add tests for interpolation updates

This commit is contained in:
Sarah Hoffmann 2016-11-27 11:56:43 +01:00
parent c20f8b13a5
commit 4f2d73aa7c
2 changed files with 250 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
Feature: Update of address interpolations
Test the interpolated address are updated correctly
Scenario: addr:street added to interpolation
Given the scene parallel-road
And the places
| osm | class | type | housenr | geometry |
| N1 | place | house | 2 | :n-middle-w |
| N2 | place | house | 6 | :n-middle-e |
| W10 | place | houses | even | :w-middle |
And the places
| osm | class | type | name | geometry |
| W2 | highway | unclassified | Sun Way | :w-north |
| W3 | highway | unclassified | Cloud Street | :w-south |
And the ways
| id | nodes |
| 10 | 1,100,101,102,2 |
When importing
Then placex contains
| object | parent_place_id |
| N1 | W2 |
| N2 | W2 |
And W10 expands to interpolation
| parent_place_id | start | end |
| W2 | 2 | 6 |
When updating places
| osm | class | type | housenr | street | geometry |
| W10 | place | houses | even | Cloud Street | :w-middle |
Then placex contains
| object | parent_place_id |
| N1 | W3 |
| N2 | W3 |
And W10 expands to interpolation
| parent_place_id | start | end |
| W3 | 2 | 6 |
Scenario: addr:street added to housenumbers
Given the scene parallel-road
And the places
| osm | class | type | housenr | geometry |
| N1 | place | house | 2 | :n-middle-w |
| N2 | place | house | 6 | :n-middle-e |
| W10 | place | houses | even | :w-middle |
And the places
| osm | class | type | name | geometry |
| W2 | highway | unclassified | Sun Way | :w-north |
| W3 | highway | unclassified | Cloud Street | :w-south |
And the ways
| id | nodes |
| 10 | 1,100,101,102,2 |
When importing
Then placex contains
| object | parent_place_id |
| N1 | W2 |
| N2 | W2 |
And W10 expands to interpolation
| parent_place_id | start | end |
| W2 | 2 | 6 |
When updating places
| osm | class | type | street | housenr | geometry |
| N1 | place | house | Cloud Street| 2 | :n-middle-w |
| N2 | place | house | Cloud Street| 6 | :n-middle-e |
Then placex contains
| object | parent_place_id |
| N1 | W3 |
| N2 | W3 |
And W10 expands to interpolation
| parent_place_id | start | end |
| W3 | 2 | 6 |
Scenario: interpolation tag removed
Given the scene parallel-road
And the places
| osm | class | type | housenr | geometry |
| N1 | place | house | 2 | :n-middle-w |
| N2 | place | house | 6 | :n-middle-e |
| W10 | place | houses | even | :w-middle |
And the places
| osm | class | type | name | geometry |
| W2 | highway | unclassified | Sun Way | :w-north |
| W3 | highway | unclassified | Cloud Street | :w-south |
And the ways
| id | nodes |
| 10 | 1,100,101,102,2 |
When importing
Then placex contains
| object | parent_place_id |
| N1 | W2 |
| N2 | W2 |
And W10 expands to interpolation
| parent_place_id | start | end |
| W2 | 2 | 6 |
When marking for delete W10
Then W10 expands to no interpolation
And placex contains
| object | parent_place_id |
| N1 | W2 |
| N2 | W2 |
Scenario: referenced road added
Given the scene parallel-road
And the places
| osm | class | type | housenr | geometry |
| N1 | place | house | 2 | :n-middle-w |
| N2 | place | house | 6 | :n-middle-e |
And the places
| osm | class | type | housenr | street | geometry |
| W10 | place | houses | even | Cloud Street| :w-middle |
And the places
| osm | class | type | name | geometry |
| W2 | highway | unclassified | Sun Way | :w-north |
And the ways
| id | nodes |
| 10 | 1,100,101,102,2 |
When importing
Then placex contains
| object | parent_place_id |
| N1 | W2 |
| N2 | W2 |
And W10 expands to interpolation
| parent_place_id | start | end |
| W2 | 2 | 6 |
When updating places
| osm | class | type | name | geometry |
| W3 | highway | unclassified | Cloud Street | :w-south |
Then placex contains
| object | parent_place_id |
| N1 | W3 |
| N2 | W3 |
And W10 expands to interpolation
| parent_place_id | start | end |
| W3 | 2 | 6 |
Scenario: referenced road deleted
Given the scene parallel-road
And the places
| osm | class | type | housenr | geometry |
| N1 | place | house | 2 | :n-middle-w |
| N2 | place | house | 6 | :n-middle-e |
And the places
| osm | class | type | housenr | street | geometry |
| W10 | place | houses | even | Cloud Street| :w-middle |
And the places
| osm | class | type | name | geometry |
| W2 | highway | unclassified | Sun Way | :w-north |
| W3 | highway | unclassified | Cloud Street | :w-south |
And the ways
| id | nodes |
| 10 | 1,100,101,102,2 |
When importing
Then placex contains
| object | parent_place_id |
| N1 | W3 |
| N2 | W3 |
And W10 expands to interpolation
| parent_place_id | start | end |
| W3 | 2 | 6 |
When marking for delete W3
Then placex contains
| object | parent_place_id |
| N1 | W2 |
| N2 | W2 |
And W10 expands to interpolation
| parent_place_id | start | end |
| W2 | 2 | 6 |
Scenario: building becomes interpolation
Given the scene building-with-parallel-streets
And the places
| osm | class | type | housenr | geometry |
| W1 | place | house | 3 | :w-building |
And the places
| osm | class | type | name | geometry |
| W2 | highway | unclassified | Cloud Street | :w-south |
When importing
Then placex contains
| object | parent_place_id |
| W1 | W2 |
Given the ways
| id | nodes |
| 1 | 1,100,101,102,2 |
When updating places
| osm | class | type | housenr | geometry |
| N1 | place | house | 2 | :n-north-w |
| N2 | place | house | 6 | :n-north-e |
And updating places
| osm | class | type | housenr | street | geometry |
| W1 | place | houses | even | Cloud Street| :w-north |
Then placex has no entry for W1
And W1 expands to interpolation
| parent_place_id | start | end |
| W2 | 2 | 6 |
Scenario: interpolation becomes building
Given the scene building-with-parallel-streets
And the places
| osm | class | type | housenr | geometry |
| N1 | place | house | 2 | :n-north-w |
| N2 | place | house | 6 | :n-north-e |
And the places
| osm | class | type | name | geometry |
| W2 | highway | unclassified | Cloud Street | :w-south |
And the ways
| id | nodes |
| 1 | 1,100,101,102,2 |
And the places
| osm | class | type | housenr | street | geometry |
| W1 | place | houses | even | Cloud Street| :w-north |
When importing
Then placex has no entry for W1
And W1 expands to interpolation
| parent_place_id | start | end |
| W2 | 2 | 6 |
When updating places
| osm | class | type | housenr | geometry |
| W1 | place | house | 3 | :w-building |
Then placex contains
| object | parent_place_id |
| W1 | W2 |
Scenario: housenumbers added to interpolation
Given the scene building-with-parallel-streets
And the places
| osm | class | type | name | geometry |
| W2 | highway | unclassified | Cloud Street | :w-south |
And the ways
| id | nodes |
| 1 | 1,100,101,102,2 |
And the places
| osm | class | type | housenr | geometry |
| W1 | place | houses | even | :w-north |
When importing
Then W1 expands to no interpolation
When updating places
| osm | class | type | housenr | geometry |
| N1 | place | house | 2 | :n-north-w |
| N2 | place | house | 6 | :n-north-e |
And updating places
| osm | class | type | housenr | street | geometry |
| W1 | place | houses | even | Cloud Street| :w-north |
Then W1 expands to interpolation
| parent_place_id | start | end |
| W2 | 2 | 6 |

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@ -314,8 +314,8 @@ def check_search_name_contents(context):
@then("(?P<oid>\w+) expands to interpolation")
def check_location_property_osmline(context, oid):
@then("(?P<oid>\w+) expands to(?P<neg> no)? interpolation")
def check_location_property_osmline(context, oid, neg):
cur = context.db.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor)
nid = NominatimID(oid)
@ -325,6 +325,10 @@ def check_location_property_osmline(context, oid):
FROM location_property_osmline WHERE osm_id = %s""",
(nid.oid, ))
if neg:
eq_(0, cur.rowcount)
todo = list(range(len(list(context.table))))
for res in cur:
for i in todo: