# Setting up the Nominatim UI Nominatim is a search API, it does not provide a website interface on its own. [nominatim-ui](https://github.com/osm-search/nominatim-ui) offers a small website for testing your setup and inspecting the database content. This section provides a quick start how to use nominatim-ui with your installation. For more details, please also have a look at the [README of nominatim-ui](https://github.com/osm-search/nominatim-ui/blob/master/README.md). ## Installing nominatim-ui nominatim-ui does not need any special installation, just download, configure and run it. Clone the source from github: git clone https://github.com/osm-search/nominatim-ui Adapt the configuration `dist/config.js` to your needs. You need at least to change the `Nominatim_API_Endpoint` to point to your Nominatim installation. Then you can just test it locally by spinning up a webserver in the `dist` directory. For example, with Python: cd nominatim-ui/dist python3 -m http.server 8765 The website is now available at `http://localhost:8765`. ## Forwarding searches to nominatim-ui Nominatim used to provide the search interface directly by itself when `format=html` was requested. For all endpoints except for `/reverse` and `/lookup` this even used to be the default. The following section describes how to set up Apache or nginx, so that your users are forwarded to nominatim-ui when they go to URL that formerly presented the UI. ### Setting up forwarding in Nginx First of all make nominatim-ui available under `/ui` on your webserver: ``` nginx server { # Here is the Nominatim setup as described in the Installation section location /ui/ { alias /dist/; index index.html; } } ``` Now we need to find out if a URL should be forwarded to the UI. Add the following `map` commands *outside* the server section: ``` nginx # Inspect the format parameter in the query arguments. We are interested # if it is set to html or something else or if it is missing completely. map $args $format { default default; ~(^|&)format=html(&|$) html; ~(^|&)format= other; } # Determine from the URI and the format parameter aboce if forwarding is needed. map $uri/$format $forward_to_ui { default 1; # The default is to forward. ~^/ui 0; # If the URI point to the UI already, we are done. ~/other$ 0; # An explicit non-html format paramter. No forwarding. ~/reverse.*/default 0; # Reverse and lookup assume xml format when ~/lookup.*/default 0; # no format parameter is given. No forwarding. } ``` The `$forward_to_ui` parameter can now be used to conditionally forward the calls: ``` # When no endpoint is given, default to search. # Need to add a rewrite so that the rewrite rules below catch it correctly. rewrite ^/$ /search; location @php { # fastcgi stuff.. if ($forward_to_ui) { rewrite ^(/[^/]*) http://nominatim.loar/ui$1.html redirect; } } location ~ [^/]\.php(/|$) { # fastcgi stuff.. if ($forward_to_ui) { rewrite (.*).php http://nominatim.loar/ui$1.html redirect; } } ``` !!! warning Be aware that the rewrite commands are slightly different for URIs with and without the .php suffix. Reload nginx and the UI should be available. ### Setting up forwarding in Apache First of all make nominatim-ui available in the `ui/` subdirectory where Nominatim is installed. For example, given you have set up an alias under `nominatim` like this: ``` apache Alias /nominatim /home/vagrant/build/website ``` you need to insert the following rules for nominatim-ui before that alias: ``` DirectoryIndex search.html Require all granted Alias /nominatim/ui /home/vagrant/nominatim-ui/dist ``` Replace `/home/vagrant/nominatim-ui` with the directory where you have cloned nominatim-ui. !!! important The alias for nominatim-ui must come before the alias for the Nominatim website directory. To set up forwarding, the Apache rewrite module is needed. Enable it with: ``` sh sudo a2enmod rewrite ``` Then add rewrite rules to the `Directory` directive of the Nominatim website directory like this: ``` apache Options FollowSymLinks MultiViews AddType text/html .php Require all granted RewriteEngine On # This must correspond to the URL where nominatim can be found. RewriteBase "/nominatim/" # If no endpoint is given, then use search. RewriteRule ^(/|$) "search.php" # If format-html is explicity requested, forward to the UI. RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} "format=html" RewriteRule ^([^/]+).php ui/$1.html [R,END] # Same but .php suffix is missing. RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} "format=html" RewriteRule ^([^/]+) ui/$1.html [R,END] # If no format parameter is there then forward anything # but /reverse and /lookup to the UI. RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} "!format=" RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} "!/lookup" RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} "!/reverse" RewriteRule ^([^/]+).php ui/$1.html [R,END] # Same but .php suffix is missing. RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} "!format=" RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} "!/lookup" RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} "!/reverse" RewriteRule ^([^/]+) ui/$1.html [R,END] ``` Restart Apache and the UI should be available.