package main import ( "fmt" "io/fs" "path/filepath" "strings" log "" "" "" ) func setUpPinnedFlowBox() *gtk.FlowBox { if pinnedFlowBox != nil { pinnedFlowBox.Destroy() } flowBox, _ := gtk.FlowBoxNew() if uint(len(pinned)) >= *columnsNumber { flowBox.SetMaxChildrenPerLine(*columnsNumber) } else if len(pinned) > 0 { flowBox.SetMaxChildrenPerLine(uint(len(pinned))) } flowBox.SetColumnSpacing(*itemSpacing) flowBox.SetRowSpacing(*itemSpacing) flowBox.SetHomogeneous(true) flowBox.SetProperty("name", "pinned-box") flowBox.SetSelectionMode(gtk.SELECTION_NONE) if len(pinned) > 0 { for _, desktopID := range pinned { entry := id2entry[desktopID] if entry.DesktopID == "" { log.Debugf("Pinned item doesn't seem to exist: %s", desktopID) continue } btn, _ := gtk.ButtonNew() var img *gtk.Image if entry.Icon != "" { pixbuf, _ := createPixbuf(entry.Icon, *iconSize) img, _ = gtk.ImageNewFromPixbuf(pixbuf) } else { img, _ = gtk.ImageNewFromIconName("image-missing", gtk.ICON_SIZE_INVALID) } btn.SetImage(img) btn.SetAlwaysShowImage(true) btn.SetImagePosition(gtk.POS_TOP) name := "" if entry.NameLoc != "" { name = entry.NameLoc } else { name = entry.Name } if len(name) > 20 { r := substring(name, 0, 17) name = fmt.Sprintf("%s…", string(r)) } btn.SetLabel(name) btn.Connect("button-release-event", func(row *gtk.Button, e *gdk.Event) bool { btnEvent := gdk.EventButtonNewFromEvent(e) if btnEvent.Button() == 1 { launch(entry.Exec, entry.Terminal) return true } else if btnEvent.Button() == 3 { unpinItem(entry.DesktopID) return true } return false }) btn.Connect("activate", func() { launch(entry.Exec, entry.Terminal) }) btn.Connect("enter-notify-event", func() { statusLabel.SetText(entry.CommentLoc) }) btn.Connect("focus-in-event", func() { statusLabel.SetText(entry.CommentLoc) }) flowBox.Add(btn) } pinnedFlowBoxWrapper.PackStart(flowBox, true, false, 0) //While moving focus with arrow keys we want buttons to get focus directly flowBox.GetChildren().Foreach(func(item interface{}) { item.(*gtk.Widget).SetCanFocus(false) }) } flowBox.ShowAll() return flowBox } func setUpCategoriesButtonBox() *gtk.EventBox { lists := map[string][]string{ "utility": listUtility, "development": listDevelopment, "game": listGame, "graphics": listGraphics, "internet-and-network": listInternetAndNetwork, "office": listOffice, "audio-video": listAudioVideo, "system-tools": listSystemTools, "other": listOther, } eventBox, _ := gtk.EventBoxNew() hBox, _ := gtk.BoxNew(gtk.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0) eventBox.Add(hBox) button, _ := gtk.ButtonNewWithLabel("All") button.SetProperty("name", "category-button") button.Connect("clicked", func(item *gtk.Button) { searchEntry.SetText("") appFlowBox = setUpAppsFlowBox(nil, "") for _, btn := range catButtons { btn.SetImagePosition(gtk.POS_LEFT) btn.SetSizeRequest(0, 0) } }) hBox.PackStart(button, false, false, 0) for _, cat := range categories { if isSupposedToShowUp(cat.Name) { button, _ = gtk.ButtonNewFromIconName(cat.Icon, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) button.SetProperty("name", "category-button") catButtons = append(catButtons, button) button.SetLabel(cat.DisplayName) button.SetAlwaysShowImage(true) hBox.PackStart(button, false, false, 0) name := cat.Name b := *button button.Connect("clicked", func(item *gtk.Button) { searchEntry.SetText("") // !!! since gotk3 FlowBox type does not implement set_filter_func, we need to rebuild appFlowBox appFlowBox = setUpAppsFlowBox(lists[name], "") for _, btn := range catButtons { btn.SetImagePosition(gtk.POS_LEFT) } w := b.GetAllocatedWidth() b.SetImagePosition(gtk.POS_TOP) b.SetSizeRequest(w, 0) if fileSearchResultWrapper != nil { fileSearchResultWrapper.Hide() } }) } } return eventBox } func isSupposedToShowUp(catName string) bool { result := catName == "utility" && notEmpty(listUtility) || catName == "development" && notEmpty(listDevelopment) || catName == "game" && notEmpty(listGame) || catName == "graphics" && notEmpty(listGraphics) || catName == "internet-and-network" && notEmpty(listInternetAndNetwork) || catName == "office" && notEmpty(listOffice) || catName == "audio-video" && notEmpty(listAudioVideo) || catName == "system-tools" && notEmpty(listSystemTools) || catName == "other" && notEmpty(listOther) return result } func notEmpty(listCategory []string) bool { if len(listCategory) == 0 { return false } for _, desktopID := range listCategory { entry := id2entry[desktopID] if !entry.NoDisplay { return true } } return false } func setUpAppsFlowBox(categoryList []string, searchPhrase string) *gtk.FlowBox { if appFlowBox != nil { appFlowBox.Destroy() } flowBox, _ := gtk.FlowBoxNew() flowBox.SetMinChildrenPerLine(*columnsNumber) flowBox.SetMaxChildrenPerLine(*columnsNumber) flowBox.SetColumnSpacing(*itemSpacing) flowBox.SetRowSpacing(*itemSpacing) flowBox.SetHomogeneous(true) flowBox.SetSelectionMode(gtk.SELECTION_NONE) for _, entry := range desktopEntries { if searchPhrase == "" { if !entry.NoDisplay { if categoryList != nil { if isIn(categoryList, entry.DesktopID) { button := flowBoxButton(entry) flowBox.Add(button) } } else { button := flowBoxButton(entry) flowBox.Add(button) } } } else { if !entry.NoDisplay && (strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(entry.NameLoc), strings.ToLower(searchPhrase)) || strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(entry.CommentLoc), strings.ToLower(searchPhrase)) || strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(entry.Comment), strings.ToLower(searchPhrase)) || strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(entry.Exec), strings.ToLower(searchPhrase))) { button := flowBoxButton(entry) flowBox.Add(button) } } } hWrapper, _ := gtk.BoxNew(gtk.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0) appSearchResultWrapper.PackStart(hWrapper, false, false, 0) hWrapper.PackStart(flowBox, true, false, 0) // While moving focus with arrow keys we want buttons to get focus directly flowBox.GetChildren().Foreach(func(item interface{}) { item.(*gtk.Widget).SetCanFocus(false) }) resultWindow.ShowAll() return flowBox } func flowBoxButton(entry desktopEntry) *gtk.Button { button, _ := gtk.ButtonNew() button.SetAlwaysShowImage(true) var pixbuf *gdk.Pixbuf var img *gtk.Image var err error if entry.Icon != "" { pixbuf, err = createPixbuf(entry.Icon, *iconSize) } else { log.Warnf("Undefined icon for %s", entry.Name) pixbuf, err = createPixbuf("image-missing", *iconSize) } if err != nil { pixbuf, _ = createPixbuf("unknown", *iconSize) } img, _ = gtk.ImageNewFromPixbuf(pixbuf) button.SetImage(img) button.SetImagePosition(gtk.POS_TOP) name := entry.NameLoc if len(name) > 20 { r := substring(name, 0, 17) name = fmt.Sprintf("%s…", string(r)) } button.SetLabel(name) ID := entry.DesktopID exec := entry.Exec terminal := entry.Terminal desc := entry.CommentLoc if len(desc) > 120 { r := substring(desc, 0, 117) desc = fmt.Sprintf("%s…", string(r)) } button.Connect("button-press-event", func() { // if not scrolled from now on, we will allow launching apps on button-release-event beenScrolled = false }) button.Connect("button-release-event", func(btn *gtk.Button, e *gdk.Event) bool { btnEvent := gdk.EventButtonNewFromEvent(e) if btnEvent.Button() == 1 { if !beenScrolled { launch(exec, terminal) return true } } else if btnEvent.Button() == 3 { pinItem(ID) return true } return false }) button.Connect("activate", func() { launch(exec, terminal) }) button.Connect("enter-notify-event", func() { statusLabel.SetText(desc) }) button.Connect("leave-notify-event", func() { statusLabel.SetText("") }) button.Connect("focus-in-event", func() { statusLabel.SetText(desc) }) return button } func powerButton(iconPath, command string) *gtk.Button { button, _ := gtk.ButtonNew() button.SetAlwaysShowImage(true) var pixbuf *gdk.Pixbuf var img *gtk.Image var err error pixbuf, err = gdk.PixbufNewFromFileAtSize(iconPath, *pbSize, *pbSize) if err != nil { pixbuf, _ = createPixbuf("unknown", *pbSize) log.Warnf("Couldn't find icon %s", iconPath) } img, _ = gtk.ImageNewFromPixbuf(pixbuf) button.SetImage(img) button.SetImagePosition(gtk.POS_TOP) button.Connect("button-release-event", func(btn *gtk.Button, e *gdk.Event) bool { btnEvent := gdk.EventButtonNewFromEvent(e) if btnEvent.Button() == 1 { launch(command, false) return true } return false }) button.Connect("activate", func() { launch(command, false) }) button.Connect("enter-notify-event", func() { statusLabel.SetText(command) }) button.Connect("leave-notify-event", func() { statusLabel.SetText("") }) button.Connect("focus-in-event", func() { statusLabel.SetText(command) }) return button } func setUpFileSearchResultContainer() *gtk.FlowBox { if fileSearchResultFlowBox != nil { fileSearchResultFlowBox.Destroy() } flowBox, _ := gtk.FlowBoxNew() flowBox.SetProperty("orientation", gtk.ORIENTATION_VERTICAL) fileSearchResultWrapper.PackStart(flowBox, false, false, 10) return flowBox } func walk(path string, d fs.DirEntry, e error) error { if e != nil { return e } // don't search leading part of the path, as e.g. '/home/user/Pictures' toSearch := strings.Split(path, ignore)[1] // Remaing part of the path (w/o file name) must be checked against being present in excluded dirs doSearch := true parts := strings.Split(toSearch, "/") remainingPart := "" if len(parts) > 1 { remainingPart = strings.Join(parts[:len(parts)-1], "/") } if remainingPart != "" && isExcluded(remainingPart) { doSearch = false } if doSearch && strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(toSearch), strings.ToLower(phrase)) { // mark directories if d.IsDir() { fileSearchResults = append(fileSearchResults, fmt.Sprintf("#is_dir#%s", path)) } else { fileSearchResults = append(fileSearchResults, path) } } return nil } func setUpSearchEntry() *gtk.SearchEntry { searchEntry, _ := gtk.SearchEntryNew() searchEntry.SetPlaceholderText("Type to search") /*searchEntry.Connect("enter-notify-event", func() { cancelClose() })*/ searchEntry.Connect("search-changed", func() { for _, btn := range catButtons { btn.SetImagePosition(gtk.POS_LEFT) btn.SetSizeRequest(0, 0) } phrase, _ = searchEntry.GetText() if len(phrase) > 0 { // search apps appFlowBox = setUpAppsFlowBox(nil, phrase) // search files if !*noFS && len(phrase) > 2 { if fileSearchResultFlowBox != nil { fileSearchResultFlowBox.Destroy() } fileSearchResultFlowBox = setUpFileSearchResultContainer() for key := range userDirsMap { if key != "home" { fileSearchResults = nil searchUserDir(key) } } if fileSearchResultFlowBox.GetChildren().Length() == 0 { fileSearchResultWrapper.Hide() statusLabel.SetText("0 results") } } else { // search phrase too short if fileSearchResultFlowBox != nil { fileSearchResultFlowBox.Destroy() } if fileSearchResultWrapper != nil { fileSearchResultWrapper.Hide() } } // focus 1st search result #17 var w *gtk.Widget if appFlowBox != nil { b := appFlowBox.GetChildAtIndex(0) if b != nil { button, err := b.GetChild() if err == nil { button.ToWidget().GrabFocus() w = button.ToWidget() } } } if w == nil && fileSearchResultFlowBox != nil { f := fileSearchResultFlowBox.GetChildAtIndex(0) if f != nil { button, err := f.GetChild() if err == nil { button.ToWidget().SetCanFocus(true) button.ToWidget().GrabFocus() } } } } else { // clear search results appFlowBox = setUpAppsFlowBox(nil, "") if fileSearchResultFlowBox != nil { fileSearchResultFlowBox.Destroy() } if fileSearchResultWrapper != nil { fileSearchResultWrapper.Hide() } } }) return searchEntry } func isExcluded(dir string) bool { for _, exclusion := range exclusions { if strings.Contains(dir, exclusion) { return true } } return false } func searchUserDir(dir string) { fileSearchResults = nil ignore = userDirsMap[dir] filepath.WalkDir(userDirsMap[dir], walk) if len(fileSearchResults) > 0 { btn := setUpUserDirButton(fmt.Sprintf("folder-%s", dir), "", dir, userDirsMap) fileSearchResultFlowBox.Add(btn) for _, path := range fileSearchResults { log.Debugf("Path: %s", path) partOfPathToShow := strings.Split(path, userDirsMap[dir])[1] if partOfPathToShow != "" { if !(strings.HasPrefix(path, "#is_dir#") && isExcluded(path)) { btn := setUpUserFileSearchResultButton(partOfPathToShow, path) fileSearchResultFlowBox.Add(btn) } } } fileSearchResultFlowBox.Hide() statusLabel.SetText(fmt.Sprintf("%v results | LMB: xdg-open | RMB: file manager", fileSearchResultFlowBox.GetChildren().Length())) num := uint(fileSearchResultFlowBox.GetChildren().Length() / *fsColumns) fileSearchResultFlowBox.SetMinChildrenPerLine(num + 1) fileSearchResultFlowBox.SetMaxChildrenPerLine(num + 1) //While moving focus with arrow keys we want buttons to get focus directly fileSearchResultFlowBox.GetChildren().Foreach(func(item interface{}) { item.(*gtk.Widget).SetCanFocus(false) }) fileSearchResultFlowBox.ShowAll() } } func setUpUserDirButton(iconName, displayName, entryName string, userDirsMap map[string]string) *gtk.Box { if displayName == "" { parts := strings.Split(userDirsMap[entryName], "/") displayName = parts[(len(parts) - 1)] } box, _ := gtk.BoxNew(gtk.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0) button, _ := gtk.ButtonNew() button.SetAlwaysShowImage(true) img, _ := gtk.ImageNewFromIconName(iconName, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) button.SetImage(img) if len(displayName) > *nameLimit { displayName = fmt.Sprintf("%s…", displayName[:*nameLimit-3]) } button.SetLabel(displayName) button.Connect("button-release-event", func(btn *gtk.Button, e *gdk.Event) bool { btnEvent := gdk.EventButtonNewFromEvent(e) if btnEvent.Button() == 1 { open(userDirsMap[entryName], true) return true } else if btnEvent.Button() == 3 { open(userDirsMap[entryName], false) return true } return false }) box.PackStart(button, false, true, 0) return box } func setUpUserFileSearchResultButton(fileName, filePath string) *gtk.Box { box, _ := gtk.BoxNew(gtk.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0) button, _ := gtk.ButtonNew() // in the walk function we've marked directories with the '#is_dir#' prefix if strings.HasPrefix(filePath, "#is_dir#") { filePath = filePath[8:] img, _ := gtk.ImageNewFromIconName("folder", gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) button.SetAlwaysShowImage(true) button.SetImage(img) } tooltipText := "" if len(fileName) > *nameLimit { tooltipText = fileName fileName = fmt.Sprintf("%s…", fileName[:*nameLimit-3]) } button.SetLabel(fileName) if tooltipText != "" { button.SetTooltipText(tooltipText) } button.Connect("button-release-event", func(btn *gtk.Button, e *gdk.Event) bool { btnEvent := gdk.EventButtonNewFromEvent(e) if btnEvent.Button() == 1 { open(filePath, true) return true } else if btnEvent.Button() == 3 { open(filePath, false) return true } return false }) button.Connect("activate", func() { open(filePath, true) }) box.PackStart(button, false, true, 0) return box }