#include "postgres.h" #include "fmgr.h" #include "mb/pg_wchar.h" #include #ifdef PG_MODULE_MAGIC PG_MODULE_MAGIC; #endif Datum transliteration( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS ); Datum gettokenstring( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS ); void str_replace(char* buffer, int* len, int* changes, char* from, int fromlen, char* to, int tolen, int); void str_dupspaces(char* buffer); PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1( transliteration ); Datum transliteration( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS ) { static char * ascii = UTFASCII; static uint16 asciilookup[65536] = UTFASCIILOOKUP; char * asciipos; text *source; unsigned char *sourcedata; int sourcedatalength; unsigned int c1,c2,c3,c4; unsigned int * wchardata; unsigned int * wchardatastart; text *result; unsigned char *resultdata; int resultdatalength; int iLen; if (GetDatabaseEncoding() != PG_UTF8) { ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("requires UTF8 database encoding"))); } if (PG_ARGISNULL(0)) { PG_RETURN_NULL(); } // The original string source = PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0); sourcedata = (unsigned char *)VARDATA(source); sourcedatalength = VARSIZE(source) - VARHDRSZ; // Intermediate wchar version of string wchardatastart = wchardata = (unsigned int *)palloc((sourcedatalength+1)*sizeof(int)); // Based on pg_utf2wchar_with_len from wchar.c // Postgresql strings are not zero terminalted while (sourcedatalength > 0) { if ((*sourcedata & 0x80) == 0) { *wchardata = *sourcedata++; wchardata++; sourcedatalength--; } else if ((*sourcedata & 0xe0) == 0xc0) { if (sourcedatalength < 2) break; c1 = *sourcedata++ & 0x1f; c2 = *sourcedata++ & 0x3f; *wchardata = (c1 << 6) | c2; if (*wchardata < 65536) wchardata++; sourcedatalength -= 2; } else if ((*sourcedata & 0xf0) == 0xe0) { if (sourcedatalength < 3) break; c1 = *sourcedata++ & 0x0f; c2 = *sourcedata++ & 0x3f; c3 = *sourcedata++ & 0x3f; *wchardata = (c1 << 12) | (c2 << 6) | c3; if (*wchardata < 65536) wchardata++; sourcedatalength -= 3; } else if ((*sourcedata & 0xf8) == 0xf0) { if (sourcedatalength < 4) break; c1 = *sourcedata++ & 0x07; c2 = *sourcedata++ & 0x3f; c3 = *sourcedata++ & 0x3f; c4 = *sourcedata++ & 0x3f; *wchardata = (c1 << 18) | (c2 << 12) | (c3 << 6) | c4; if (*wchardata < 65536) wchardata++; sourcedatalength -= 4; } else if ((*sourcedata & 0xfc) == 0xf8) { // table does not extend beyond 4 char long, just skip if (sourcedatalength < 5) break; sourcedatalength -= 5; sourcedata += 5; } else if ((*sourcedata & 0xfe) == 0xfc) { // table does not extend beyond 4 char long, just skip if (sourcedatalength < 6) break; sourcedatalength -= 6; sourcedata += 6; } else { // assume lenngth 1, silently drop bogus characters sourcedatalength--; sourcedata += 1; } } *wchardata = 0; // calc the length of transliteration string resultdatalength = 0; wchardata = wchardatastart; while(*wchardata) { if (*(asciilookup + *wchardata) > 0) resultdatalength += *(ascii + *(asciilookup + *wchardata)); wchardata++; } // allocate & create the result result = (text *)palloc(resultdatalength + VARHDRSZ); SET_VARSIZE(result, resultdatalength + VARHDRSZ); resultdata = (unsigned char *)VARDATA(result); wchardata = wchardatastart; while(*wchardata) { if (*(asciilookup + *wchardata) > 0) { asciipos = ascii + *(asciilookup + *wchardata); for(iLen = *asciipos; iLen > 0; iLen--) { asciipos++; *resultdata = *asciipos; resultdata++; } } /*else { ereport( WARNING, ( errcode( ERRCODE_SUCCESSFUL_COMPLETION ), errmsg( "missing char: %i\n", *wchardata ))); }*/ wchardata++; } pfree(wchardatastart); PG_RETURN_TEXT_P(result); } void str_replace(char* buffer, int* len, int* changes, char* from, int fromlen, char* to, int tolen, int isspace) { char *p; // Search string is too long to be pressent if (fromlen > *len) return; p = strstr(buffer, from); while(p) { if (!isspace || *(p-1) != ' ') { (*changes)++; if (tolen != fromlen) memmove(p+tolen, p+fromlen, *len-(p-buffer)+1); memcpy(p, to, tolen); *len += tolen - fromlen; } p = strstr(p+1, from); } } void str_dupspaces(char* buffer) { char *out; int wasspace; out = buffer; wasspace = 0; while(*buffer) { if (wasspace && *buffer != ' ') wasspace = 0; if (!wasspace) { *out = *buffer; out++; wasspace = (*buffer == ' '); } buffer++; } *out = 0; } PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1( gettokenstring ); Datum gettokenstring( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS ) { text *source; unsigned char *sourcedata; int sourcedatalength; char * buffer; int len; int changes; text *result; if (GetDatabaseEncoding() != PG_UTF8) { ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("requires UTF8 database encoding"))); } if (PG_ARGISNULL(0)) { PG_RETURN_NULL(); } // The original string source = PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0); sourcedata = (unsigned char *)VARDATA(source); sourcedatalength = VARSIZE(source) - VARHDRSZ; // Buffer for doing the replace in - string could get slightly longer (double is mastive overkill) buffer = (char *)palloc((sourcedatalength*2)*sizeof(char)); memcpy(buffer+1, sourcedata, sourcedatalength); buffer[0] = 32; buffer[sourcedatalength+1] = 32; buffer[sourcedatalength+2] = 0; len = sourcedatalength+3; changes = 1; str_dupspaces(buffer); while(changes) { changes = 0; #include str_dupspaces(buffer); } // 'and' in various languages str_replace(buffer, &len, &changes, " and ", 5, " ", 1, 0); str_replace(buffer, &len, &changes, " und ", 5, " ", 1, 0); str_replace(buffer, &len, &changes, " en ", 4, " ", 1, 0); str_replace(buffer, &len, &changes, " et ", 4, " ", 1, 0); str_replace(buffer, &len, &changes, " y ", 3, " ", 1, 0); // 'the' (and similar) str_replace(buffer, &len, &changes, " the ", 5, " ", 1, 0); str_replace(buffer, &len, &changes, " der ", 5, " ", 1, 0); str_replace(buffer, &len, &changes, " den ", 5, " ", 1, 0); str_replace(buffer, &len, &changes, " die ", 5, " ", 1, 0); str_replace(buffer, &len, &changes, " das ", 5, " ", 1, 0); str_replace(buffer, &len, &changes, " la ", 4, " ", 1, 0); str_replace(buffer, &len, &changes, " le ", 4, " ", 1, 0); str_replace(buffer, &len, &changes, " el ", 4, " ", 1, 0); str_replace(buffer, &len, &changes, " il ", 4, " ", 1, 0); // german str_replace(buffer, &len, &changes, "ae", 2, "a", 1, 0); str_replace(buffer, &len, &changes, "oe", 2, "o", 1, 0); str_replace(buffer, &len, &changes, "ue", 2, "u", 1, 0); str_replace(buffer, &len, &changes, "sss", 3, "ss", 2, 0); str_replace(buffer, &len, &changes, "ih", 2, "i", 1, 0); str_replace(buffer, &len, &changes, "eh", 2, "e", 1, 0); // russian str_replace(buffer, &len, &changes, "ie", 2, "i", 1, 0); str_replace(buffer, &len, &changes, "yi", 2, "i", 1, 0); // allocate & create the result len--;// Drop the terminating zero result = (text *)palloc(len + VARHDRSZ); SET_VARSIZE(result, len + VARHDRSZ); memcpy(VARDATA(result), buffer, len); pfree(buffer); PG_RETURN_TEXT_P(result); }