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synced 2024-12-01 18:24:18 +03:00
WIP rewrite
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@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
{-# language BlockArguments #-}
{-# language DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# language DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# language DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# language DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# language LambdaCase #-}
{-# language NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# language OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# language RecordWildCards #-}
{-# language TypeFamilies #-}
module Recursive where
import Data.Map.Strict ( Map )
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Functor.Base as Tree ( TreeF(..) )
import Algebra.Graph.AdjacencyMap
import Algebra.Graph.AdjacencyMap
import Algebra.Graph.AdjacencyMap.Algorithm
import Algebra.Graph.Export.Dot
import Control.Monad ( guard )
import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe )
import GHC.Generics ( Generic )
import Debug.Trace
import Data.List ( find )
import Data.Tree (Tree, Forest)
import qualified Data.Tree as Tree
import Data.Function ( (&) )
import Data.Text ( pack )
import Data.Bifunctor
import GHC.Data.FastString
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Foldable ( toList )
import GHC.Types.Name ( Name, nameStableString, isInternalName, nameUnique )
import GHC.Types.Name.Cache ( initNameCache, NameCache )
import GHC.Types.SrcLoc ( RealSrcSpan )
import GHC.Types.Unique.Supply ( mkSplitUniqSupply )
import Data.Functor.Foldable
import GHC.Iface.Ext.Binary
import GHC.Iface.Ext.Types hiding ( Identifier )
import Data.Set ( Set )
import GHC.Utils.Outputable ( ppr, showSDocUnsafe )
import Control.Monad.Omega
-- | This is the same as 'HieAST', but with recursion made explicit (it is the
-- pattern functor for 'HieAST').
data HieASTF a b = NodeF
{ sourcedNodeInfo :: SourcedNodeInfo a
, nodeSpan :: Span
, nodeChildren :: [b]
deriving stock (Functor, Generic)
type instance Base (HieAST a) = HieASTF a
instance Recursive (HieAST a) where
project Node{..} = NodeF{..}
encodeHieAST :: HieAST a -> Value
encodeHieAST = cata \NodeF{ sourcedNodeInfo, nodeSpan, nodeChildren } ->
info = object $ map (uncurry originInfo) $ Map.toList $ getSourcedNodeInfo sourcedNodeInfo
originInfo SourceInfo nodeInfo = "source" .= encodeNodeInfo nodeInfo
originInfo GeneratedInfo nodeInfo = "generated" .= encodeNodeInfo nodeInfo
encodeNodeInfo NodeInfo{ nodeAnnotations, nodeIdentifiers } = object
[ "annotations" .= foldMap ((:[]) . bimap (pack . unpackFS) unpackFS) nodeAnnotations
, "identifiers" .= identifiers
identifiers = object $ foldMap (pure . uncurry identifier) $ Map.toList nodeIdentifiers
identifier (Left moduleName) details = pack (showSDocUnsafe (ppr moduleName)) .= encodeDetails details
identifier (Right name) details = pack (nameStableString name) .= encodeDetails details
encodeDetails IdentifierDetails{ identInfo } = identInfo & foldMap \contextInfo ->
[ showSDocUnsafe (ppr contextInfo) ]
[ "span" .= showSDocUnsafe (ppr nodeSpan)
, "children" .= nodeChildren
, "info" .= info
data Declaration = Declaration
{ declType :: String
, name :: Name
, uses :: [Name]
, span :: RealSrcSpan
deriving stock Show
instance Show Name where
show name = nameStableString name <> "(" <> show (nameUnique name) <> ")"
data Identifier = Identifier
{ identifierName :: Name
, contextInfo :: Set ContextInfo
, origin :: NodeOrigin
instance Show Identifier where
show = show . identifierName
identifiers :: SourcedNodeInfo a -> [Identifier]
identifiers sourcedNodeInfo = Map.lookup SourceInfo (getSourcedNodeInfo sourcedNodeInfo) & foldMap \(NodeInfo{ nodeIdentifiers }) ->
Map.toList nodeIdentifiers & foldMap \(identifier, IdentifierDetails{ identInfo }) ->
case identifier of
Left {} -> mempty
Right name
-- | isInternalName name -> mempty
| otherwise -> pure Identifier
{ identifierName = name
, contextInfo = identInfo
, origin = SourceInfo
-- | Convert a HieAST into a forest of Weeder AST nodes and a tree of names.
toASTs :: HieAST a -> NodeAnalysis
toASTs ast = cata analyseNode ast initialAnalysisState
type Algebra f a = f a -> a
data NodeAnalysis = NodeAnalysis
{ -- | A 'Forest' of 'Declaration's under this node. We use a 'Forest'
-- because most nodes don't define declarations at all.
nodeDeclarations :: Forest Declaration
, -- | All 'Identifier's a given 'HieAST' node uses, include transitive uses.
nodeUses :: [Name]
, -- | All 'Identifier's a given 'HieAST' node declares, include transitive uses.
nodeDeclares :: [Name]
deriving stock Show
data NameInfo = NameInfo RealSrcSpan
deriving stock Show
-- | As we walk a HieAST tree, we will move into different contexts, which
-- changes the type of analysis we need to do.
data AnalysisMode
= -- | We're at the top-level of analysis
| -- | We've entered a @module@ declaration
| -- | We've entered a @data@ or @newtype@ declaration
| -- | We've entered a constructor declaration in a data type
| -- | We've entered some type of binding
| -- | We've entered some type of binding from within another binding
| -- | We've entered a type class instance declaration
| -- | We've entered the @deriving@ clauses of a data type
| -- | We've entered a @type@ declaration
| -- | We've entered a type signature
deriving stock Show
data AnalysisState = AnalysisState
{ uses :: [Name] -- ^ All identifiers currently being referred to
, mode :: AnalysisMode -- ^ The current mode of analysis
initialAnalysisState :: AnalysisState
initialAnalysisState = AnalysisState
{ uses = []
, mode = AnalysingTop
analyseNode :: Algebra (HieASTF a) (AnalysisState -> NodeAnalysis)
analyseNode node@NodeF{ sourcedNodeInfo, nodeChildren, nodeSpan } analysisState =
case declarations of
[] ->
-- This node doesn't declare anything, so inherit any declarations from
-- child nodes, and bubble up uses and declarations.
{ nodeDeclarations = childDeclarations
, nodeUses = transitiveUses
, nodeDeclares = transitiveDeclares
xs ->
-- This node declares new names, so return a new forest. Each
-- declaration begins a new tree, whose children are all declarations
-- in nodes below this node.
{ nodeDeclarations = xs
, nodeUses = []
, nodeDeclares = []
| node `hasAnnotation` ((== "DataDecl") . fst) = Just AnalysingData
| node `hasAnnotation` ((== "ConDecl") . snd) = Just AnalysingConstructor
| node `hasAnnotation` (== ("FunBind", "HsBindLR")) = case mode analysisState of
AnalysingBind -> Just AnalysingNestedBind
AnalysingInstance -> Nothing
AnalysingNestedBind -> Nothing
_ -> Just AnalysingBind
| node `hasAnnotation` (== ("ClsInstD","InstDecl")) = Just AnalysingInstance
| node `hasAnnotation` (== ("HsDerivingClause","HsDerivingClause")) = Just AnalysingInstance
| node `hasAnnotation` (== ("SynDecl","TyClDecl")) = Just AnalysingTypeAlias
| node `hasAnnotation` (== ("Module","Module")) = Just AnalysingModule
| node `hasAnnotation` (== ("TypeSig","Sig")) =
case mode analysisState of
AnalysingBind -> Nothing
_ -> Just AnalysingTypeSignature
| otherwise = Nothing
beginsDeclaration = maybe False (const True) newMode
mode' = fromMaybe (mode analysisState) newMode
analysisState' = analysisState
{ mode = mode'
, uses = transitiveUses
nodeChildren' = map (\f -> f analysisState') nodeChildren
childDeclarations = concatMap nodeDeclarations nodeChildren'
identifiersHere = identifiers sourcedNodeInfo
declarations =
case mode' of
AnalysingModule ->
-- If we're analysing the module as a whole, we need to be on the
-- look out for dictionary declarations.
[ evidenceBindings & map \(name, uses) -> pure Declaration
{ name, uses
, declType = "ModuleEvidence"
, span = nodeSpan
, childDeclarations
_ ->
case newMode of
Just _ -> transitiveDeclares & map \name -> Tree.Node
{ rootLabel = Declaration
{ name
, declType = show mode'
, uses = transitiveUses
, span = nodeSpan
, subForest = childDeclarations
Nothing -> []
transitiveUses :: [Name]
transitiveUses = ourUses ++ concatMap nodeUses nodeChildren'
ourUses = do
Identifier{ identifierName, contextInfo } <- identifiersHere
guard do
contextInfo & any \case
Use -> True
EvidenceVarUse -> True
_ -> False
return identifierName
transitiveDeclares :: [Name]
transitiveDeclares = declaredNames ++ concatMap nodeDeclares nodeChildren'
evidenceBindings = identifiersHere & foldMap \Identifier{ identifierName, contextInfo } ->
contextInfo & foldMap \case
EvidenceVarBind (EvLetBind (EvBindDeps deps)) _ _ -> [(identifierName, deps)]
_ -> mempty
declaredNames = do
Identifier{ identifierName, contextInfo } <- identifiersHere
guard do
contextInfo & any
case mode' of
AnalysingNestedBind -> \_ ->
-- We never try and find declarations within nested binds, as they
-- aren't reachable from outside the top-level binding. This means we
-- skip declaring where- and let-bound variables.
AnalysingInstance -> \case
-- If we're analysing an instance declaration, we're only interested
-- in 'EvidenceVarBind' identifiers, as these name the instance
-- dictionary. Nothing in a type class instance can really be "dead",
-- so there's no need to find these declarations.
EvidenceVarBind _ ModuleScope _ -> True
_ -> False
AnalysingDeriving -> \case
-- Find any instance declarations from deriving clauses.
EvidenceVarBind _ ModuleScope _ -> True
_ -> False
AnalysingData -> \case
-- If we're analysing a data declaration, we need to find the name of
-- the type being declared.
Decl DataDec _ -> True
_ -> False
AnalysingTypeAlias -> \case
-- If we're analysing a data declaration, we need to find the name of
-- the type being declared.
Decl SynDec _ -> True
_ -> False
AnalysingBind -> \case
MatchBind -> True
RecField RecFieldDecl _ -> True
_ -> False
AnalysingConstructor -> \case
Decl ConDec _ -> True
_ -> False
AnalysingModule -> \case
-- In module analysis, we need to find evidence bindings. These are
-- essentially the imports of type class instances from other
-- modules.
EvidenceVarBind _ ModuleScope _ -> True
_ -> False
AnalysingTypeSignature -> \case
TyDecl -> True
_ -> False
return identifierName
dependencyGraph :: NodeAnalysis -> AdjacencyMap Name
dependencyGraph NodeAnalysis{ nodeDeclarations } = overlays do
declarationTree <- nodeDeclarations
return $ cata go declarationTree
-- onlyDeclarations g = g >>= \name -> name <$ guard (Set.member name declNames)
declNames = foldMap (foldMap (\Declaration{ name } -> Set.singleton name)) nodeDeclarations
go (Tree.NodeF Declaration{ name, uses } subgraphs) =
connect declarationGraph (overlays subgraphs)
declarationGraph =
overlay (vertex name) $ overlays do
use <- uses
return $ edge name use
hasAnnotation :: HieASTF a b -> ((FastString, FastString) -> Bool) -> Bool
hasAnnotation NodeF{ sourcedNodeInfo } f =
getSourcedNodeInfo sourcedNodeInfo & any \NodeInfo{ nodeAnnotations } ->
any f nodeAnnotations
loadHie :: FilePath -> IO [HieAST TypeIndex]
loadHie path = do
nameCache <- do
uniqSupply <- mkSplitUniqSupply 'z'
return $ initNameCache uniqSupply []
HieFileResult{ hie_file_result } <- readHieFile (NCU (\f -> return $ snd $ f nameCache)) path
let HieFile{ hie_asts } = hie_file_result
return $ toList $ getAsts hie_asts
dead :: AdjacencyMap Name -> Name -> Set Name
dead g root = allDecls Set.\\ Set.fromList (dfs [root] g)
allDecls = Set.fromList $ vertexList g
@ -2,9 +2,10 @@ let
hsPkgs = import ./default.nix {};
hsPkgs.shellFor {
withHoogle = true;
withHoogle = false;
# tools = { cabal = ""; haskell-language-server = "latest"; };
# tools = { hiedb = "latest"; };
exactDeps = true;
exactDeps = false;
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ library
, regex-tdfa ^>= || ^>=
, text ^>=
, transformers ^>= || ^>= 0.6
, recursion-schemes, control-monad-omega
hs-source-dirs: src
Reference in New Issue
Block a user