# Importing the Database The following instructions explain how to create a Nominatim database from an OSM planet file and how to keep the database up to date. It is assumed that you have already successfully installed the Nominatim software itself, if not return to the [installation page](Installation.md). ## Configuration setup in settings/local.php The Nominatim server can be customized via the file `settings/local.php` in the build directory. Note that this is a PHP file, so it must always start like this: --all 2>&1 | tee setup.log ``` ***Note for full planet imports:*** Even on a perfectly configured machine the import of a full planet takes at least 2 days. Once you see messages with `Rank .. ETA` appear, the indexing process has started. This part takes the most time. There are 30 ranks to process. Rank 26 and 30 are the most complex. They take each about a third of the total import time. If you have not reached rank 26 after two days of import, it is worth revisiting your system configuration as it may not be optimal for the import. ### Notes on memory usage In the first step of the import Nominatim uses osm2pgsql to load the OSM data into the PostgreSQL database. This step is very demanding in terms of RAM usage. osm2pgsql and PostgreSQL are running in parallel at this point. PostgreSQL blocks at least the part of RAM that has been configured with the `shared_buffers` parameter during [PostgreSQL tuning](Installation#postgresql-tuning) and needs some memory on top of that. osm2pgsql needs at least 2GB of RAM for its internal data structures, potentially more when it has to process very large relations. In addition it needs to maintain a cache for node locations. The size of this cache can be configured with the parameter `--osm2pgsql-cache`. When importing with a flatnode file, it is best to disable the node cache completely and leave the memory for the flatnode file. Nominatim will do this by default, so you do not need to configure anything in this case. For imports without a flatnode file, set `--osm2pgsql-cache` approximately to the size of the OSM pbf file (in MB) you are importing. Make sure you leave enough RAM for PostgreSQL and osm2pgsql as mentioned above. If the system starts swapping or you are getting out-of-memory errors, reduce the cache size or even consider using a flatnode file. ### Verify import finished Run this script to verify all required tables and indices got created successfully. ```sh ./utils/check_import_finished.php ``` ### Setting up the website Run the following command to set up the `settings/settings-frontend.php`. These settings are used in website/*.php files. You can use the website only after this step is completed. ```sh ./utils/setup.php --setup-website ``` !!! Note This step is not necessary if you use `--all` option while setting up the DB. ## Tuning the database Accurate word frequency information for search terms helps PostgreSQL's query planner to make the right decisions. Recomputing them can improve the performance of forward geocoding in particular under high load. To recompute word counts run: ```sh ./utils/update.php --recompute-word-counts ``` This will take a couple of hours for a full planet installation. You can also defer that step to a later point in time when you realise that performance becomes an issue. Just make sure that updates are stopped before running this function. If you want to be able to search for places by their type through [special key phrases](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Nominatim/Special_Phrases) you also need to enable these key phrases like this: ./utils/specialphrases.php --wiki-import > specialphrases.sql psql -d nominatim -f specialphrases.sql Note that this command downloads the phrases from the wiki link above. You need internet access for the step. ## Installing Tiger housenumber data for the US Nominatim is able to use the official [TIGER](https://www.census.gov/geographies/mapping-files/time-series/geo/tiger-line-file.html) address set to complement the OSM house number data in the US. You can add TIGER data to your own Nominatim instance by following these steps. The entire US adds about 10GB to your database. 1. Get preprocessed TIGER 2019 data and unpack it into the data directory in your Nominatim sources: cd Nominatim/data wget https://nominatim.org/data/tiger2019-nominatim-preprocessed.tar.gz tar xf tiger2019-nominatim-preprocessed.tar.gz `data-source/us-tiger/README.md` explains how the data got preprocessed. 2. Import the data into your Nominatim database: ./utils/setup.php --import-tiger-data 3. Enable use of the Tiger data in your `settings/local.php` by adding: @define('CONST_Use_US_Tiger_Data', true); 4. Apply the new settings: ```sh ./utils/setup.php --create-functions --enable-diff-updates --create-partition-functions ```