Location has been computed as the centroid over all
lines of a given postcodes. Then all postcodes which
cover a radius of more than 0.9 have been removed.
Adds word counts from a full planet to the word table. There is a
new configuration option CONST_Max_Word_Frequency which allows to
take into account the word count: the value that was set on import
is used to determine if a word is added to the search_name table.
The value during runtime determines if a single term should be
used for partial search or simply be ignored.
function changes:
Move to ST_PointOnSurface from ST_Centroid in various places to avoid looking up a point outside the polygon
Move to ST_Covers from ST_Contains to include points on admin boundaries
Re-order preference for get_country_code now our data is better. country_osm_grid is now the preffered source.
Fix code to calculate country code in placex_insert, rank_search test was too early
Add extra field to placex 'calculated_country_code' to improve structure of code
Move split_geometery function out of add_location into its own function
Rewrite split_geometery to be more efficient.
Change place_insert to do more updates and less delete/inserts (delete is slow)
Include wikipedia links in details.php ouput
Cleanup no longer used geometry validation (adding overhead)
Include debug statements in function.sql (--DEBUG: ) and add flag to setup.php to turn them on
add flag --disable-token-precalc to speed up debuging
add flag --index-noanalyse to disable analysising DB at rank 4 and 26 (previously removed, but on my local DB it seems to be required)
add flag --enable-diff-updates (modifier to --create-functions) to turn on the code required for diff updates without having to modify functions.sql
add flag --enable-debug-statements (modifier to --create-functions) to turn on debug warning statements
added flag --no-index to import osmosis changes without indexing them
extend the hack to allow import of JOSM generated osm files
country_grid.sql - reference copy of the sql used to generate the country_osm_grid table, needs cleanup
- new config options for postgresql version and
location of osm2pgsql and osmosis binaries
- new option --no-npi for update.php that supresses writing of NPIs in
osmosis update mode
- add more GRANTs for www-data