Merge pull request #2181 from lonvia/port-more-tool-functions-to-python

Port more tool functions to python
This commit is contained in:
Sarah Hoffmann 2021-02-22 16:11:21 +01:00 committed by GitHub
commit 72b01148d2
No known key found for this signature in database
24 changed files with 749 additions and 530 deletions

View File

@ -240,16 +240,6 @@ class DB
return ($this->getOne($sSQL, array(':tablename' => $sTableName)) == 1);
* Returns a list of table names in the database
* @return array[]
public function getListOfTables()
return $this->getCol("SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname='public'");
* Deletes a table. Returns true if deleted or didn't exist.
@ -262,76 +252,6 @@ class DB
return $this->exec('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '.$sTableName.' CASCADE') == 0;
* Check if an index exists in the database. Optional filtered by tablename
* @param string $sTableName
* @return boolean
public function indexExists($sIndexName, $sTableName = null)
return in_array($sIndexName, $this->getListOfIndices($sTableName));
* Returns a list of index names in the database, optional filtered by tablename
* @param string $sTableName
* @return array
public function getListOfIndices($sTableName = null)
// table_name | index_name | column_name
// -----------------------+---------------------------------+--------------
// country_name | idx_country_name_country_code | country_code
// country_osm_grid | idx_country_osm_grid_geometry | geometry
// import_polygon_delete | idx_import_polygon_delete_osmid | osm_id
// import_polygon_delete | idx_import_polygon_delete_osmid | osm_type
// import_polygon_error | idx_import_polygon_error_osmid | osm_id
// import_polygon_error | idx_import_polygon_error_osmid | osm_type
$sSql = <<< END
t.relname as table_name,
i.relname as index_name,
a.attname as column_name
pg_class t,
pg_class i,
pg_index ix,
pg_attribute a
t.oid = ix.indrelid
and i.oid = ix.indexrelid
and a.attrelid = t.oid
and a.attnum = ANY(ix.indkey)
and t.relkind = 'r'
and i.relname NOT LIKE 'pg_%'
$aRows = null;
if ($sTableName) {
$sSql = str_replace('FILTERS', 'and t.relname = :tablename', $sSql);
$aRows = $this->getAll($sSql, array(':tablename' => $sTableName));
} else {
$sSql = str_replace('FILTERS', '', $sSql);
$aRows = $this->getAll($sSql);
$aIndexNames = array_unique(array_map(function ($aRow) {
return $aRow['index_name'];
}, $aRows));
return $aIndexNames;
* Tries to connect to the database but on failure doesn't throw an exception.

View File

@ -5,197 +5,6 @@ require_once(CONST_LibDir.'/init-cmd.php');
$term_colors = array(
'green' => "\033[92m",
'red' => "\x1B[31m",
'normal' => "\033[0m"
$print_success = function ($message = 'OK') use ($term_colors) {
echo $term_colors['green'].$message.$term_colors['normal']."\n";
$print_fail = function ($message = 'Failed') use ($term_colors) {
echo $term_colors['red'].$message.$term_colors['normal']."\n";
$oDB = new Nominatim\DB;
function isReverseOnlyInstallation()
global $oDB;
return !$oDB->tableExists('search_name');
// Check (guess) if the setup.php included --drop
function isNoUpdateInstallation()
global $oDB;
return $oDB->tableExists('placex') && !$oDB->tableExists('planet_osm_rels') ;
echo 'Checking database got created ... ';
if ($oDB->checkConnection()) {
} else {
echo <<< END
* Is the database server started?
* Check the NOMINATIM_DATABASE_DSN variable in your local .env
* Try connecting to the database with the same settings
echo 'Checking module installed ... ';
$sStandardWord = $oDB->getOne("SELECT make_standard_name('a')");
if ($sStandardWord === 'a') {
} else {
echo <<< END
The Postgresql extension was not found in the database.
* Check the output of the CMmake/make installation step
* Does exist?
* Does exist on the database server?
* Can be accessed by the database user?
if (!isNoUpdateInstallation()) {
echo 'Checking place table ... ';
if ($oDB->tableExists('place')) {
} else {
echo <<< END
* The import didn't finish.
* Check the output of the utils/setup.php you ran.
Usually the osm2pgsql step failed. Check for errors related to
* the file you imported not containing any places
* harddrive full
* out of memory (RAM)
* osm2pgsql killed by other scripts, for consuming to much memory
echo 'Checking indexing status ... ';
$iUnindexed = $oDB->getOne('SELECT count(*) FROM placex WHERE indexed_status > 0');
if ($iUnindexed == 0) {
} else {
echo <<< END
The indexing didn't finish. There is still $iUnindexed places. See the
question 'Can a stopped/killed import process be resumed?' in the
troubleshooting guide.
echo "Search index creation\n";
$aExpectedIndices = array(
// sql/indices.src.sql
if (!isReverseOnlyInstallation()) {
$aExpectedIndices = array_merge($aExpectedIndices, array(
// sql/indices_search.src.sql
if (!isNoUpdateInstallation()) {
$aExpectedIndices = array_merge($aExpectedIndices, array(
foreach ($aExpectedIndices as $sExpectedIndex) {
echo "Checking index $sExpectedIndex ... ";
if ($oDB->indexExists($sExpectedIndex)) {
} else {
echo <<< END
* Run './utils/setup.php --create-search-indices --ignore-errors' to
create missing indices.
echo 'Checking search indices are valid ... ';
$sSQL = <<< END
SELECT relname
FROM pg_class, pg_index
WHERE pg_index.indisvalid = false
AND pg_index.indexrelid = pg_class.oid;
$aInvalid = $oDB->getCol($sSQL);
if (empty($aInvalid)) {
} else {
echo <<< END
At least one index is invalid. That can happen, e.g. when index creation was
disrupted and later restarted. You should delete the affected indices and
run the index stage of setup again.
See the question 'Can a stopped/killed import process be resumed?' in the
troubleshooting guide.
Affected indices:
echo join(', ', $aInvalid) . "\n";
if (getSettingBool('USE_US_TIGER_DATA')) {
echo 'Checking TIGER table exists ... ';
if ($oDB->tableExists('location_property_tiger')) {
} else {
echo <<< END
Table 'location_property_tiger' does not exist. Run the TIGER data
import again.
(new \Nominatim\Shell(getSetting('NOMINATIM_TOOL')))
->addParams('admin', '--check-database')

View File

@ -132,24 +132,6 @@ function addQuotes($s)
return "'".$s."'";
function fwriteConstDef($rFile, $sConstName, $value)
if (is_bool($value)) {
$sEscapedValue = $value ? 'true' : 'false';
} elseif (is_numeric($value)) {
$sEscapedValue = strval($value);
} elseif (!$value) {
$sEscapedValue = 'false';
} else {
$sEscapedValue = addQuotes(str_replace("'", "\\'", (string)$value));
fwrite($rFile, "@define('CONST_$sConstName', $sEscapedValue);\n");
function parseLatLon($sQuery)
$sFound = null;
@ -226,17 +208,6 @@ function parseLatLon($sQuery)
return array($sFound, $fQueryLat, $fQueryLon);
function createPointsAroundCenter($fLon, $fLat, $fRadius)
$iSteps = max(8, min(100, ($fRadius * 40000)^2));
$fStepSize = (2*pi())/$iSteps;
$aPolyPoints = array();
for ($f = 0; $f < 2*pi(); $f += $fStepSize) {
$aPolyPoints[] = array('', $fLon+($fRadius*sin($f)), $fLat+($fRadius*cos($f)) );
return $aPolyPoints;
function closestHouseNumber($aRow)
$fHouse = $aRow['startnumber']
@ -256,25 +227,3 @@ function closestHouseNumber($aRow)
return max(min($aRow['endnumber'], $iHn), $aRow['startnumber']);
function getSearchRankLabel($iRank)
if (!isset($iRank)) return 'unknown';
if ($iRank < 2) return 'continent';
if ($iRank < 4) return 'sea';
if ($iRank < 8) return 'country';
if ($iRank < 12) return 'state';
if ($iRank < 16) return 'county';
if ($iRank == 16) return 'city';
if ($iRank == 17) return 'town / island';
if ($iRank == 18) return 'village / hamlet';
if ($iRank == 20) return 'suburb';
if ($iRank == 21) return 'postcode area';
if ($iRank == 22) return 'croft / farm / locality / islet';
if ($iRank == 23) return 'postcode area';
if ($iRank == 25) return 'postcode point';
if ($iRank == 26) return 'street / major landmark';
if ($iRank == 27) return 'minory street / path';
if ($iRank == 28) return 'house / building';
return 'other: ' . $iRank;

View File

@ -657,50 +657,7 @@ class SetupFunctions
public function drop()
info('Drop tables only required for updates');
// The implementation is potentially a bit dangerous because it uses
// a positive selection of tables to keep, and deletes everything else.
// Including any tables that the unsuspecting user might have manually
// created. USE AT YOUR OWN PERIL.
// tables we want to keep. everything else goes.
$aKeepTables = array(
$aDropTables = array();
$aHaveTables = $this->db()->getListOfTables();
foreach ($aHaveTables as $sTable) {
$bFound = false;
foreach ($aKeepTables as $sKeep) {
if (fnmatch($sKeep, $sTable)) {
$bFound = true;
if (!$bFound) array_push($aDropTables, $sTable);
foreach ($aDropTables as $sDrop) {
@ -710,48 +667,7 @@ class SetupFunctions
public function setupWebsite()
if (!is_dir(CONST_InstallDir.'/website')) {
info('Creating directory for website scripts at: '.CONST_InstallDir.'/website');
$aScripts = array(
foreach ($aScripts as $sScript) {
$rFile = fopen(CONST_InstallDir.'/website/'.$sScript, 'w');
fwrite($rFile, "<?php\n\n");
fwrite($rFile, '@define(\'CONST_Debug\', $_GET[\'debug\'] ?? false);'."\n\n");
fwriteConstDef($rFile, 'LibDir', CONST_LibDir);
fwriteConstDef($rFile, 'Database_DSN', getSetting('DATABASE_DSN'));
fwriteConstDef($rFile, 'Default_Language', getSetting('DEFAULT_LANGUAGE'));
fwriteConstDef($rFile, 'Log_DB', getSettingBool('LOG_DB'));
fwriteConstDef($rFile, 'Log_File', getSetting('LOG_FILE'));
fwriteConstDef($rFile, 'Max_Word_Frequency', (int)getSetting('MAX_WORD_FREQUENCY'));
fwriteConstDef($rFile, 'NoAccessControl', getSettingBool('CORS_NOACCESSCONTROL'));
fwriteConstDef($rFile, 'Places_Max_ID_count', (int)getSetting('LOOKUP_MAX_COUNT'));
fwriteConstDef($rFile, 'PolygonOutput_MaximumTypes', getSetting('POLYGON_OUTPUT_MAX_TYPES'));
fwriteConstDef($rFile, 'Search_BatchMode', getSettingBool('SEARCH_BATCH_MODE'));
fwriteConstDef($rFile, 'Search_NameOnlySearchFrequencyThreshold', getSetting('SEARCH_NAME_ONLY_THRESHOLD'));
fwriteConstDef($rFile, 'Term_Normalization_Rules', getSetting('TERM_NORMALIZATION'));
fwriteConstDef($rFile, 'Use_Aux_Location_data', getSettingBool('USE_AUX_LOCATION_DATA'));
fwriteConstDef($rFile, 'Use_US_Tiger_Data', getSettingBool('USE_US_TIGER_DATA'));
fwriteConstDef($rFile, 'MapIcon_URL', getSetting('MAPICON_URL'));
fwrite($rFile, 'require_once(\''.CONST_LibDir.'/website/'.$sScript."');\n");
chmod(CONST_InstallDir.'/website/'.$sScript, 0755);
(clone($this->oNominatimCmd))->addParams('refresh', '--website')->run();

View File

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ if ($sOsmType && $iOsmId > 0) {
// Be nice about our error messages for broken geometry
if (!$sPlaceId) {
if (!$sPlaceId && $oDB->tableExists('import_polygon_error')) {
$sSQL = 'SELECT ';
$sSQL .= ' osm_type, ';
$sSQL .= ' osm_id, ';
@ -144,7 +144,6 @@ if (!$aPointDetails) {
$aPointDetails['localname'] = $aPointDetails['localname']?$aPointDetails['localname']:$aPointDetails['housenumber'];
$aPointDetails['rank_search_label'] = getSearchRankLabel($aPointDetails['rank_search']); // only used in HTML format
// Get all alternative names (languages, etc)
$sSQL = 'SELECT (each(name)).key,(each(name)).value FROM placex ';

View File

@ -173,27 +173,6 @@ class SetupAll:
return run_legacy_script(*params, nominatim_env=args)
class SetupFreeze:
Make database read-only.
About half of data in the Nominatim database is kept only to be able to
keep the data up-to-date with new changes made in OpenStreetMap. This
command drops all this data and only keeps the part needed for geocoding
This command has the same effect as the `--no-updates` option for imports.
def add_args(parser):
pass # No options
def run(args):
return run_legacy_script('setup.php', '--drop', nominatim_env=args)
class SetupSpecialPhrases:
Maintain special phrases.
@ -352,7 +331,7 @@ def nominatim(**kwargs):
parser = CommandlineParser('nominatim', nominatim.__doc__)
parser.add_subcommand('import', SetupAll)
parser.add_subcommand('freeze', SetupFreeze)
parser.add_subcommand('freeze', clicmd.SetupFreeze)
parser.add_subcommand('replication', clicmd.UpdateReplication)
parser.add_subcommand('special-phrases', SetupSpecialPhrases)

View File

@ -7,3 +7,4 @@ from .api import APISearch, APIReverse, APILookup, APIDetails, APIStatus
from .index import UpdateIndex
from .refresh import UpdateRefresh
from .admin import AdminFuncs
from .freeze import SetupFreeze

View File

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
Implementation of the 'admin' subcommand.
import logging
from import run_legacy_script
from ..db.connection import connect
@ -9,6 +11,8 @@ from ..db.connection import connect
# Using non-top-level imports to avoid eventually unused imports.
# pylint: disable=E0012,C0415
LOG = logging.getLogger()
class AdminFuncs:
Analyse and maintain the database.
@ -39,14 +43,17 @@ class AdminFuncs:
def run(args):
from import admin
if args.warm:
if args.check_database:
run_legacy_script('check_import_finished.php', nominatim_env=args)
LOG.warning('Checking database')
from import check_database
return check_database.check_database(args.config)
if args.analyse_indexing:
LOG.warning('Analysing performance of indexing function')
from import admin
conn = connect(args.config.get_libpq_dsn())
admin.analyse_indexing(conn, osm_id=args.osm_id, place_id=args.place_id)
@ -56,6 +63,7 @@ class AdminFuncs:
def _warm(args):
LOG.warning('Warming database caches')
params = ['warm.php']
if == 'reverse':

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
Implementation of the 'freeze' subcommand.
from ..db.connection import connect
# Do not repeat documentation of subcommand classes.
# pylint: disable=C0111
# Using non-top-level imports to avoid eventually unused imports.
# pylint: disable=E0012,C0415
class SetupFreeze:
Make database read-only.
About half of data in the Nominatim database is kept only to be able to
keep the data up-to-date with new changes made in OpenStreetMap. This
command drops all this data and only keeps the part needed for geocoding
This command has the same effect as the `--no-updates` option for imports.
def add_args(parser):
pass # No options
def run(args):
from import freeze
conn = connect(args.config.get_libpq_dsn())
return 0

View File

@ -82,7 +82,8 @@ class UpdateRefresh:
run_legacy_script('update.php', '--recompute-importance',
nominatim_env=args, throw_on_fail=True)
run_legacy_script('setup.php', '--setup-website',
nominatim_env=args, throw_on_fail=True)
webdir = args.project_dir / 'website'
LOG.warning('Setting up website directory at %s', webdir)
refresh.setup_website(webdir, args.phplib_dir, args.config)
return 0

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ class Configuration:
Nominatim uses dotenv to configure the software. Configuration options
are resolved in the following order:
* from the OS environment
* from the OS environment (or the dirctionary given in `environ`
* from the .env file in the project directory of the installation
* from the default installation in the configuration directory
@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ class Configuration:
avoid conflicts with other environment variables.
def __init__(self, project_dir, config_dir):
def __init__(self, project_dir, config_dir, environ=None):
self.environ = environ or os.environ
self.project_dir = project_dir
self.config_dir = config_dir
self._config = dotenv_values(str((config_dir / 'env.defaults').resolve()))
@ -42,7 +43,7 @@ class Configuration:
def __getattr__(self, name):
name = 'NOMINATIM_' + name
return os.environ.get(name) or self._config[name]
return self.environ.get(name) or self._config[name]
def get_bool(self, name):
""" Return the given configuration parameter as a boolean.
@ -100,6 +101,6 @@ class Configuration:
merged in.
env = dict(self._config)
return env

View File

@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ import psycopg2
import psycopg2.extensions
import psycopg2.extras
from ..errors import UsageError
class _Cursor(psycopg2.extras.DictCursor):
""" A cursor returning dict-like objects and providing specialised
execution functions.
@ -42,14 +44,34 @@ class _Connection(psycopg2.extensions.connection):
return super().cursor(cursor_factory=cursor_factory, **kwargs)
def table_exists(self, table):
""" Check that a table with the given name exists in the database.
with self.cursor() as cur:
num = cur.scalar("""SELECT count(*) FROM pg_tables
WHERE tablename = %s""", (table, ))
WHERE tablename = %s and schemaname = 'public'""", (table, ))
return num == 1
def index_exists(self, index, table=None):
""" Check that an index with the given name exists in the database.
If table is not None then the index must relate to the given
with self.cursor() as cur:
cur.execute("""SELECT tablename FROM pg_indexes
WHERE indexname = %s and schemaname = 'public'""", (index, ))
if cur.rowcount == 0:
return False
if table is not None:
row = cur.fetchone()
return row[0] == table
return True
def server_version_tuple(self):
""" Return the server version as a tuple of (major, minor).
Converts correctly for pre-10 and post-10 PostgreSQL versions.
@ -64,4 +86,7 @@ def connect(dsn):
""" Open a connection to the database using the specialised connection
return psycopg2.connect(dsn, connection_factory=_Connection)
return psycopg2.connect(dsn, connection_factory=_Connection)
except psycopg2.OperationalError as err:
raise UsageError("Cannot connect to database: {}".format(err)) from err

View File

@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
Collection of functions that check if the database is complete and functional.
from enum import Enum
from textwrap import dedent
import psycopg2
from ..db.connection import connect
from ..errors import UsageError
class CheckState(Enum):
""" Possible states of a check. FATAL stops check execution entirely.
OK = 0
FAIL = 1
def _check(hint=None):
""" Decorator for checks. It adds the function to the list of
checks to execute and adds the code for printing progress messages.
def decorator(func):
title = func.__doc__.split('\n', 1)[0].strip()
def run_check(conn, config):
print(title, end=' ... ')
ret = func(conn, config)
if isinstance(ret, tuple):
ret, params = ret
params = {}
if ret == CheckState.OK:
elif ret == CheckState.NOT_APPLICABLE:
print('not applicable')
if hint:
return ret
return run_check
return decorator
class _BadConnection: # pylint: disable=R0903
def __init__(self, msg):
self.msg = msg
def close(self):
""" Dummy function to provide the implementation.
def check_database(config):
""" Run a number of checks on the database and return the status.
conn = connect(config.get_libpq_dsn())
except UsageError as err:
conn = _BadConnection(str(err))
overall_result = 0
for check in CHECKLIST:
ret = check(conn, config)
if ret == CheckState.FATAL:
return 1
if ret in (CheckState.FATAL, CheckState.FAIL):
overall_result = 1
return overall_result
def _get_indexes(conn):
indexes = ['idx_word_word_id',
if conn.table_exists('search_name'):
if conn.table_exists('place'):
return indexes
# Functions are exectured in the order they appear here.
* Is the database server started?
* Check the NOMINATIM_DATABASE_DSN variable in your local .env
* Try connecting to the database with the same settings
Project directory: {config.project_dir}
Current setting of NOMINATIM_DATABASE_DSN: {config.DATABASE_DSN}
def check_connection(conn, config):
""" Checking database connection
if isinstance(conn, _BadConnection):
return CheckState.FATAL, dict(error=conn.msg, config=config)
return CheckState.OK
placex table not found
* Are you connecting to the right database?
* Did the import process finish without errors?
Project directory: {config.project_dir}
Current setting of NOMINATIM_DATABASE_DSN: {config.DATABASE_DSN}
def check_placex_table(conn, config):
""" Checking for placex table
if conn.table_exists('placex'):
return CheckState.OK
return CheckState.FATAL, dict(config=config)
@_check(hint="""placex table has no data. Did the import finish sucessfully?""")
def check_placex_size(conn, config): # pylint: disable=W0613
""" Checking for placex content
with conn.cursor() as cur:
cnt = cur.scalar('SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT * FROM placex LIMIT 100) x')
return CheckState.OK if cnt > 0 else CheckState.FATAL
The Postgresql extension was not correctly loaded.
Error: {error}
* Check the output of the CMmake/make installation step
* Does exist?
* Does exist on the database server?
* Can be accessed by the database user?
def check_module(conn, config): # pylint: disable=W0613
""" Checking that module is installed
with conn.cursor() as cur:
out = cur.scalar("SELECT make_standard_name('a')")
except psycopg2.ProgrammingError as err:
return CheckState.FAIL, dict(error=str(err))
if out != 'a':
return CheckState.FAIL, dict(error='Unexpected result for make_standard_name()')
return CheckState.OK
The indexing didn't finish. {count} entries are not yet indexed.
To index the remaining entries, run: {index_cmd}
def check_indexing(conn, config): # pylint: disable=W0613
""" Checking indexing status
with conn.cursor() as cur:
cnt = cur.scalar('SELECT count(*) FROM placex WHERE indexed_status > 0')
if cnt == 0:
return CheckState.OK
if conn.index_exists('idx_word_word_id'):
# Likely just an interrupted update.
index_cmd = 'nominatim index'
# Looks like the import process got interrupted.
index_cmd = 'nominatim import --continue indexing'
return CheckState.FAIL, dict(count=cnt, index_cmd=index_cmd)
The following indexes are missing:
Rerun the index creation with: nominatim import --continue db-postprocess
def check_database_indexes(conn, config): # pylint: disable=W0613
""" Checking that database indexes are complete
missing = []
for index in _get_indexes(conn):
if not conn.index_exists(index):
if missing:
return CheckState.FAIL, dict(indexes='\n '.join(missing))
return CheckState.OK
At least one index is invalid. That can happen, e.g. when index creation was
disrupted and later restarted. You should delete the affected indices
and recreate them.
Invalid indexes:
def check_database_index_valid(conn, config): # pylint: disable=W0613
""" Checking that all database indexes are valid
with conn.cursor() as cur:
cur.execute(""" SELECT relname FROM pg_class, pg_index
WHERE pg_index.indisvalid = false
AND pg_index.indexrelid = pg_class.oid""")
broken = list(cur)
if broken:
return CheckState.FAIL, dict(indexes='\n '.join(broken))
return CheckState.OK
Run TIGER import again: nominatim add-data --tiger-data <DIR>
def check_tiger_table(conn, config):
""" Checking TIGER external data table.
if not config.get_bool('USE_US_TIGER_DATA'):
return CheckState.NOT_APPLICABLE
if not conn.table_exists('location_property_tiger'):
return CheckState.FAIL, dict(error='TIGER data table not found.')
with conn.cursor() as cur:
if cur.scalar('SELECT count(*) FROM location_property_tiger') == 0:
return CheckState.FAIL, dict(error='TIGER data table is empty.')
return CheckState.OK

nominatim/tools/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
Functions for removing unnecessary data from the database.
from pathlib import Path
def drop_update_tables(conn):
""" Drop all tables only necessary for updating the database from
OSM replication data.
where = ' or '.join(["(tablename LIKE '{}')".format(t) for t in UPDATE_TABLES])
with conn.cursor() as cur:
cur.execute("SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables WHERE " + where)
tables = [r[0] for r in cur]
for table in tables:
cur.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "{}" CASCADE'.format(table))
def drop_flatnode_file(fname):
""" Remove the flatnode file if it exists.
if fname:
fpath = Path(fname)
if fpath.exists():

View File

@ -2,12 +2,16 @@
Functions for bringing auxiliary data in the database up-to-date.
import json
import logging
import re
from textwrap import dedent
from psycopg2.extras import execute_values
from ..db.utils import execute_file
LOG = logging.getLogger()
def update_postcodes(conn, sql_dir):
""" Recalculate postcode centroids and add, remove and update entries in the
location_postcode table. `conn` is an opne connection to the database.
@ -165,3 +169,65 @@ def create_functions(conn, config, sql_dir,
# constants needed by PHP scripts: PHP name, config name, type
('Database_DSN', 'DATABASE_DSN', str),
('Default_Language', 'DEFAULT_LANGUAGE', str),
('Log_DB', 'LOG_DB', bool),
('Log_File', 'LOG_FILE', str),
('Max_Word_Frequency', 'MAX_WORD_FREQUENCY', int),
('NoAccessControl', 'CORS_NOACCESSCONTROL', bool),
('Places_Max_ID_count', 'LOOKUP_MAX_COUNT', int),
('PolygonOutput_MaximumTypes', 'POLYGON_OUTPUT_MAX_TYPES', int),
('Search_BatchMode', 'SEARCH_BATCH_MODE', bool),
('Search_NameOnlySearchFrequencyThreshold', 'SEARCH_NAME_ONLY_THRESHOLD', str),
('Term_Normalization_Rules', 'TERM_NORMALIZATION', str),
('Use_Aux_Location_data', 'USE_AUX_LOCATION_DATA', bool),
('Use_US_Tiger_Data', 'USE_US_TIGER_DATA', bool),
('MapIcon_URL', 'MAPICON_URL', str),
def setup_website(basedir, phplib_dir, config):
""" Create the website script stubs.
if not basedir.exists():'Creating website directory.')
template = dedent("""\
@define('CONST_Debug', $_GET['debug'] ?? false);
@define('CONST_LibDir', '{}');
for php_name, conf_name, var_type in PHP_CONST_DEFS:
if var_type == bool:
varout = 'true' if config.get_bool(conf_name) else 'false'
elif var_type == int:
varout = getattr(config, conf_name)
elif not getattr(config, conf_name):
varout = 'false'
varout = "'{}'".format(getattr(config, conf_name).replace("'", "\\'"))
template += "@define('CONST_{}', {});\n".format(php_name, varout)
template += "\nrequire_once('{}/website/{{}}');\n".format(phplib_dir)
for script in WEBSITE_SCRIPTS:
(basedir / script).write_text(template.format(script), 'utf-8')

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import psycopg2.extras
sys.path.insert(1, str((Path(__file__) / '..' / '..' / '..' / '..').resolve()))
from nominatim.config import Configuration
from import refresh
from steps.utils import run_script
class NominatimEnvironment:
@ -104,7 +105,8 @@ class NominatimEnvironment:
self.website_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
cfg = Configuration(None, self.src_dir / 'settings', environ=self.test_env)
refresh.setup_website(Path( / 'website', self.src_dir / 'lib-php', cfg)
def db_drop_database(self, name):
@ -182,6 +184,7 @@ class NominatimEnvironment:
self.run_setup_script('all', osm_file=self.api_test_file)
phrase_file = str((testdata / 'specialphrases_testdb.sql').resolve())
run_script(['psql', '-d', self.api_test_db, '-f', phrase_file])

View File

@ -159,31 +159,11 @@ class DBTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
# Tables, Indices
$oDB->exec('CREATE TABLE table1 (id integer, city varchar, country varchar)');
$oDB->exec('CREATE TABLE table2 (id integer, city varchar, country varchar)');
array('table1', 'table2'),
$oDB->exec('CREATE UNIQUE INDEX table1_index ON table1 (id)');
# select queries

View File

@ -15,26 +15,6 @@ class LibTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
$this->assertSame("''", addQuotes(''));
public function testCreatePointsAroundCenter()
// you might say we're creating a circle
$aPoints = createPointsAroundCenter(0, 0, 2);
array('', 0, 2),
array('', 0.12558103905863, 1.9960534568565),
array('', 0.25066646712861, 1.984229402629)
array_splice($aPoints, 0, 3)
public function testParseLatLon()
// no coordinates expected
@ -132,12 +112,4 @@ class LibTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
// start == end
$this->closestHouseNumberEvenOddOther(50, 50, 0.5, array('even' => 50, 'odd' => 50, 'other' => 50));
public function testGetSearchRankLabel()
$this->assertEquals('unknown', getSearchRankLabel(null));
$this->assertEquals('continent', getSearchRankLabel(0));
$this->assertEquals('continent', getSearchRankLabel(1));
$this->assertEquals('other: 30', getSearchRankLabel(30));

View File

@ -36,6 +36,14 @@ class _TestingCursor(psycopg2.extras.DictCursor):
return set((tuple(row) for row in self))
def table_exists(self, table):
""" Check that a table with the given name exists in the database.
num = self.scalar("""SELECT count(*) FROM pg_tables
WHERE tablename = %s""", (table, ))
return num == 1
def temp_db(monkeypatch):
""" Create an empty database for the test. The database name is also

View File

@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ import nominatim.clicmd.api
import nominatim.clicmd.refresh
import nominatim.clicmd.admin
import nominatim.indexer.indexer
from nominatim.errors import UsageError
@ -50,6 +53,14 @@ def mock_run_legacy(monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setattr(nominatim.cli, 'run_legacy_script', mock)
return mock
def mock_func_factory(monkeypatch):
def get_mock(module, func):
mock = MockParamCapture()
monkeypatch.setattr(module, func, mock)
return mock
return get_mock
def test_cli_help(capsys):
""" Running nominatim tool without arguments prints help.
@ -62,7 +73,6 @@ def test_cli_help(capsys):
@pytest.mark.parametrize("command,script", [
(('import', '--continue', 'load-data'), 'setup'),
(('freeze',), 'setup'),
(('special-phrases',), 'specialphrases'),
(('add-data', '--tiger-data', 'tiger'), 'setup'),
(('add-data', '--file', 'foo.osm'), 'update'),
@ -75,26 +85,42 @@ def test_legacy_commands_simple(mock_run_legacy, command, script):
assert mock_run_legacy.last_args[0] == script + '.php'
def test_freeze_command(mock_func_factory, temp_db):
mock_drop = mock_func_factory(, 'drop_update_tables')
mock_flatnode = mock_func_factory(, 'drop_flatnode_file')
assert 0 == call_nominatim('freeze')
assert mock_drop.called == 1
assert mock_flatnode.called == 1
@pytest.mark.parametrize("params", [('--warm', ),
('--warm', '--reverse-only'),
('--warm', '--search-only'),
('--check-database', )])
def test_admin_command_legacy(monkeypatch, params):
mock_run_legacy = MockParamCapture()
monkeypatch.setattr(nominatim.clicmd.admin, 'run_legacy_script', mock_run_legacy)
('--warm', '--search-only')])
def test_admin_command_legacy(mock_func_factory, params):
mock_run_legacy = mock_func_factory(nominatim.clicmd.admin, 'run_legacy_script')
assert 0 == call_nominatim('admin', *params)
assert mock_run_legacy.called == 1
@pytest.mark.parametrize("func, params", [('analyse_indexing', ('--analyse-indexing', ))])
def test_admin_command_tool(temp_db, monkeypatch, func, params):
mock = MockParamCapture()
monkeypatch.setattr(, func, mock)
def test_admin_command_tool(temp_db, mock_func_factory, func, params):
mock = mock_func_factory(, func)
assert 0 == call_nominatim('admin', *params)
assert mock.called == 1
def test_admin_command_check_database(mock_func_factory):
mock = mock_func_factory(, 'check_database')
assert 0 == call_nominatim('admin', '--check-database')
assert mock.called == 1
@pytest.mark.parametrize("name,oid", [('file', 'foo.osm'), ('diff', 'foo.osc'),
('node', 12), ('way', 8), ('relation', 32)])
def test_add_data_command(mock_run_legacy, name, oid):
@ -109,12 +135,10 @@ def test_add_data_command(mock_run_legacy, name, oid):
(['--boundaries-only'], 1, 0),
(['--no-boundaries'], 0, 1),
(['--boundaries-only', '--no-boundaries'], 0, 0)])
def test_index_command(monkeypatch, temp_db_cursor, params, do_bnds, do_ranks):
def test_index_command(mock_func_factory, temp_db_cursor, params, do_bnds, do_ranks):
temp_db_cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE import_status (indexed bool)")
bnd_mock = MockParamCapture()
monkeypatch.setattr(nominatim.indexer.indexer.Indexer, 'index_boundaries', bnd_mock)
rank_mock = MockParamCapture()
monkeypatch.setattr(nominatim.indexer.indexer.Indexer, 'index_by_rank', rank_mock)
bnd_mock = mock_func_factory(nominatim.indexer.indexer.Indexer, 'index_boundaries')
rank_mock = mock_func_factory(nominatim.indexer.indexer.Indexer, 'index_by_rank')
assert 0 == call_nominatim('index', *params)
@ -125,11 +149,9 @@ def test_index_command(monkeypatch, temp_db_cursor, params, do_bnds, do_ranks):
@pytest.mark.parametrize("command,params", [
('wiki-data', ('setup.php', '--import-wikipedia-articles')),
('importance', ('update.php', '--recompute-importance')),
('website', ('setup.php', '--setup-website')),
def test_refresh_legacy_command(monkeypatch, temp_db, command, params):
mock_run_legacy = MockParamCapture()
monkeypatch.setattr(nominatim.clicmd.refresh, 'run_legacy_script', mock_run_legacy)
def test_refresh_legacy_command(mock_func_factory, temp_db, command, params):
mock_run_legacy = mock_func_factory(nominatim.clicmd.refresh, 'run_legacy_script')
assert 0 == call_nominatim('refresh', '--' + command)
@ -142,18 +164,17 @@ def test_refresh_legacy_command(monkeypatch, temp_db, command, params):
('word-counts', 'recompute_word_counts'),
('address-levels', 'load_address_levels_from_file'),
('functions', 'create_functions'),
('website', 'setup_website'),
def test_refresh_command(monkeypatch, temp_db, command, func):
func_mock = MockParamCapture()
monkeypatch.setattr(, func, func_mock)
def test_refresh_command(mock_func_factory, temp_db, command, func):
func_mock = mock_func_factory(, func)
assert 0 == call_nominatim('refresh', '--' + command)
assert func_mock.called == 1
def test_refresh_importance_computed_after_wiki_import(monkeypatch, temp_db):
mock_run_legacy = MockParamCapture()
monkeypatch.setattr(nominatim.clicmd.refresh, 'run_legacy_script', mock_run_legacy)
def test_refresh_importance_computed_after_wiki_import(mock_func_factory, temp_db):
mock_run_legacy = mock_func_factory(nominatim.clicmd.refresh, 'run_legacy_script')
assert 0 == call_nominatim('refresh', '--importance', '--wiki-data')
@ -165,9 +186,8 @@ def test_refresh_importance_computed_after_wiki_import(monkeypatch, temp_db):
(('--init', '--no-update-functions'), 'init_replication'),
(('--check-for-updates',), 'check_for_updates')
def test_replication_command(monkeypatch, temp_db, params, func):
func_mock = MockParamCapture()
monkeypatch.setattr(, func, func_mock)
def test_replication_command(mock_func_factory, temp_db, params, func):
func_mock = mock_func_factory(, func)
assert 0 == call_nominatim('replication', *params)
assert func_mock.called == 1
@ -188,11 +208,10 @@ def test_replication_update_bad_interval_for_geofabrik(monkeypatch, temp_db):
@pytest.mark.parametrize("state", [,])
def test_replication_update_once_no_index(monkeypatch, temp_db, temp_db_conn,
def test_replication_update_once_no_index(mock_func_factory, temp_db, temp_db_conn,
status_table, state):
status.set_status(temp_db_conn,, seq=1)
func_mock = MockParamCapture(retval=state)
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'update', func_mock)
func_mock = mock_func_factory(, 'update')
assert 0 == call_nominatim('replication', '--once', '--no-index')
@ -236,9 +255,8 @@ def test_replication_update_continuous_no_change(monkeypatch, temp_db_conn, stat
assert sleep_mock.last_args[0] == 60
def test_serve_command(monkeypatch):
func = MockParamCapture()
monkeypatch.setattr(nominatim.cli, 'run_php_server', func)
def test_serve_command(mock_func_factory):
func = mock_func_factory(nominatim.cli, 'run_php_server')
@ -254,9 +272,8 @@ def test_serve_command(monkeypatch):
('details', '--place_id', '10001'),
def test_api_commands_simple(monkeypatch, params):
mock_run_api = MockParamCapture()
monkeypatch.setattr(nominatim.clicmd.api, 'run_api_script', mock_run_api)
def test_api_commands_simple(mock_func_factory, params):
mock_run_api = mock_func_factory(nominatim.clicmd.api, 'run_api_script')
assert 0 == call_nominatim(*params)

View File

@ -20,12 +20,31 @@ def test_connection_table_exists(db, temp_db_cursor):
assert db.table_exists('foobar') == True
def test_connection_index_exists(db, temp_db_cursor):
assert db.index_exists('some_index') == False
temp_db_cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE foobar (id INT)')
temp_db_cursor.execute('CREATE INDEX some_index ON foobar(id)')
assert db.index_exists('some_index') == True
assert db.index_exists('some_index', table='foobar') == True
assert db.index_exists('some_index', table='bar') == False
def test_connection_server_version_tuple(db):
ver = db.server_version_tuple()
assert isinstance(ver, tuple)
assert len(ver) == 2
assert ver[0] > 8
def test_cursor_scalar(db, temp_db_cursor):
temp_db_cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE dummy (id INT)')
with db.cursor() as cur:
assert cur.scalar('SELECT count(*) FROM dummy') == 0
def test_cursor_scalar_many_rows(db):
with db.cursor() as cur:
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
Tests for database integrity checks.
import pytest
from import check_database as chkdb
def test_check_database_unknown_db(def_config, monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setenv('NOMINATIM_DATABASE_DSN', 'pgsql:dbname=fjgkhughwgh2423gsags')
assert 1 == chkdb.check_database(def_config)
def test_check_conection_good(temp_db_conn, def_config):
assert chkdb.check_connection(temp_db_conn, def_config) == chkdb.CheckState.OK
def test_check_conection_bad(def_config):
badconn = chkdb._BadConnection('Error')
assert chkdb.check_connection(badconn, def_config) == chkdb.CheckState.FATAL
def test_check_placex_table_good(temp_db_cursor, temp_db_conn, def_config):
temp_db_cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE placex (place_id int)')
assert chkdb.check_placex_table(temp_db_conn, def_config) == chkdb.CheckState.OK
def test_check_placex_table_bad(temp_db_conn, def_config):
assert chkdb.check_placex_table(temp_db_conn, def_config) == chkdb.CheckState.FATAL
def test_check_placex_table_size_good(temp_db_cursor, temp_db_conn, def_config):
temp_db_cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE placex (place_id int)')
temp_db_cursor.execute('INSERT INTO placex VALUES (1), (2)')
assert chkdb.check_placex_size(temp_db_conn, def_config) == chkdb.CheckState.OK
def test_check_placex_table_size_bad(temp_db_cursor, temp_db_conn, def_config):
temp_db_cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE placex (place_id int)')
assert chkdb.check_placex_size(temp_db_conn, def_config) == chkdb.CheckState.FATAL
def test_check_module_bad(temp_db_conn, def_config):
assert chkdb.check_module(temp_db_conn, def_config) == chkdb.CheckState.FAIL
def test_check_indexing_good(temp_db_cursor, temp_db_conn, def_config):
temp_db_cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE placex (place_id int, indexed_status smallint)')
temp_db_cursor.execute('INSERT INTO placex VALUES (1, 0), (2, 0)')
assert chkdb.check_indexing(temp_db_conn, def_config) == chkdb.CheckState.OK
def test_check_indexing_bad(temp_db_cursor, temp_db_conn, def_config):
temp_db_cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE placex (place_id int, indexed_status smallint)')
temp_db_cursor.execute('INSERT INTO placex VALUES (1, 0), (2, 2)')
assert chkdb.check_indexing(temp_db_conn, def_config) == chkdb.CheckState.FAIL
def test_check_database_indexes_bad(temp_db_conn, def_config):
assert chkdb.check_database_indexes(temp_db_conn, def_config) == chkdb.CheckState.FAIL
def test_check_tiger_table_disabled(temp_db_conn, def_config, monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setenv('NOMINATIM_USE_US_TIGER_DATA' , 'no')
assert chkdb.check_tiger_table(temp_db_conn, def_config) == chkdb.CheckState.NOT_APPLICABLE
def test_check_tiger_table_enabled(temp_db_cursor, temp_db_conn, def_config, monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setenv('NOMINATIM_USE_US_TIGER_DATA' , 'yes')
assert chkdb.check_tiger_table(temp_db_conn, def_config) == chkdb.CheckState.FAIL
temp_db_cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE location_property_tiger (place_id int)')
assert chkdb.check_tiger_table(temp_db_conn, def_config) == chkdb.CheckState.FAIL
temp_db_cursor.execute('INSERT INTO location_property_tiger VALUES (1), (2)')
assert chkdb.check_tiger_table(temp_db_conn, def_config) == chkdb.CheckState.OK

View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
Tests for freeze functions (removing unused database parts).
import pytest
from import freeze
'country_name', 'country_osm_grid',
'location_postcode', 'location_property_osmline', 'location_property_tiger',
'placex', 'place_adressline',
'location_area', 'location_area_country', 'location_area_large_100',
'place', 'planet_osm_nodes', 'planet_osm_rels', 'planet_osm_ways',
'wikipedia_article', 'wikipedia_redirect'
def test_drop_tables(temp_db_conn, temp_db_cursor):
temp_db_cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE {} (id int)'.format(table))
assert temp_db_cursor.table_exists(table)
assert not temp_db_cursor.table_exists(table)
def test_drop_flatnode_file_no_file():
def test_drop_flatnode_file_file_already_gone(tmp_path):
freeze.drop_flatnode_file(str(tmp_path / ''))
def test_drop_flatnode_file_delte(tmp_path):
flatfile = tmp_path / ''
flatfile.write_text('Some content')
assert not flatfile.exists()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
Tests for setting up the website scripts.
from pathlib import Path
import subprocess
import pytest
from import refresh
def envdir(tmpdir):
(tmpdir / 'php').mkdir()
(tmpdir / 'php' / 'website').mkdir()
return tmpdir
def test_script(envdir):
def _create_file(code):
outfile = envdir / 'php' / 'website' / 'search.php'
outfile.write_text('<?php\n{}\n'.format(code), 'utf-8')
return _create_file
def run_website_script(envdir, config):
refresh.setup_website(envdir, envdir / 'php', config)
proc =['/usr/bin/env', 'php', '-Cq',
envdir / 'search.php'], check=False)
return proc.returncode
@pytest.mark.parametrize("setting,retval", (('yes', 10), ('no', 20)))
def test_setup_website_check_bool(def_config, monkeypatch, envdir, test_script,
setting, retval):
monkeypatch.setenv('NOMINATIM_CORS_NOACCESSCONTROL', setting)
test_script('exit(CONST_NoAccessControl ? 10 : 20);')
assert run_website_script(envdir, def_config) == retval
@pytest.mark.parametrize("setting", (0, 10, 99067))
def test_setup_website_check_int(def_config, monkeypatch, envdir, test_script, setting):
monkeypatch.setenv('NOMINATIM_LOOKUP_MAX_COUNT', str(setting))
test_script('exit(CONST_Places_Max_ID_count == {} ? 10 : 20);'.format(setting))
assert run_website_script(envdir, def_config) == 10
def test_setup_website_check_empty_str(def_config, monkeypatch, envdir, test_script):
monkeypatch.setenv('NOMINATIM_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE', '')
test_script('exit(CONST_Default_Language === false ? 10 : 20);')
assert run_website_script(envdir, def_config) == 10
def test_setup_website_check_str(def_config, monkeypatch, envdir, test_script):
monkeypatch.setenv('NOMINATIM_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE', 'ffde 2')
test_script('exit(CONST_Default_Language === "ffde 2" ? 10 : 20);')
assert run_website_script(envdir, def_config) == 10