Maxim Uvarov afde2592a6
use typos for corrections (#833)
I used [typos](
I manually checked all the corrections and they seem safe to me.
There are still some left, but those in this PR are good
2024-05-08 06:47:54 -05:00

81 lines
3.8 KiB

# This script will run a command, in this case get_weather, at a prescribed interval
# This is meant to be run from your prompt so that it runs every time you cd or
# run a command. Each time it will check if it's been longer than the interval and
# if so, run the command, otherwise it uses the cached weather information.
# I wrote this so I could have weather in my prompt but not pay the price of hitting
# the web for every prompt. It will need to be tweaked to actually be used in a
# prompt, but for now it just prints the weather in these 3 ways.
# 1. if it's never been run, it runs the weather command and saves the json cache info
# 2. if the interval has not expired yet, it prints the Cached information
# 3. if the interval has expired, it runs the weather command again and caches the info
# this script is dependent on get-weather
#command to run at interval
def timed_weather_run [
--command(-c): string # The command to run
--interval(-i): duration # The interval duration
] {
# get the type of system we're on
let system_name = ((sys).host | get name)
if $system_name == "Windows" {
# $"The system is Windows(char nl)"
# generate temp file name
let weather_runtime_file = (($env.TMP) | path join weather_runtime_file.json)
# does the temp file already exist, meaning we've written it previously
if ($weather_runtime_file | path exists) {
# $"Weather path exists [($weather_runtime_file)](char nl)"
# open the file and get the last weather data and run time out of it
let last_runtime_data = (open $weather_runtime_file)
# get the last runtime and add my timezone difference
let last_runtime = ($last_runtime_data | get last_run_time | into datetime)
if $last_runtime + $interval > (date now) {
# $"interval not met. last_runtime: [($last_runtime)](char nl)"
let temp = ($last_runtime_data.Temperature)
let emoji = ($last_runtime_data.Emoji)
Temperature: ($temp)
Source: "cache"
Emoji: ($emoji)
} else {
# save the run time and run the command
# $"interval met, running command: [($command)](char nl)"
# it would be nice to run a dynamic command here but doesn't appear to be possible
# let weather_table = (do { $command })
let weather_table = (if $command == "get_weather" {(get_weather)})
let temp = ($weather_table.Temperature)
let emoji = ($weather_table.Emoji)
Temperature: ($temp)
Source: "expired-cache"
Emoji: ($emoji)
$weather_table | upsert last_run_time {(date now | format date '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z')} | save $weather_runtime_file
} else {
# $"Unable to find [($weather_runtime_file)], creating it(char nl)"
let weather_table = (get_weather)
let temp = ($weather_table.Temperature)
let emoji = ($weather_table.Emoji)
Temperature: ($temp)
Source: "initial"
Emoji: ($emoji)
$weather_table | upsert last_run_time {(date now | format date '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z')} | save $weather_runtime_file
} else {
echo "Your command did not run because you are not on Windows..."
# ToDo: refactor the info in the Windows section into another def. The only real difference
# is where the temp file will be located. Mac & Linux probably should be in /tmp I guess.
# everything else is linux or mac
timed_weather_run --command "get_weather" --interval 1min