-- SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only -- -- This file is part of Nominatim. (https://nominatim.org) -- -- Copyright (C) 2022 by the Nominatim developer community. -- For a full list of authors see the git log. drop table IF EXISTS search_name_blank CASCADE; CREATE TABLE search_name_blank ( place_id BIGINT, address_rank smallint, name_vector integer[], centroid GEOMETRY(Geometry, 4326) ); {% for partition in db.partitions %} CREATE TABLE location_area_large_{{ partition }} () INHERITS (location_area_large) {{db.tablespace.address_data}}; CREATE INDEX idx_location_area_large_{{ partition }}_place_id ON location_area_large_{{ partition }} USING BTREE (place_id) {{db.tablespace.address_index}}; CREATE INDEX idx_location_area_large_{{ partition }}_geometry ON location_area_large_{{ partition }} USING GIST (geometry) {{db.tablespace.address_index}}; CREATE TABLE search_name_{{ partition }} () INHERITS (search_name_blank) {{db.tablespace.address_data}}; CREATE INDEX idx_search_name_{{ partition }}_place_id ON search_name_{{ partition }} USING BTREE (place_id) {{db.tablespace.address_index}}; CREATE INDEX idx_search_name_{{ partition }}_centroid_street ON search_name_{{ partition }} USING GIST (centroid) {{db.tablespace.address_index}} where address_rank between 26 and 27; CREATE INDEX idx_search_name_{{ partition }}_centroid_place ON search_name_{{ partition }} USING GIST (centroid) {{db.tablespace.address_index}} where address_rank between 2 and 25; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS location_road_{{ partition }}; CREATE TABLE location_road_{{ partition }} ( place_id BIGINT, partition SMALLINT, country_code VARCHAR(2), geometry GEOMETRY(Geometry, 4326) ) {{db.tablespace.address_data}}; CREATE INDEX idx_location_road_{{ partition }}_geometry ON location_road_{{ partition }} USING GIST (geometry) {{db.tablespace.address_index}}; CREATE INDEX idx_location_road_{{ partition }}_place_id ON location_road_{{ partition }} USING BTREE (place_id) {{db.tablespace.address_index}}; {% endfor %}