#!/usr/bin/env bash if ! command -v typos &>/dev/null; then echo "typos is not installed. Run 'cargo install typos' to install it, otherwise the typos won't be fixed" fi if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "Please provide a tag." echo "Usage: ./release.sh v[X.Y.Z]" exit fi echo "Preparing $1..." # update the version msg="# managed by release.sh" sed -E -i "s/^version = .* $msg$/version = \"${1#v}\" $msg/" git-cliff*/Cargo.toml sed -E -i "s/\"version\": \".+\"/\"version\": \"${1#v}\"/" npm/git-cliff/package.json sed -E -i "s/\"(git-cliff-.+)\": \".+\"/\"\1\": \"${1#v}\"/g" npm/git-cliff/package.json # update the changelog cargo run -- --config cliff.toml --tag "$1" >CHANGELOG.md git add -A && git commit -m "chore(release): prepare for $1" git show # generate a changelog for the tag message export GIT_CLIFF_TEMPLATE="\ {% for group, commits in commits | group_by(attribute=\"group\") %} {{ group | upper_first }}\ {% for commit in commits %} - {% if commit.breaking %}(breaking) {% endif %}{{ commit.message | upper_first }} ({{ commit.id | truncate(length=7, end=\"\") }})\ {% endfor %} {% endfor %}" changelog=$(cargo run -- --config examples/detailed.toml --unreleased --strip all) # create a signed tag # https://keyserver.ubuntu.com/pks/lookup?search=0x4A92FA17B6619297&op=vindex git -c user.name="git-cliff" \ -c user.email="git-cliff@protonmail.com" \ -c user.signingkey="1D2D410A741137EBC544826F4A92FA17B6619297" \ tag -s -a "$1" -m "Release $1" -m "$changelog" git tag -v "$1" echo "Done!" echo "Now push the commit (git push) and the tag (git push --tags)."