Thibaut f14024eb38
Misc tools (#229)
* date shortcut functions

* mkdir + cd shortcut function

* sk wrapper to fuzzy find and select a value with optional preview

* group list values by regex

Co-authored-by: Thibaut Brandscheid <>
2022-05-21 16:29:42 -05:00

514 lines
14 KiB

#copy current dir
def cpwd [] {pwd | tr "\n" " " | sed "s/ //g" | xclip -sel clip}
#update-upgrade system (ubuntu)
def supgrade [] {
echo "updating..."
sudo aptitude update -y
echo "upgrading..."
sudo aptitude safe-upgrade -y
echo "autoremoving..."
sudo apt autoremove -y
#open mcomix
def mcx [file] {
bash -c $'mcomix "($file)" 2>/dev/null &'
#open file
def openf [file?] {
let file = if ($file | empty?) {$in} else {$file}
bash -c $'xdg-open "($file)" 2>/dev/null &'
#search for specific process
def psn [name: string] {
ps | find $name
#kill specified process in name
def killn [name: string] {
ps | find $name | each {kill -f $}
#jdownloader downloads info (requires a jdown python script)
def nujd [] {
jdown | lines | each { |line| $line | from nuon } | flatten | flatten
# Switch-case like instruction
def switch [
var #input var to test
cases: record #record with all cases
# Example:
# let x = 3
# switch $x {
# 1: { echo "you chose one" },
# 2: { echo "you chose two" },
# 3: { echo "you chose three" }
# }
] {
echo $cases | get $var | do $in
#post to discord
def post_to_discord [message] {
let content = $"{\"content\": \"($message)\"}"
let weburl = "webhook_url"
post $weburl $content --content-type "application/json"
#select column of a table (to table)
def column [n] {
transpose | select $n | transpose | select column1 | headers
#get column of a table (to list)
def column2 [n] {
transpose | get $n | transpose | get column1 | skip 1
#short pwd
def pwd-short [] {
$env.PWD | str replace $nu.home-path '~' -s
#string repeat
def "str repeat" [count: int] {
each {|it| let str = $it; echo 1..$count | each { echo $str } }
#join 2 lists
def union [a: list, b: list] {
$a | append $b | uniq
#nushell source files info
def 'nu-sloc' [] {
let stats = (
ls **/*.nu
| select name
| insert lines { |it| open $ | size | get lines }
| insert blank {|s| $s.lines - (open $ | lines | find --regex '\S' | length) }
| insert comments {|s| open $ | lines | find --regex '^\s*#' | length }
| sort-by lines -r
let lines = ($stats | reduce -f 0 {|it, acc| $it.lines + $acc })
let blank = ($stats | reduce -f 0 {|it, acc| $it.blank + $acc })
let comments = ($stats | reduce -f 0 {|it, acc| $it.comments + $acc })
let total = ($stats | length)
let avg = ($lines / $total | math round)
$'(char nl)(ansi pr) SLOC Summary for Nushell (ansi reset)(char nl)'
print { 'Total Lines': $lines, 'Blank Lines': $blank, Comments: $comments, 'Total Nu Scripts': $total, 'Avg Lines/Script': $avg }
$'(char nl)Source file stat detail:'
print $stats
#go to dir (via pipe)
def-env goto [] {
let input = $in
cd (
if ($input | path type) == file {
($input | path dirname)
} else {
#go to custom bash bin path, must be added last in
def-env goto-bash [] {
cd ($env.PATH | last)
#cd to the folder where a binary is located
def-env which-cd [program] {
let dir = (which $program | get path | path dirname | str trim)
cd $dir.0
#push to git
def git-push [m: string] {
git add -A
git status
git commit -am $"($m)"
git push origin main
#get help for custom commands
def "help my-commands" [] {
help commands | where is_custom == true
#web search in terminal (requires ddgr)
def gg [ string] {
ddgr -n 5 ($search | str collect ' ')
#habitipy dailies done all (requires habitipy)
def hab-dailies-done [] {
let to_do = (habitipy dailies | grep ✖ | awk {print $1} | tr '.\n' ' ' | split row ' ' | into int)
habitipy dailies done $to_do
#update aliases backup file from
def update-aliases [] {
let nlines = (open $nu.config-path | lines | length)
let from = ((grep "## aliases" $nu.config-path -n | split row ':').0 | into int)
open $nu.config-path | lines | last ($nlines - $from + 1) | save /path/to/backup/
#update from aliases backup
def update-config [] {
let from = ((grep "## aliases" $nu.config-path -n | split row ':').0 | into int)
let aliases = "/path/to/backup/"
open $nu.config-path | lines | first ($from - 1) | append (open $aliases | lines) | save
mv $nu.config-path
#countdown alarm (requires termdown y mpv)
def countdown [
n: int # time in seconds
] {
let BEEP = "/path/to/sound/file"
let muted = (pacmd list-sinks | awk '/muted/ { print $2 }' | tr '\n' ' ' | split row ' ' | last)
if $muted == 'no' {
termdown $n;mpv --no-terminal $BEEP
} else {
termdown $n
mpv --no-terminal $BEEP
#get aliases
def get-aliases [] {
open $nu.config-path | lines | find alias | find -v aliases | split column '=' | select column1 column2 | rename Alias Command | update Alias {|f| $f.Alias | split row ' ' | last} | sort-by Alias
#compress every subfolder into separate files and delete them
def 7zfolders [] {
^find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -print0 | parallel -0 --eta 7z a -t7z -sdel -bso0 -bsp0 -m0=lzma2 -mx=9 -ms=on -mmt=on {}.7z {}
#compress to 7z using max compression
def 7zmax [
filename: string #filename without extension string #files to compress and extra flags for 7z (add flags between quotes)
# Example:
# compress all files in current directory and delete them
# 7zmax * "-sdel"
] {
if ($rest | empty?) {
echo "no files to compress specified"
} else {
7z a -t7z -m0=lzma2 -mx=9 -ms=on -mmt=on $"($filename).7z" $rest
#add event to google calendar, also usable without arguments (requires gcalcli)
def addtogcal [
calendar? #to which calendar add event
title? #event title
when? #date: yyyy.MM.dd hh:mm
where? #location
duration? #duration in minutes
] {
let calendar = if $calendar == null {echo $"calendar: ";input } else {$calendar}
let title = if $title == null {echo $"\ntitle: ";input } else {$title}
let when = if $when == null {echo $"\nwhen: ";input } else {$when}
let where = if $where == null {echo $"\nwhere: ";input } else {$where}
let duration = if $duration == null {echo $"\nduration: ";input } else {$duration}
gcalcli --calendar $"($calendar)" add --title $"($title)" --when $"($when)" --where $"($where)" --duration $"($duration)" --default-reminders
#show gcal agenda in selected calendars
def agenda [
--full: int #show all calendars (default: 0) #extra flags for gcalcli between quotes (specified full needed)
# Examples
# agenda
# agenda --full true
# agenda "--details=all"
# agenda --full true "--details=all"
] {
let calendars = "your_selected_calendars"
let calendars_full = "most_calendars"
if ($full | empty?) || ($full == 0) {
gcalcli --calendar $"($calendars)" agenda --military $rest
} else {
gcalcli --calendar $"($calendars_full)" agenda --military $rest
#show gcal week in selected calendards
def semana [
--full: int #show all calendars (default: 0) #extra flags for gcalcli between quotes (specified full needed)
# Examples
# semana
# semana --full true
# semana "--details=all"
# semana --full true "--details=all"
] {
let calendars = "your_selected_calendars"
let calendars_full = "most_calendars"
if ($full | empty?) || ($full == 0) {
gcalcli --calendar $"($calendars)" calw $rest --military --monday
} else {
gcalcli --calendar $"($calendars_full)" calw $rest --military --monday
#show gcal month in selected calendards
def mes [
--full: int #show all calendars (default: 0) #extra flags for gcalcli between quotes (specified full needed)
# Examples
# mes
# mes --full true
# mes "--details=all"
# mes --full true "--details=all"
] {
let calendars = "your_selected_calendars"
let calendars_full = "most_calendars"
if ($full | empty?) || ($full == 0) {
gcalcli --calendar $"($calendars)" calm $rest --military --monday
} else {
gcalcli --calendar $"($calendars_full)" calm $rest --military --monday
#get bitly short link (requires xclip)
def mbitly [longurl] {
if ($longurl | empty?) {
echo "no url provided"
} else {
let Accesstoken = "Token"
let username = "user"
let url = $"$Accesstoken)&login=($username)&longUrl=($longurl)"
let shorturl = (fetch $url | get data | get url)
$shorturl | xclip -sel clip
#translate text using mymemmory api
def trans [ #search query]
--from:string #from which language you are translating (default english)
--to:string #to which language you are translating (default spanish)
#Use ISO standar names for the languages, for example:
#english: en-US
#spanish: es-ES
#italian: it-IT
#swedish: sv-SV
#More in:
] {
if ($search | empty?) {
echo "no search query provided"
} else {
let key = "api_kei"
let user = "user_email"
let from = if ($from | empty?) {"en-US"} else {$from}
let to = if ($to | empty?) {"es-ES"} else {$to}
let to_translate = ($search | str collect "%20")
let url = $"$to_translate)&langpair=($from)%7C($to)&of=json&key=($key)&de=($user)"
fetch $url | get responseData | get translatedText
#check if drive is mounted
def is-mounted [drive:string] {
let count = (ls "~/media" | find $"($drive)" | length)
if $count == 0 {
} else {
#get phone number from google contacts (requires goobook)
def get-phone-number [search:string] {
goobook dquery $search | from ssv | rename results | where results =~ '(?P<plus>\+)(?P<nums>\d+)'
#ping with plot (requires ttyplot)
def nu-png-plot [] {
bash -c "ping | sed -u 's/^.*time=//g; s/ ms//g' | ttyplot -t \'ping to\' -u ms"
#plot download-upload speed (requires ttyplot and fast-cli)
def nu-downup-plot [] {
bash -c "fast --single-line --upload | stdbuf -o0 awk '{print $2 \" \" $6}' | ttyplot -2 -t 'Download/Upload speed' -u Mbps"
#plot data table using gnuplot
def gnu-plot [
data? #1 or 2 column table
--title:string #title
#Example: If $x is a table with 2 columns
#$x | gnu-plot
#($x | column 0) | gnu-plot
#($x | column 1) | gnu-plot
#($x | column 0) | gnu-plot --title "My Title"
#gnu-plot $x --title "My Title"
] {
let x = if ($data | empty?) {$in} else {$data}
let n_cols = ($x | transpose | length)
let name_cols = ($x | transpose | column2 0)
let ylabel = if $n_cols == 1 {$name_cols | get 0} else {$name_cols | get 1}
let xlabel = if $n_cols == 1 {""} else {$name_cols | get 0}
let title = if ($title | empty?) {if $n_cols == 1 {$ylabel | str upcase} else {$"($ylabel) vs ($xlabel)"}} else {$title}
$x | to tsv | save data0.txt
sed 1d data0.txt | save data.txt
gnuplot -e $"set terminal dumb; unset key;set title '($title)';plot 'data.txt' w l lt 0;"
rm data*.txt | ignore
# date string YYYY-MM-DD
def ymd [] {
(date now | date format %Y-%m-%d)
# date string DD-MM-YYYY
def dmy [] {
(date now | date format %d-%m-%Y)
# create directory and cd into it.
def-env md [dir] {
mkdir $dir
cd $dir
# Fuzzy finds a value in a newline-separated-string or a list, using an
# optional preview. If the string or the list contains only one item,
# it is returned immediately.
# Requires the external binary 'skim'.
# Examples:
# > "a\nb\n" | skim
# > ls | get name | skim --preview 'ls --color {}'
def skim [
--preview (-p) = '' # command to use for the sk preview
] {
let lst = $in
let type = ($lst | describe)
let s = (if ($type | str starts-with 'list<') {
$lst | str collect (char nl)
} else if ($type == 'string') {
if ($s | empty?) {
} else {
if ($preview | empty? ) {
| sk
--layout reverse
--preview-window down:65%
| str trim)
} else {
| sk
--layout reverse
--preview-window down:65%
--preview $preview
| str trim)
# Group list values that match the next-group regex.
# This function is a useful helper to quick and dirty parse data
# that contains line-wise a 'header', followed by a variable number
# of data entries. The return value is a table of header-keys with
# a list of values in the second column. Values before a header-key
# and header-keys without values are ignored.
# Example:
# [id_a 1 2 id_b 3] | group-list '^id_'
def group-list [
regex # on match, a new group is created
] {
let lst = $in
def make-group [v, buf, ret, key] {
let new_group = ($'($v)' =~ $regex)
if $new_group {
let is_key = (not ($key | empty?))
let is_buf = (not ($buf | empty?))
if ($is_buf && $is_key) {
let ret = ($ret | append {key: $key, values: $buf})
{buf: [], ret: $ret, key: $v}
} else {
{buf: [], ret: $ret, key: $v}
} else {
let buf = ($buf | append $v)
{buf: $buf, ret: $ret, key: $key}
def loop [lst, buf=[], ret=[], key=''] {
if ($lst | empty?) {
{ret: $ret, buf: $buf, key: $key}
} else {
let v = ($lst | first)
let obj = (make-group $v $buf $ret $key)
let rest = ($lst | skip)
loop $rest $obj.buf $obj.ret $obj.key
let obj = (loop $lst)
let ret = $obj.ret
let buf = $obj.buf
let key = $obj.key
let is_key = (not ($key | empty?))
let is_buf = (not ($buf | empty?))
if ($is_buf && $is_key) {
$ret | append {key: $key, values: $buf}
} else {