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2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
#!/usr/bin/php -Cq
2011-04-27 16:14:33 +04:00
ini_set('memory_limit', '800M');
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
$aCMDOptions = array(
"Import / update / index osm data",
array('help', 'h', 0, 1, 0, 0, false, 'Show Help'),
array('quiet', 'q', 0, 1, 0, 0, 'bool', 'Quiet output'),
array('verbose', 'v', 0, 1, 0, 0, 'bool', 'Verbose output'),
array('import-osmosis', '', 0, 1, 0, 0, 'bool', 'Import using osmosis'),
array('import-osmosis-all', '', 0, 1, 0, 0, 'bool', 'Import using osmosis forever'),
array('no-npi', '', 0, 1, 0, 0, 'bool', '(obsolate)'),
DB Scheme changes: alter table placex add column calculated_country_code varchar(2); function changes: ----------------- Move to ST_PointOnSurface from ST_Centroid in various places to avoid looking up a point outside the polygon Move to ST_Covers from ST_Contains to include points on admin boundaries Re-order preference for get_country_code now our data is better. country_osm_grid is now the preffered source. Fix code to calculate country code in placex_insert, rank_search test was too early Add extra field to placex 'calculated_country_code' to improve structure of code Move split_geometery function out of add_location into its own function Rewrite split_geometery to be more efficient. Change place_insert to do more updates and less delete/inserts (delete is slow) Include wikipedia links in details.php ouput Cleanup no longer used geometry validation (adding overhead) Include debug statements in function.sql (--DEBUG: ) and add flag to setup.php to turn them on setup.php: ---------- add flag --disable-token-precalc to speed up debuging add flag --index-noanalyse to disable analysising DB at rank 4 and 26 (previously removed, but on my local DB it seems to be required) add flag --enable-diff-updates (modifier to --create-functions) to turn on the code required for diff updates without having to modify functions.sql add flag --enable-debug-statements (modifier to --create-functions) to turn on debug warning statements update.php: ----------- added flag --no-index to import osmosis changes without indexing them extend the hack to allow import of JOSM generated osm files country_grid.sql - reference copy of the sql used to generate the country_osm_grid table, needs cleanup
2012-05-22 18:27:42 +04:00
array('no-index', '', 0, 1, 0, 0, 'bool', 'Do not index the new data'),
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
array('import-all', '', 0, 1, 0, 0, 'bool', 'Import all available files'),
array('import-file', '', 0, 1, 1, 1, 'realpath', 'Re-import data from an OSM file'),
array('import-diff', '', 0, 1, 1, 1, 'realpath', 'Import a diff (osc) file from local file system'),
array('osm2pgsql-cache', '', 0, 1, 1, 1, 'int', 'Cache size used by osm2pgsql'),
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
array('import-node', '', 0, 1, 1, 1, 'int', 'Re-import node'),
array('import-way', '', 0, 1, 1, 1, 'int', 'Re-import way'),
array('import-relation', '', 0, 1, 1, 1, 'int', 'Re-import relation'),
array('import-from-main-api', '', 0, 1, 0, 0, 'bool', 'Use OSM API instead of Overpass to download objects'),
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
array('index', '', 0, 1, 0, 0, 'bool', 'Index'),
array('index-rank', '', 0, 1, 1, 1, 'int', 'Rank to start indexing from'),
array('index-instances', '', 0, 1, 1, 1, 'int', 'Number of indexing instances (threads)'),
array('deduplicate', '', 0, 1, 0, 0, 'bool', 'Deduplicate tokens'),
getCmdOpt($_SERVER['argv'], $aCMDOptions, $aResult, true, true);
if (!isset($aResult['index-instances'])) $aResult['index-instances'] = 1;
if (!isset($aResult['index-rank'])) $aResult['index-rank'] = 0;
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
$oDB =& getDB();
2012-04-20 20:29:14 +04:00
$aDSNInfo = DB::parseDSN(CONST_Database_DSN);
if (!isset($aDSNInfo['port']) || !$aDSNInfo['port']) $aDSNInfo['port'] = 5432;
2012-04-20 20:29:14 +04:00
// cache memory to be used by osm2pgsql, should not be more than the available memory
$iCacheMemory = (isset($aResult['osm2pgsql-cache'])?$aResult['osm2pgsql-cache']:2000);
if ($iCacheMemory + 500 > getTotalMemoryMB())
$iCacheMemory = getCacheMemoryMB();
echo "WARNING: resetting cache memory to $iCacheMemory\n";
$sOsm2pgsqlCmd = CONST_Osm2pgsql_Binary.' -klas --number-processes 1 -C '.$iCacheMemory.' -O gazetteer -d '.$aDSNInfo['database'].' -P '.$aDSNInfo['port'];
if (!is_null(CONST_Osm2pgsql_Flatnode_File))
$sOsm2pgsqlCmd .= ' --flat-nodes '.CONST_Osm2pgsql_Flatnode_File;
if (isset($aResult['import-diff']))
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
// import diff directly (e.g. from osmosis --rri)
$sNextFile = $aResult['import-diff'];
if (!file_exists($sNextFile))
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
fail("Cannot open $sNextFile\n");
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
// Import the file
$sCMD = $sOsm2pgsqlCmd.' '.$sNextFile;
echo $sCMD."\n";
exec($sCMD, $sJunk, $iErrorLevel);
if ($iErrorLevel)
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
fail("Error from osm2pgsql, $iErrorLevel\n");
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
// Don't update the import status - we don't know what this file contains
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
$sTemporaryFile = CONST_BasePath.'/data/osmosischange.osc';
$bHaveDiff = false;
if (isset($aResult['import-file']) && $aResult['import-file'])
$bHaveDiff = true;
$sCMD = CONST_Osmosis_Binary.' --read-xml \''.$aResult['import-file'].'\' --read-empty --derive-change --write-xml-change '.$sTemporaryFile;
echo $sCMD."\n";
exec($sCMD, $sJunk, $iErrorLevel);
if ($iErrorLevel)
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
fail("Error converting osm to osc, osmosis returned: $iErrorLevel\n");
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
$bUseOSMApi = isset($aResult['import-from-main-api']) && $aResult['import-from-main-api'];
$sContentURL = '';
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
if (isset($aResult['import-node']) && $aResult['import-node'])
if ($bUseOSMApi)
$sContentURL = ''.$aResult['import-node'];
$sContentURL = ''.$aResult['import-node'].');out%20meta;';
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
if (isset($aResult['import-way']) && $aResult['import-way'])
if ($bUseOSMApi)
$sContentURL = ''.$aResult['import-way'].'/full';
$sContentURL = ''.$aResult['import-way'].');node(w););out%20meta;';
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
if (isset($aResult['import-relation']) && $aResult['import-relation'])
if ($bUseOSMApi)
$sContentURLsModifyXMLstr = ''.$aResult['import-relation'].'/full';
$sContentURL = ''.$aResult['import-relation'].');way(r);node(w));node(r));out%20meta;';
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
if ($sContentURL)
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
$sModifyXMLstr = file_get_contents($sContentURL);
$bHaveDiff = true;
$aSpec = array(
0 => array("pipe", "r"), // stdin
1 => array("pipe", "w"), // stdout
2 => array("pipe", "w") // stderr
$sCMD = CONST_Osmosis_Binary.' --read-xml - --read-empty --derive-change --write-xml-change '.$sTemporaryFile;
echo $sCMD."\n";
$hProc = proc_open($sCMD, $aSpec, $aPipes);
if (!is_resource($hProc))
2012-04-20 20:29:14 +04:00
fail("Error converting osm to osc, osmosis failed\n");
2012-04-20 20:29:14 +04:00
fwrite($aPipes[0], $sModifyXMLstr);
$sOut = stream_get_contents($aPipes[1]);
if ($aResult['verbose']) echo $sOut;
$sErrors = stream_get_contents($aPipes[2]);
if ($aResult['verbose']) echo $sErrors;
if ($iError = proc_close($hProc))
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
echo $sOut;
echo $sErrors;
fail("Error converting osm to osc, osmosis returned: $iError\n");
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
2012-04-20 20:29:14 +04:00
if ($bHaveDiff)
2012-04-20 20:29:14 +04:00
// import generated change file
$sCMD = $sOsm2pgsqlCmd.' '.$sTemporaryFile;
2012-04-20 20:29:14 +04:00
echo $sCMD."\n";
exec($sCMD, $sJunk, $iErrorLevel);
if ($iErrorLevel)
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
fail("osm2pgsql exited with error level $iErrorLevel\n");
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
if ($aResult['deduplicate'])
$pgver = (float) CONST_Postgresql_Version;
if ($pgver < 9.3) {
fail("ERROR: deduplicate is only currently supported in postgresql 9.3");
$oDB =& getDB();
$sSQL = 'select partition from country_name order by country_code';
$aPartitions = $oDB->getCol($sSQL);
if (PEAR::isError($aPartitions))
$aPartitions[] = 0;
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
$sSQL = "select word_token,count(*) from word where substr(word_token, 1, 1) = ' ' and class is null and type is null and country_code is null group by word_token having count(*) > 1 order by word_token";
$aDuplicateTokens = $oDB->getAll($sSQL);
foreach($aDuplicateTokens as $aToken)
if (trim($aToken['word_token']) == '' || trim($aToken['word_token']) == '-') continue;
echo "Deduping ".$aToken['word_token']."\n";
$sSQL = "select word_id,(select count(*) from search_name where nameaddress_vector @> ARRAY[word_id]) as num from word where word_token = '".$aToken['word_token']."' and class is null and type is null and country_code is null order by num desc";
$aTokenSet = $oDB->getAll($sSQL);
if (PEAR::isError($aTokenSet))
var_dump($aTokenSet, $sSQL);
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
$aKeep = array_shift($aTokenSet);
$iKeepID = $aKeep['word_id'];
foreach($aTokenSet as $aRemove)
$sSQL = "update search_name set";
$sSQL .= " name_vector = array_replace(name_vector,".$aRemove['word_id'].",".$iKeepID."),";
$sSQL .= " nameaddress_vector = array_replace(nameaddress_vector,".$aRemove['word_id'].",".$iKeepID.")";
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
$sSQL .= " where name_vector @> ARRAY[".$aRemove['word_id']."]";
$x = $oDB->query($sSQL);
if (PEAR::isError($x))
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
$sSQL = "update search_name set";
$sSQL .= " nameaddress_vector = array_replace(nameaddress_vector,".$aRemove['word_id'].",".$iKeepID.")";
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
$sSQL .= " where nameaddress_vector @> ARRAY[".$aRemove['word_id']."]";
$x = $oDB->query($sSQL);
if (PEAR::isError($x))
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
$sSQL = "update location_area_country set";
$sSQL .= " keywords = array_replace(keywords,".$aRemove['word_id'].",".$iKeepID.")";
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
$sSQL .= " where keywords @> ARRAY[".$aRemove['word_id']."]";
$x = $oDB->query($sSQL);
if (PEAR::isError($x))
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
foreach ($aPartitions as $sPartition)
$sSQL = "update search_name_".$sPartition." set";
$sSQL .= " name_vector = array_replace(name_vector,".$aRemove['word_id'].",".$iKeepID.")";
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
$sSQL .= " where name_vector @> ARRAY[".$aRemove['word_id']."]";
$x = $oDB->query($sSQL);
if (PEAR::isError($x))
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
$sSQL = "update location_area_country set";
$sSQL .= " keywords = array_replace(keywords,".$aRemove['word_id'].",".$iKeepID.")";
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
$sSQL .= " where keywords @> ARRAY[".$aRemove['word_id']."]";
$x = $oDB->query($sSQL);
if (PEAR::isError($x))
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
$sSQL = "delete from word where word_id = ".$aRemove['word_id'];
$x = $oDB->query($sSQL);
if (PEAR::isError($x))
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
if ($aResult['index'])
passthru(CONST_InstallPath.'/nominatim/nominatim -i -d '.$aDSNInfo['database'].' -P '.$aDSNInfo['port'].' -t '.$aResult['index-instances'].' -r '.$aResult['index-rank']);
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
if ($aResult['import-osmosis'] || $aResult['import-osmosis-all'])
if (strpos(CONST_Replication_Url, '') !== false && CONST_Replication_Update_Interval < 86400) {
fail("Error: Update interval too low for Please check install documentation (\n");
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
$sImportFile = CONST_BasePath.'/data/osmosischange.osc';
$sOsmosisConfigDirectory = CONST_InstallPath.'/settings';
$sCMDDownload = CONST_Osmosis_Binary.' --read-replication-interval workingDirectory='.$sOsmosisConfigDirectory.' --simplify-change --write-xml-change '.$sImportFile;
$sCMDCheckReplicationLag = CONST_Osmosis_Binary.' -q --read-replication-lag workingDirectory='.$sOsmosisConfigDirectory;
$sCMDImport = $sOsm2pgsqlCmd.' '.$sImportFile;
2016-03-16 21:56:10 +03:00
$sCMDIndex = CONST_InstallPath.'/nominatim/nominatim -i -d '.$aDSNInfo['database'].' -P '.$aDSNInfo['port'].' -t '.$aResult['index-instances'];
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
$fStartTime = time();
$iFileSize = 1001;
if (!file_exists($sImportFile))
// First check if there are new updates published (except for minutelies - there's always new diffs to process)
if ( CONST_Replication_Update_Interval > 60 )
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
exec($sCMDCheckReplicationLag, $aReplicationLag, $iErrorLevel);
while ($iErrorLevel > 0 || $aReplicationLag[0] < 1)
if ($iErrorLevel)
echo "Error: $iErrorLevel. ";
echo "Re-trying: ".$sCMDCheckReplicationLag." in ".CONST_Replication_Recheck_Interval." secs\n";
echo ".";
exec($sCMDCheckReplicationLag, $aReplicationLag, $iErrorLevel);
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
// There are new replication files - use osmosis to download the file
echo "\n".date('Y-m-d H:i:s')." Replication Delay is ".$aReplicationLag[0]."\n";
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
$fStartTime = time();
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
$fCMDStartTime = time();
echo $sCMDDownload."\n";
exec($sCMDDownload, $sJunk, $iErrorLevel);
while ($iErrorLevel > 0)
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
echo "Error: $iErrorLevel\n";
echo 'Re-trying: '.$sCMDDownload."\n";
exec($sCMDDownload, $sJunk, $iErrorLevel);
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
$iFileSize = filesize($sImportFile);
$sBatchEnd = getosmosistimestamp($sOsmosisConfigDirectory);
$sSQL = "INSERT INTO import_osmosis_log values ('$sBatchEnd',$iFileSize,'".date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$fCMDStartTime)."','".date('Y-m-d H:i:s')."','osmosis')";
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s')." Completed osmosis step for $sBatchEnd in ".round((time()-$fCMDStartTime)/60,2)." minutes\n";
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
$iFileSize = filesize($sImportFile);
$sBatchEnd = getosmosistimestamp($sOsmosisConfigDirectory);
// Import the file
$fCMDStartTime = time();
echo $sCMDImport."\n";
exec($sCMDImport, $sJunk, $iErrorLevel);
if ($iErrorLevel)
echo "Error: $iErrorLevel\n";
$sSQL = "INSERT INTO import_osmosis_log values ('$sBatchEnd',$iFileSize,'".date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$fCMDStartTime)."','".date('Y-m-d H:i:s')."','osm2pgsql')";
echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s')." Completed osm2pgsql step for $sBatchEnd in ".round((time()-$fCMDStartTime)/60,2)." minutes\n";
// Archive for debug?
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
DB Scheme changes: alter table placex add column calculated_country_code varchar(2); function changes: ----------------- Move to ST_PointOnSurface from ST_Centroid in various places to avoid looking up a point outside the polygon Move to ST_Covers from ST_Contains to include points on admin boundaries Re-order preference for get_country_code now our data is better. country_osm_grid is now the preffered source. Fix code to calculate country code in placex_insert, rank_search test was too early Add extra field to placex 'calculated_country_code' to improve structure of code Move split_geometery function out of add_location into its own function Rewrite split_geometery to be more efficient. Change place_insert to do more updates and less delete/inserts (delete is slow) Include wikipedia links in details.php ouput Cleanup no longer used geometry validation (adding overhead) Include debug statements in function.sql (--DEBUG: ) and add flag to setup.php to turn them on setup.php: ---------- add flag --disable-token-precalc to speed up debuging add flag --index-noanalyse to disable analysising DB at rank 4 and 26 (previously removed, but on my local DB it seems to be required) add flag --enable-diff-updates (modifier to --create-functions) to turn on the code required for diff updates without having to modify functions.sql add flag --enable-debug-statements (modifier to --create-functions) to turn on debug warning statements update.php: ----------- added flag --no-index to import osmosis changes without indexing them extend the hack to allow import of JOSM generated osm files country_grid.sql - reference copy of the sql used to generate the country_osm_grid table, needs cleanup
2012-05-22 18:27:42 +04:00
$sBatchEnd = getosmosistimestamp($sOsmosisConfigDirectory);
// Index file
$sThisIndexCmd = $sCMDIndex;
$fCMDStartTime = time();
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
DB Scheme changes: alter table placex add column calculated_country_code varchar(2); function changes: ----------------- Move to ST_PointOnSurface from ST_Centroid in various places to avoid looking up a point outside the polygon Move to ST_Covers from ST_Contains to include points on admin boundaries Re-order preference for get_country_code now our data is better. country_osm_grid is now the preffered source. Fix code to calculate country code in placex_insert, rank_search test was too early Add extra field to placex 'calculated_country_code' to improve structure of code Move split_geometery function out of add_location into its own function Rewrite split_geometery to be more efficient. Change place_insert to do more updates and less delete/inserts (delete is slow) Include wikipedia links in details.php ouput Cleanup no longer used geometry validation (adding overhead) Include debug statements in function.sql (--DEBUG: ) and add flag to setup.php to turn them on setup.php: ---------- add flag --disable-token-precalc to speed up debuging add flag --index-noanalyse to disable analysising DB at rank 4 and 26 (previously removed, but on my local DB it seems to be required) add flag --enable-diff-updates (modifier to --create-functions) to turn on the code required for diff updates without having to modify functions.sql add flag --enable-debug-statements (modifier to --create-functions) to turn on debug warning statements update.php: ----------- added flag --no-index to import osmosis changes without indexing them extend the hack to allow import of JOSM generated osm files country_grid.sql - reference copy of the sql used to generate the country_osm_grid table, needs cleanup
2012-05-22 18:27:42 +04:00
if (!$aResult['no-index'])
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
echo "$sThisIndexCmd\n";
exec($sThisIndexCmd, $sJunk, $iErrorLevel);
if ($iErrorLevel)
echo "Error: $iErrorLevel\n";
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
DB Scheme changes: alter table placex add column calculated_country_code varchar(2); function changes: ----------------- Move to ST_PointOnSurface from ST_Centroid in various places to avoid looking up a point outside the polygon Move to ST_Covers from ST_Contains to include points on admin boundaries Re-order preference for get_country_code now our data is better. country_osm_grid is now the preffered source. Fix code to calculate country code in placex_insert, rank_search test was too early Add extra field to placex 'calculated_country_code' to improve structure of code Move split_geometery function out of add_location into its own function Rewrite split_geometery to be more efficient. Change place_insert to do more updates and less delete/inserts (delete is slow) Include wikipedia links in details.php ouput Cleanup no longer used geometry validation (adding overhead) Include debug statements in function.sql (--DEBUG: ) and add flag to setup.php to turn them on setup.php: ---------- add flag --disable-token-precalc to speed up debuging add flag --index-noanalyse to disable analysising DB at rank 4 and 26 (previously removed, but on my local DB it seems to be required) add flag --enable-diff-updates (modifier to --create-functions) to turn on the code required for diff updates without having to modify functions.sql add flag --enable-debug-statements (modifier to --create-functions) to turn on debug warning statements update.php: ----------- added flag --no-index to import osmosis changes without indexing them extend the hack to allow import of JOSM generated osm files country_grid.sql - reference copy of the sql used to generate the country_osm_grid table, needs cleanup
2012-05-22 18:27:42 +04:00
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
DB Scheme changes: alter table placex add column calculated_country_code varchar(2); function changes: ----------------- Move to ST_PointOnSurface from ST_Centroid in various places to avoid looking up a point outside the polygon Move to ST_Covers from ST_Contains to include points on admin boundaries Re-order preference for get_country_code now our data is better. country_osm_grid is now the preffered source. Fix code to calculate country code in placex_insert, rank_search test was too early Add extra field to placex 'calculated_country_code' to improve structure of code Move split_geometery function out of add_location into its own function Rewrite split_geometery to be more efficient. Change place_insert to do more updates and less delete/inserts (delete is slow) Include wikipedia links in details.php ouput Cleanup no longer used geometry validation (adding overhead) Include debug statements in function.sql (--DEBUG: ) and add flag to setup.php to turn them on setup.php: ---------- add flag --disable-token-precalc to speed up debuging add flag --index-noanalyse to disable analysising DB at rank 4 and 26 (previously removed, but on my local DB it seems to be required) add flag --enable-diff-updates (modifier to --create-functions) to turn on the code required for diff updates without having to modify functions.sql add flag --enable-debug-statements (modifier to --create-functions) to turn on debug warning statements update.php: ----------- added flag --no-index to import osmosis changes without indexing them extend the hack to allow import of JOSM generated osm files country_grid.sql - reference copy of the sql used to generate the country_osm_grid table, needs cleanup
2012-05-22 18:27:42 +04:00
$sSQL = "INSERT INTO import_osmosis_log values ('$sBatchEnd',$iFileSize,'".date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$fCMDStartTime)."','".date('Y-m-d H:i:s')."','index')";
DB Scheme changes: alter table placex add column calculated_country_code varchar(2); function changes: ----------------- Move to ST_PointOnSurface from ST_Centroid in various places to avoid looking up a point outside the polygon Move to ST_Covers from ST_Contains to include points on admin boundaries Re-order preference for get_country_code now our data is better. country_osm_grid is now the preffered source. Fix code to calculate country code in placex_insert, rank_search test was too early Add extra field to placex 'calculated_country_code' to improve structure of code Move split_geometery function out of add_location into its own function Rewrite split_geometery to be more efficient. Change place_insert to do more updates and less delete/inserts (delete is slow) Include wikipedia links in details.php ouput Cleanup no longer used geometry validation (adding overhead) Include debug statements in function.sql (--DEBUG: ) and add flag to setup.php to turn them on setup.php: ---------- add flag --disable-token-precalc to speed up debuging add flag --index-noanalyse to disable analysising DB at rank 4 and 26 (previously removed, but on my local DB it seems to be required) add flag --enable-diff-updates (modifier to --create-functions) to turn on the code required for diff updates without having to modify functions.sql add flag --enable-debug-statements (modifier to --create-functions) to turn on debug warning statements update.php: ----------- added flag --no-index to import osmosis changes without indexing them extend the hack to allow import of JOSM generated osm files country_grid.sql - reference copy of the sql used to generate the country_osm_grid table, needs cleanup
2012-05-22 18:27:42 +04:00
echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s')." Completed index step for $sBatchEnd in ".round((time()-$fCMDStartTime)/60,2)." minutes\n";
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
DB Scheme changes: alter table placex add column calculated_country_code varchar(2); function changes: ----------------- Move to ST_PointOnSurface from ST_Centroid in various places to avoid looking up a point outside the polygon Move to ST_Covers from ST_Contains to include points on admin boundaries Re-order preference for get_country_code now our data is better. country_osm_grid is now the preffered source. Fix code to calculate country code in placex_insert, rank_search test was too early Add extra field to placex 'calculated_country_code' to improve structure of code Move split_geometery function out of add_location into its own function Rewrite split_geometery to be more efficient. Change place_insert to do more updates and less delete/inserts (delete is slow) Include wikipedia links in details.php ouput Cleanup no longer used geometry validation (adding overhead) Include debug statements in function.sql (--DEBUG: ) and add flag to setup.php to turn them on setup.php: ---------- add flag --disable-token-precalc to speed up debuging add flag --index-noanalyse to disable analysising DB at rank 4 and 26 (previously removed, but on my local DB it seems to be required) add flag --enable-diff-updates (modifier to --create-functions) to turn on the code required for diff updates without having to modify functions.sql add flag --enable-debug-statements (modifier to --create-functions) to turn on debug warning statements update.php: ----------- added flag --no-index to import osmosis changes without indexing them extend the hack to allow import of JOSM generated osm files country_grid.sql - reference copy of the sql used to generate the country_osm_grid table, needs cleanup
2012-05-22 18:27:42 +04:00
$sSQL = "update import_status set lastimportdate = '$sBatchEnd'";
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
DB Scheme changes: alter table placex add column calculated_country_code varchar(2); function changes: ----------------- Move to ST_PointOnSurface from ST_Centroid in various places to avoid looking up a point outside the polygon Move to ST_Covers from ST_Contains to include points on admin boundaries Re-order preference for get_country_code now our data is better. country_osm_grid is now the preffered source. Fix code to calculate country code in placex_insert, rank_search test was too early Add extra field to placex 'calculated_country_code' to improve structure of code Move split_geometery function out of add_location into its own function Rewrite split_geometery to be more efficient. Change place_insert to do more updates and less delete/inserts (delete is slow) Include wikipedia links in details.php ouput Cleanup no longer used geometry validation (adding overhead) Include debug statements in function.sql (--DEBUG: ) and add flag to setup.php to turn them on setup.php: ---------- add flag --disable-token-precalc to speed up debuging add flag --index-noanalyse to disable analysising DB at rank 4 and 26 (previously removed, but on my local DB it seems to be required) add flag --enable-diff-updates (modifier to --create-functions) to turn on the code required for diff updates without having to modify functions.sql add flag --enable-debug-statements (modifier to --create-functions) to turn on debug warning statements update.php: ----------- added flag --no-index to import osmosis changes without indexing them extend the hack to allow import of JOSM generated osm files country_grid.sql - reference copy of the sql used to generate the country_osm_grid table, needs cleanup
2012-05-22 18:27:42 +04:00
$fDuration = time() - $fStartTime;
echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s')." Completed all for $sBatchEnd in ".round($fDuration/60,2)." minutes\n";
if (!$aResult['import-osmosis-all']) exit(0);
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
if ( CONST_Replication_Update_Interval > 60 )
$iSleep = max(0,(strtotime($sBatchEnd)+CONST_Replication_Update_Interval-time()));
$iSleep = max(0,CONST_Replication_Update_Interval-$fDuration);
echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s')." Sleeping $iSleep seconds\n";
2011-03-18 15:36:17 +03:00
function getosmosistimestamp($sOsmosisConfigDirectory)
$sStateFile = file_get_contents($sOsmosisConfigDirectory.'/state.txt');
preg_match('#timestamp=(.+)#', $sStateFile, $aResult);
return str_replace('\:',':',$aResult[1]);