mirror of
synced 2024-12-26 22:44:44 +03:00
On the osm.org instance, this saves 2 psql queries for about 87% of reverse requests consequently increasing throughput significantly. A lower value might make sense if an instance is used only in areas with very high mapping density but for standard usage this one should be better suited.
171 lines
6.2 KiB
Executable File
171 lines
6.2 KiB
Executable File
@define('CONST_ConnectionBucket_PageType', 'Reverse');
if (strpos(CONST_BulkUserIPs, ','.$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"].',') !== false)
$fLoadAvg = getLoadAverage();
if ($fLoadAvg > 2) sleep(60);
if ($fLoadAvg > 4) sleep(120);
if ($fLoadAvg > 6)
echo "Bulk User: Temporary block due to high server load\n";
$oDB =& getDB();
ini_set('memory_limit', '200M');
// Format for output
$sOutputFormat = 'xml';
if (isset($_GET['format']) && ($_GET['format'] == 'xml' || $_GET['format'] == 'json' || $_GET['format'] == 'jsonv2'))
$sOutputFormat = $_GET['format'];
// Show address breakdown
$bShowAddressDetails = true;
if (isset($_GET['addressdetails'])) $bShowAddressDetails = (bool)$_GET['addressdetails'];
// Preferred language
$aLangPrefOrder = getPreferredLanguages();
$sLanguagePrefArraySQL = "ARRAY[".join(',',array_map("getDBQuoted",$aLangPrefOrder))."]";
$hLog = logStart($oDB, 'reverse', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $aLangPrefOrder);
if (isset($_GET['osm_type']) && isset($_GET['osm_id']) && (int)$_GET['osm_id'] && ($_GET['osm_type'] == 'N' || $_GET['osm_type'] == 'W' || $_GET['osm_type'] == 'R'))
$iPlaceID = $oDB->getOne($sSQL = ("select place_id from placex where osm_type = '".$_GET['osm_type']."' and osm_id = ".(int)$_GET['osm_id']." order by type = 'postcode' asc"));
if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
if (!$iPlaceID) $sError = 'OSM ID Not Found';
// Location to look up
$fLat = (float)$_GET['lat'];
$fLon = (float)$_GET['lon'];
$sPointSQL = "ST_SetSRID(ST_Point($fLon,$fLat),4326)";
// Zoom to rank, this could probably be calculated but a lookup gives fine control
$aZoomRank = array(
0 => 2, // Continent / Sea
1 => 2,
2 => 2,
3 => 4, // Country
4 => 4,
5 => 8, // State
6 => 10, // Region
7 => 10,
8 => 12, // County
9 => 12,
10 => 17, // City
11 => 17,
12 => 18, // Town / Village
13 => 18,
14 => 22, // Suburb
15 => 22,
16 => 26, // Street, TODO: major street?
17 => 26,
18 => 30, // or >, Building
19 => 30, // or >, Building
$iMaxRank = (isset($_GET['zoom']) && isset($aZoomRank[$_GET['zoom']]))?$aZoomRank[$_GET['zoom']]:28;
// Find the nearest point
$fSearchDiam = 0.0004;
$iPlaceID = null;
$aArea = false;
$fMaxAreaDistance = 1;
while(!$iPlaceID && $fSearchDiam < $fMaxAreaDistance)
$fSearchDiam = $fSearchDiam * 2;
// If we have to expand the search area by a large amount then we need a larger feature
// then there is a limit to how small the feature should be
if ($fSearchDiam > 2 && $iMaxRank > 4) $iMaxRank = 4;
if ($fSearchDiam > 1 && $iMaxRank > 9) $iMaxRank = 8;
if ($fSearchDiam > 0.8 && $iMaxRank > 10) $iMaxRank = 10;
if ($fSearchDiam > 0.6 && $iMaxRank > 12) $iMaxRank = 12;
if ($fSearchDiam > 0.2 && $iMaxRank > 17) $iMaxRank = 17;
if ($fSearchDiam > 0.1 && $iMaxRank > 18) $iMaxRank = 18;
if ($fSearchDiam > 0.008 && $iMaxRank > 22) $iMaxRank = 22;
if ($fSearchDiam > 0.001 && $iMaxRank > 26) $iMaxRank = 26;
$sSQL = 'select place_id,parent_place_id,rank_search from placex';
$sSQL .= ' WHERE ST_DWithin('.$sPointSQL.', geometry, '.$fSearchDiam.')';
$sSQL .= ' and rank_search != 28 and rank_search >= '.$iMaxRank;
$sSQL .= ' and (name is not null or housenumber is not null)';
$sSQL .= ' and class not in (\'waterway\',\'railway\',\'tunnel\',\'bridge\')';
$sSQL .= ' and (ST_GeometryType(geometry) not in (\'ST_Polygon\',\'ST_MultiPolygon\') ';
$sSQL .= ' OR ST_DWithin('.$sPointSQL.', centroid, '.$fSearchDiam.'))';
$sSQL .= ' ORDER BY ST_distance('.$sPointSQL.', geometry) ASC limit 1';
if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
$aPlace = $oDB->getRow($sSQL);
if (PEAR::IsError($aPlace))
failInternalError("Could not determine closest place.", $sSQL, $iPlaceID);
$iPlaceID = $aPlace['place_id'];
$iParentPlaceID = $aPlace['parent_place_id'];
// The point we found might be too small - use the address to find what it is a child of
if ($iPlaceID && $iMaxRank < 28)
if ($aPlace['rank_search'] > 28 && $iParentPlaceID) {
$iPlaceID = $iParentPlaceID;
$sSQL = "select address_place_id from place_addressline where place_id = $iPlaceID order by abs(cached_rank_address - $iMaxRank) asc,cached_rank_address desc,isaddress desc,distance desc limit 1";
$iPlaceID = $oDB->getOne($sSQL);
if (PEAR::IsError($iPlaceID))
failInternalError("Could not get parent for place.", $sSQL, $iPlaceID);
if (!$iPlaceID)
$iPlaceID = $aPlace['place_id'];
if ($iPlaceID)
$sSQL = "select placex.*,";
$sSQL .= " get_address_by_language(place_id, $sLanguagePrefArraySQL) as langaddress,";
$sSQL .= " get_name_by_language(name, $sLanguagePrefArraySQL) as placename,";
$sSQL .= " get_name_by_language(name, ARRAY['ref']) as ref,";
$sSQL .= " st_y(centroid) as lat, st_x(centroid) as lon";
$sSQL .= " from placex where place_id = $iPlaceID ";
$aPlace = $oDB->getRow($sSQL);
//var_dump($sSQL, $aPlace); exit;
if ($bShowAddressDetails)
$aAddress = getAddressDetails($oDB, $sLanguagePrefArraySQL, $iPlaceID, $aPlace['calculated_country_code']);
$aClassType = getClassTypes();
$sAddressType = '';
$sClassType = $aPlace['class'].':'.$aPlace['type'].':'.$aPlace['admin_level'];
if (isset($aClassType[$sClassType]) && isset($aClassType[$sClassType]['simplelabel']))
$sAddressType = $aClassType[$aClassType]['simplelabel'];
$sClassType = $aPlace['class'].':'.$aPlace['type'];
if (isset($aClassType[$sClassType]) && isset($aClassType[$sClassType]['simplelabel']))
$sAddressType = $aClassType[$sClassType]['simplelabel'];
else $sAddressType = $aPlace['class'];
$aPlace['addresstype'] = $sAddressType;
if (CONST_Debug) exit;