2021-08-31 06:33:04 -04:00

54 lines
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package main
import (
var result desktopEntry
func BenchmarkDesktopEntryParser(b *testing.B) {
var entry desktopEntry
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
entry, _ = parseDesktopEntryFile("id", "./desktop-directories/game.directory")
result = entry
func TestWhitespaceHandling(t *testing.T) {
const whitespace = `[Desktop Entry]
Categories = Debugger; Development; Git; IDE; Programming; TextEditor;
Comment = Editor for building and debugging modern web and cloud applications
Exec = bash -c "code-insiders ~/Workspaces/Linux/Flutter.code-workspace"
GenericName = Text Editor
Icon = vscode-flutter
Keywords = editor; IDE; plaintext; text; write;
MimeType = application/x-shellscript; inode/directory; text/english; text/plain; text/x-c; text/x-c++; text/x-c++hdr; text/x-c++src; text/x-chdr; text/x-csrc; text/x-java; text/x-makefile; text/x-moc; text/x-pascal; text/x-tcl; text/x-tex;
Name = VSCode Insiders with Flutter
Name[pt] = VSCode Insiders com Flutter
StartupNotify = true
StartupWMClass = code - insiders
Terminal = false
NoDisplay = false
Type = Application
Version = 1.0`
*lang = "pt"
entry, err := parseDesktopEntry("id", strings.NewReader(whitespace))
if err != nil {
if entry.Name != "VSCode Insiders with Flutter" {
t.Error("failed to parse desktop entry name")
if entry.NameLoc != "VSCode Insiders com Flutter" {
t.Error("failed to parse localized name")
if entry.NoDisplay {
t.Error("failed to parse desktop entry no display")