mirror of
synced 2024-12-26 22:44:44 +03:00
96 lines
2.9 KiB
96 lines
2.9 KiB
for($iTimestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, 5, 1, 2013); $iTimestamp < mktime(0, 0, 0, 6, 15, 2013); $iTimestamp += 24*60*60)
$sYear = date("Y", $iTimestamp);
$sMonth = date("Y-m", $iTimestamp);
$sDay = date("Ymd", $iTimestamp);
for($iHour = 0; $iHour < 24; $iHour++)
$sFilename = sprintf("pagecounts-".$sDay."-%02d0000", $iHour);
echo $sFilename."\n";
if (!file_exists($sFilename.'.gz'))
exec('wget http://dumps.wikimedia.org/other/pagecounts-raw/'.$sYear.'/'.$sMonth.'/'.$sFilename.'.gz');
exec('gzip -dc '.$sFilename.'.gz'.' | grep -e "^[a-z]\{2\} [^ :]\+ [0-9]\+" > hour.txt');
$hPrevTotals = @fopen("totals.txt", "r");
$hDayTotals = @fopen("hour.txt", "r");
$hNewTotals = @fopen("newtotals.txt", "w");
$sPrevKey = $sDayKey = true;
$sPrevLine = true;
$sDayLine = true;
if ($sPrevKey === $sDayKey)
if ($sPrevLine !== true) fputs($hNewTotals, "$sPrevKey ".($iPrevValue+$iDayValue)."\n");
$sPrevLine = true;
$sDayLine = true;
else if ($sDayKey !== false && ($sPrevKey > $sDayKey || $sPrevKey === false))
fputs($hNewTotals, "$sDayKey ".($iDayValue)."\n");
$sDayLine = true;
else if ($sPrevKey !== false && ($sDayKey > $sPrevKey || $sDayKey === false))
fputs($hNewTotals, "$sPrevKey ".($iPrevValue)."\n");
$sPrevLine = true;
if ($sPrevLine === true)
$sPrevLine = $hPrevTotals?fgets($hPrevTotals, 4096):false;
if ($sPrevLine !== false)
$aPrevLine = explode(' ', $sPrevLine);
$sPrevKey = $aPrevLine[0].' '.$aPrevLine[1];
$iPrevValue = (int)$aPrevLine[2];
$sPrevKey = false;
$iPrevValue = 0;
if ($sDayLine === true)
$sDayLine = $hDayTotals?fgets($hDayTotals, 4096):false;
if ($sDayLine !== false)
preg_match('#^([a-z]{2}) ([^ :]+) ([0-9]+) [0-9]+$#', $sDayLine, $aMatch);
$sDayKey = $aMatch[1].' '.$aMatch[2];
$iDayValue = (int)$aMatch[3];
$sDayKey = false;
$iDayValue = 0;
} while ($sPrevLine !== false || $sDayLine !== false);
rename("newtotals.txt", "totals.txt");
// Notes:
gzip -dc $FILE.gz | grep -e "^en [^ :]\+ [0-9]\+" | sed "s#\(^[a-z]\{2\}\) \([^ :]\+\) \([0-9]\+\) [0-9]\+#update wikipedia_article set hit_count = coalesce(hit_count,0) + \3 where language = '\1' and title = catch_decode_url_part('\2');#g" | /opt/mapquest/stdbase-dev$
cat totals.txt | sed "s#\(^[a-z]\{2\}\) \([^ ]\+\) \([0-9]\+\)\$#update entity_link set hits = s,0) + \3 where target = '\1wiki' and value = catch_decode_url_part('\2');#g"
cat totals.txt | sed "s#\(^[a-z]\{2\}\) \([^ ]\+\) \([0-9]\+\)\$#update entity_link set hits = coalesce(hits,0) + \3 where target = '\1wiki' and value = catch_decode_url_part('\2');#g"