# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later # # This file is part of Nominatim. (https://nominatim.org) # # Copyright (C) 2023 by the Nominatim developer community. # For a full list of authors see the git log. """ Tests for search API calls. These tests make sure that all Python code is correct and executable. Functional tests can be found in the BDD test suite. """ import json import pytest import sqlalchemy as sa import nominatim.api as napi import nominatim.api.logging as loglib API_OPTIONS = {'search'} @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def setup_icu_tokenizer(apiobj): """ Setup the properties needed for using the ICU tokenizer. """ apiobj.add_data('properties', [{'property': 'tokenizer', 'value': 'icu'}, {'property': 'tokenizer_import_normalisation', 'value': ':: lower();'}, {'property': 'tokenizer_import_transliteration', 'value': "'1' > '/1/'; 'ä' > 'ä '"}, ]) def test_search_no_content(apiobj, frontend): apiobj.add_word_table([]) api = frontend(apiobj, options=API_OPTIONS) assert api.search('foo') == [] def test_search_simple_word(apiobj, frontend): apiobj.add_word_table([(55, 'test', 'W', 'test', None), (2, 'test', 'w', 'test', None)]) apiobj.add_placex(place_id=444, class_='place', type='village', centroid=(1.3, 0.7)) apiobj.add_search_name(444, names=[2, 55]) api = frontend(apiobj, options=API_OPTIONS) results = api.search('TEST') assert [r.place_id for r in results] == [444] @pytest.mark.parametrize('logtype', ['text', 'html']) def test_search_with_debug(apiobj, frontend, logtype): apiobj.add_word_table([(55, 'test', 'W', 'test', None), (2, 'test', 'w', 'test', None)]) apiobj.add_placex(place_id=444, class_='place', type='village', centroid=(1.3, 0.7)) apiobj.add_search_name(444, names=[2, 55]) api = frontend(apiobj, options=API_OPTIONS) loglib.set_log_output(logtype) results = api.search('TEST') assert loglib.get_and_disable() def test_address_no_content(apiobj, frontend): apiobj.add_word_table([]) api = frontend(apiobj, options=API_OPTIONS) assert api.search_address(amenity='hotel', street='Main St 34', city='Happyville', county='Wideland', state='Praerie', postalcode='55648', country='xx') == [] @pytest.mark.parametrize('atype,address,search', [('street', 26, 26), ('city', 16, 18), ('county', 12, 12), ('state', 8, 8)]) def test_address_simple_places(apiobj, frontend, atype, address, search): apiobj.add_word_table([(55, 'test', 'W', 'test', None), (2, 'test', 'w', 'test', None)]) apiobj.add_placex(place_id=444, rank_address=address, rank_search=search, centroid=(1.3, 0.7)) apiobj.add_search_name(444, names=[2, 55], address_rank=address, search_rank=search) api = frontend(apiobj, options=API_OPTIONS) results = api.search_address(**{atype: 'TEST'}) assert [r.place_id for r in results] == [444] def test_address_country(apiobj, frontend): apiobj.add_word_table([(None, 'ro', 'C', 'ro', None)]) apiobj.add_country('ro', 'POLYGON((0 0, 0 1, 1 1, 1 0, 0 0))') apiobj.add_country_name('ro', {'name': 'România'}) api = frontend(apiobj, options=API_OPTIONS) assert len(api.search_address(country='ro')) == 1 def test_category_no_categories(apiobj, frontend): apiobj.add_word_table([]) api = frontend(apiobj, options=API_OPTIONS) assert api.search_category([], near_query='Berlin') == [] def test_category_no_content(apiobj, frontend): apiobj.add_word_table([]) api = frontend(apiobj, options=API_OPTIONS) assert api.search_category([('amenity', 'restaurant')]) == [] def test_category_simple_restaurant(apiobj, frontend): apiobj.add_word_table([]) apiobj.add_placex(place_id=444, class_='amenity', type='restaurant', centroid=(1.3, 0.7)) apiobj.add_search_name(444, names=[2, 55], address_rank=16, search_rank=18) api = frontend(apiobj, options=API_OPTIONS) results = api.search_category([('amenity', 'restaurant')], near=(1.3, 0.701), near_radius=0.015) assert [r.place_id for r in results] == [444] def test_category_with_search_phrase(apiobj, frontend): apiobj.add_word_table([(55, 'test', 'W', 'test', None), (2, 'test', 'w', 'test', None)]) apiobj.add_placex(place_id=444, class_='place', type='village', rank_address=16, rank_search=18, centroid=(1.3, 0.7)) apiobj.add_search_name(444, names=[2, 55], address_rank=16, search_rank=18) apiobj.add_placex(place_id=95, class_='amenity', type='restaurant', centroid=(1.3, 0.7003)) api = frontend(apiobj, options=API_OPTIONS) results = api.search_category([('amenity', 'restaurant')], near_query='TEST') assert [r.place_id for r in results] == [95]