mirror of
synced 2024-11-28 05:48:36 +03:00
'type' so far contained the value of the OSM tag. That is rarely helpful because it is not a restricted class of values. Change this to contain the types as defined in the geocodejson spec, which correspond to the address layer names.
247 lines
8.3 KiB
247 lines
8.3 KiB
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
* This file is part of Nominatim. (https://nominatim.org)
* Copyright (C) 2022 by the Nominatim developer community.
* For a full list of authors see the git log.
function loadSettings($sProjectDir)
@define('CONST_InstallDir', $sProjectDir);
// Temporary hack to set the direcory via environment instead of
// the installed scripts. Neither setting is part of the official
// set of settings.
defined('CONST_ConfigDir') or define('CONST_ConfigDir', $_SERVER['NOMINATIM_CONFIGDIR']);
function getSetting($sConfName, $sDefault = null)
$sValue = $_SERVER['NOMINATIM_'.$sConfName];
if ($sDefault !== null && !$sValue) {
return $sDefault;
return $sValue;
function getSettingBool($sConfName)
$sVal = strtolower(getSetting($sConfName));
return strcmp($sVal, 'yes') == 0
|| strcmp($sVal, 'true') == 0
|| strcmp($sVal, '1') == 0;
function fail($sError, $sUserError = false)
if (!$sUserError) {
$sUserError = $sError;
error_log('ERROR: '.$sError);
echo "\n";
function getProcessorCount()
$sCPU = file_get_contents('/proc/cpuinfo');
preg_match_all('#processor\s+: [0-9]+#', $sCPU, $aMatches);
return count($aMatches[0]);
function getTotalMemoryMB()
$sCPU = file_get_contents('/proc/meminfo');
preg_match('#MemTotal: +([0-9]+) kB#', $sCPU, $aMatches);
return (int)($aMatches[1]/1024);
function getCacheMemoryMB()
$sCPU = file_get_contents('/proc/meminfo');
preg_match('#Cached: +([0-9]+) kB#', $sCPU, $aMatches);
return (int)($aMatches[1]/1024);
function getDatabaseDate(&$oDB)
// Find the newest node in the DB
$iLastOSMID = $oDB->getOne("select max(osm_id) from place where osm_type = 'N'");
// Lookup the timestamp that node was created
$sLastNodeURL = 'https://www.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/node/'.$iLastOSMID.'/1';
$sLastNodeXML = file_get_contents($sLastNodeURL);
if ($sLastNodeXML === false) {
return false;
preg_match('#timestamp="(([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})T([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})Z)"#', $sLastNodeXML, $aLastNodeDate);
return $aLastNodeDate[1];
function byImportance($a, $b)
if ($a['importance'] != $b['importance']) {
return ($a['importance'] > $b['importance']?-1:1);
return $a['foundorder'] <=> $b['foundorder'];
function javascript_renderData($xVal, $iOptions = 0)
$sCallback = isset($_GET['json_callback']) ? $_GET['json_callback'] : '';
if ($sCallback && !preg_match('/^[$_\p{L}][$_\p{L}\p{Nd}.[\]]*$/u', $sCallback)) {
// Unset, we call javascript_renderData again during exception handling
throw new Exception('Invalid json_callback value', 400);
if (isset($_GET['pretty']) && in_array(strtolower($_GET['pretty']), array('1', 'true'))) {
$jsonout = json_encode($xVal, $iOptions);
if ($sCallback) {
header('Content-Type: application/javascript; charset=UTF-8');
echo $_GET['json_callback'].'('.$jsonout.')';
} else {
header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8');
echo $jsonout;
function addQuotes($s)
return "'".$s."'";
function parseLatLon($sQuery)
$sFound = null;
$fQueryLat = null;
$fQueryLon = null;
if (preg_match('/\\s*([NS])[\s]+([0-9]+[0-9.]*)[°\s]+([0-9.]+)?[′\']*[,\s]+([EW])[\s]+([0-9]+)[°\s]+([0-9]+[0-9.]*)[′\']*\\s*/', $sQuery, $aData)) {
/* 1 2 3 4 5 6
* degrees decimal minutes
* N 40 26.767, W 79 58.933
* N 40°26.767′, W 79°58.933′
$sFound = $aData[0];
$fQueryLat = ($aData[1]=='N'?1:-1) * ($aData[2] + $aData[3]/60);
$fQueryLon = ($aData[4]=='E'?1:-1) * ($aData[5] + $aData[6]/60);
} elseif (preg_match('/\\s*([0-9]+)[°\s]+([0-9]+[0-9.]*)?[′\']*[\s]+([NS])[,\s]+([0-9]+)[°\s]+([0-9]+[0-9.]*)?[′\'\s]+([EW])\\s*/', $sQuery, $aData)) {
/* 1 2 3 4 5 6
* degrees decimal minutes
* 40 26.767 N, 79 58.933 W
* 40° 26.767′ N 79° 58.933′ W
$sFound = $aData[0];
$fQueryLat = ($aData[3]=='N'?1:-1) * ($aData[1] + $aData[2]/60);
$fQueryLon = ($aData[6]=='E'?1:-1) * ($aData[4] + $aData[5]/60);
} elseif (preg_match('/\\s*([NS])[\s]+([0-9]+)[°\s]+([0-9]+)[′\'\s]+([0-9]+)[″"]*[,\s]+([EW])[\s]+([0-9]+)[°\s]+([0-9]+)[′\'\s]+([0-9]+)[″"]*\\s*/', $sQuery, $aData)) {
/* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
* degrees decimal seconds
* N 40 26 46 W 79 58 56
* N 40° 26′ 46″, W 79° 58′ 56″
$sFound = $aData[0];
$fQueryLat = ($aData[1]=='N'?1:-1) * ($aData[2] + $aData[3]/60 + $aData[4]/3600);
$fQueryLon = ($aData[5]=='E'?1:-1) * ($aData[6] + $aData[7]/60 + $aData[8]/3600);
} elseif (preg_match('/\\s*([0-9]+)[°\s]+([0-9]+)[′\'\s]+([0-9]+[0-9.]*)[″"\s]+([NS])[,\s]+([0-9]+)[°\s]+([0-9]+)[′\'\s]+([0-9]+[0-9.]*)[″"\s]+([EW])\\s*/', $sQuery, $aData)) {
/* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
* degrees decimal seconds
* 40 26 46 N 79 58 56 W
* 40° 26′ 46″ N, 79° 58′ 56″ W
* 40° 26′ 46.78″ N, 79° 58′ 56.89″ W
$sFound = $aData[0];
$fQueryLat = ($aData[4]=='N'?1:-1) * ($aData[1] + $aData[2]/60 + $aData[3]/3600);
$fQueryLon = ($aData[8]=='E'?1:-1) * ($aData[5] + $aData[6]/60 + $aData[7]/3600);
} elseif (preg_match('/\\s*([NS])[\s]+([0-9]+[0-9]*\\.[0-9]+)[°]*[,\s]+([EW])[\s]+([0-9]+[0-9]*\\.[0-9]+)[°]*\\s*/', $sQuery, $aData)) {
/* 1 2 3 4
* degrees decimal
* N 40.446° W 79.982°
$sFound = $aData[0];
$fQueryLat = ($aData[1]=='N'?1:-1) * ($aData[2]);
$fQueryLon = ($aData[3]=='E'?1:-1) * ($aData[4]);
} elseif (preg_match('/\\s*([0-9]+[0-9]*\\.[0-9]+)[°\s]+([NS])[,\s]+([0-9]+[0-9]*\\.[0-9]+)[°\s]+([EW])\\s*/', $sQuery, $aData)) {
/* 1 2 3 4
* degrees decimal
* 40.446° N 79.982° W
$sFound = $aData[0];
$fQueryLat = ($aData[2]=='N'?1:-1) * ($aData[1]);
$fQueryLon = ($aData[4]=='E'?1:-1) * ($aData[3]);
} elseif (preg_match('/(\\s*\\[|^\\s*|\\s*)(-?[0-9]+[0-9]*\\.[0-9]+)[,\s]+(-?[0-9]+[0-9]*\\.[0-9]+)(\\]\\s*|\\s*$|\\s*)/', $sQuery, $aData)) {
/* 1 2 3 4
* degrees decimal
* 12.34, 56.78
* 12.34 56.78
* [12.456,-78.90]
$sFound = $aData[0];
$fQueryLat = $aData[2];
$fQueryLon = $aData[3];
} else {
return false;
return array($sFound, $fQueryLat, $fQueryLon);
function addressRankToGeocodeJsonType($iAddressRank)
if ($iAddressRank >= 29 && $iAddressRank <= 30) {
return 'house';
if ($iAddressRank >= 26 && $iAddressRank < 28) {
return 'street';
if ($iAddressRank >= 22 && $iAddressRank < 26) {
return 'locality';
if ($iAddressRank >= 17 && $iAddressRank < 22) {
return 'district';
if ($iAddressRank >= 13 && $iAddressRank < 17) {
return 'city';
if ($iAddressRank >= 10 && $iAddressRank < 13) {
return 'county';
if ($iAddressRank >= 5 && $iAddressRank < 10) {
return 'state';
if ($iAddressRank >= 4 && $iAddressRank < 5) {
return 'country';
return 'locality';
if (!function_exists('array_key_last')) {
function array_key_last(array $array)
if (!empty($array)) {
return key(array_slice($array, -1, 1, true));