improve version comparison

This commit is contained in:
nwg-piotr 2022-05-06 16:14:58 +02:00
parent b44369184e
commit 39f8766bc8

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@ -25,18 +25,34 @@ def save_json(src_dict, path):
json.dump(src_dict, f, indent=2)
def ver2int(ver):
def is_newer(string_new, string_existing):
Simple conversion for Semantic Versioning 2.0 string to integer, e.g. '0.2.1' to 21
Valid for numbers 0-9 only!
:param ver: str
:return: int
Compares versions in format 'major.minor.patch' (just numbers allowed).
:param string_new: new version to compare with existing one
:param string_existing: existing version
:return: True if new is newer then existing
new = major_minor_path(string_new)
existing = major_minor_path(string_existing)
if new and existing:
if new[0] > existing[0]:
return True
elif new[1] > existing[1]:
return True
elif new[2] > existing[2]:
return True
return False
return False
def major_minor_path(string):
parts = string.split(".")
if len(parts) != 3:
return None
nums = ver.split(".")
if len(nums) != 3:
return None
return int(nums[0]) * 100 + int(nums[1]) * 10 + int(nums[2])
return int(parts[0]), int(parts[1]), int(parts[2])
return None
@ -56,16 +72,16 @@ def main():
# Shell versions that need to trigger upgrade
need_upgrade = ["0.2.0"]
last_upgrade = ver2int(shell_data["last-upgrade"])
ver = ver2int(__version__)
# last_upgrade = ver2int(shell_data["last-upgrade"])
# ver = ver2int(__version__)
if last_upgrade is not None and ver is not None:
if last_upgrade < ver and __version__ in need_upgrade:
if shell_data["last-upgrade"] and __version__:
if is_newer(__version__, shell_data["last-upgrade"]) and __version__ in need_upgrade:
print("Upgrade to {} needed. Run 'nwg-shell-installer -u'.".format(__version__))
'exec {}'.format("notify-send -i /usr/share/pixmaps/nwg-shell.svg 'nwg-shell v{} available' "
"'Run \"nwg-shell-installer -u\" in terminal.'".format(__version__)), shell=True)
print("Upgrade to {} needed. Run 'nwg-shell-installer -u'.".format(__version__))
print("No upgrade needed.")