#!/usr/bin/bash if [ "$(id -u)" == 0 ] ; then echo "Please don't run this script as root" exit 1 fi # Don't continue script if any error occurs. set -e echo "Enabling nwg-shell Copr" sudo dnf copr enable -y tofik/nwg-shell echo echo "You're about to select components, that need to be preinstalled for the key bindings to work." echo "None of above is a shell dependency, and you're free to change them any time later." echo PS3="Select file manager: " select fm in thunar caja dolphin nautilus nemo pcmanfm; do break done echo PS3="Select text editor: " select editor in mousepad emacs gedit geany kate vim; do break done echo PS3="Select web browser: " select browser in chromium epiphany falkon firefox konqueror midori qutebrowser seamonkey surf; do break done echo echo "Installing selection: $fm $editor $browser" sudo dnf install -y $fm $editor $browser echo "Installing nwg-shell" sudo dnf install -y nwg-shell echo "Installing initial configuration" # Version in fedora does not support -w flag, so, implemented workaround echo y | nwg-shell-installer -a xdg-user-dirs-update