prepare 3.6.0 release

This commit is contained in:
Sarah Hoffmann 2020-12-13 11:59:16 +01:00
parent eed2e3f2a8
commit 9610664fc5
3 changed files with 50 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake")

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@ -1,3 +1,50 @@
* add full support for searching by and displaying of addr:* tags
* improve address output for large-area objects
* better use of country names from OSM data for search and display
* better debug output for reverse call
* add support for addr:place links without an place equivalent in OSM
* improve finding postcodes with normalisation artefacts
* batch object to index for rank 30, avoiding a wrap-around of transaction
IDs in PostgreSQL
* introduce dynamic address rank computation for administrative boundaries
depending on linked objects and their place in the admin level hierarchy
* add country-specific address ranking for Indonesia, Russia, Belgium and
the Netherlands (thanks @hendrikmoree)
* make sure wikidata/wikipedia tags are imported for all styles
* make POIs searchable by name and housenumber (thanks @joy-yyd)
* reverse geocoding now ignores places without an address rank (rivers etc.)
* installation of a webserver is no longer mandatory, for development
use the php internal webserver via 'make serve
* reduce the influence of place nodes in addresses
* drop support for the unspecific is_in tag
* various minor tweaks to supplied styles
* move HTML web frontend into its own project
* move scripts for processing external data sources into separate directories
* introduce separate configuration for website (thanks @krahulreddy)
* update documentation, in particular, clean up development docs
* update osm2pgsql to 1.4.0
* ensure that wikipedia tags are imported for all styles
* reinstate verbosity for indexing during updates
* make house number reappear in display name on named POIs
* introduce batch processing in indexer to avoid transaction ID overrun
* increase splitting for large geometries to improve indexing speed
* remove deprecated get_magic_quotes_gpc() function
* make sure that all postcodes have an entry in word and are thus searchable
* remove use of ST_Covers in conjunction woth ST_Intersects,
causes bad query planning and slow updates in Postgis3
* update osm2pgsql
* disable jit and parallel processing in PostgreSQL for osm2pgsql
* update libosmium to 2.15.6 (fixes an issue with processing hanging
on large multipolygons)
* structured select on HTML search page
@ -11,7 +58,7 @@
* cleanup of partition function
* improve parenting for large POIs
* add support for Postgresql 12 and Postgis 3
* add earlier cleanup when --drop is given, to reduce meory usage
* add earlier cleanup when --drop is given, to reduce memory usage
* remove use of place_id in URLs
* replace C nominatim indexer with a simpler Python implementation
* split up the huge sql/functions.sql file

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ to newer versions of Nominatim.
SQL statements should be executed from the PostgreSQL commandline. Execute
`psql nominatim` to enter command line mode.
## 3.5.0 -> master
## 3.5.0 -> 3.6.0
### Change of layout of search_name_* tables