required, the provided password is used or the user is prompted.
export extern "bw receive" [
--password: string # Password needed to access the Send.
--passwordenv: string@"nu-complete bw env-vars" # Environment variable storing the Send's password
--passwordfile: path # Path to a file containing the Sends password as its first line
--obj # Return the Send's json object rather than the Send's content
--output: path # Specify a file path to save a File-type Send to
--help(-h) # display help for command
urs: string
# Not useful in Nushell
# export extern "bw help" [
# --help(-h) # display help for command
# ]