#!/usr/bin/bash if [ "$(id -u)" == 0 ] ; then echo "Please don't run this script as root" exit 1 fi # Don't continue script if any error occurs. set -e function yes_or_no { while true; do read -r -p "$* [y/n]: " yn case $yn in [Yy]*) choice="Y" ; return 0 ;; [Nn]*) choice="n" ; return 1 ;; esac done } # wget https://raw.github.com/nwg-piotr/nwg-shell/main/install/arch-dev.sh && chmod u+x arch-dev.sh && ./arch-dev.sh && rm ./arch-dev.sh sudo pacman -S --noconfirm git man-db vi xdg-user-dirs echo Initializing XDG user directories xdg-user-dirs-update echo "Adding $USER to video group" sudo usermod -aG video $USER echo "Installing Basic AUR Package Helper" git clone https://bitbucket.org/natemaia/baph.git || { echo "Failed cloning baph: $?"; } cd baph || { echo "Couldn't setup baph, terminating..."; exit 1; } sudo make install echo echo "You're about to select components, that need to be preinstalled for the key bindings to work." echo "None of above is a shell dependency, and you're free to change them any time later." echo PS3="Select file manager: " select fm in thunar caja dolphin nautilus nemo pcmanfm; do break done echo PS3="Select text editor: " select editor in mousepad atom emacs gedit geany kate vim; do break done echo PS3="Select web browser: " select browser in chromium brave-bin google-chrome epiphany falkon firefox konqueror microsoft-edge-stable-bin midori opera qutebrowser seamonkey surf vivaldi; do break done echo echo "Installing selection: $fm $editor $browser" baph -inN $fm $editor $browser echo Installing nwg-shell baph -inN nwg-shell-git echo "Starting from v0.5.0, nwg-shell supports Hyprland Wayland compositor." yes_or_no "Install Hyprland?" if [ "$choice" == "Y" ] ; then echo "Installing Hyprland" baph -inN hyprland echo Installing initial configuration nwg-shell-installer -w -hypr else echo Installing initial configuration nwg-shell-installer -w fi