2020-03-29 21:58:11 +02:00

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Feature: Simple Reverse Tests
Simple tests for internal server errors and response format.
Scenario Outline: Simple reverse-geocoding
When sending reverse coordinates <lat>,<lon>
Then the result is valid xml
When sending xml reverse coordinates <lat>,<lon>
Then the result is valid xml
When sending json reverse coordinates <lat>,<lon>
Then the result is valid json
When sending jsonv2 reverse coordinates <lat>,<lon>
Then the result is valid json
When sending geojson reverse coordinates <lat>,<lon>
Then the result is valid geojson
When sending html reverse coordinates <lat>,<lon>
Then the result is valid html
| lat | lon |
| 0.0 | 0.0 |
| -34.830 | -56.105 |
| 45.174 | -103.072 |
| 21.156 | -12.2744 |
Scenario Outline: Testing different parameters
When sending reverse coordinates 53.603,10.041
| param | value |
| <parameter> | <value> |
Then the result is valid xml
When sending html reverse coordinates 53.603,10.041
| param | value |
| <parameter> | <value> |
Then the result is valid html
When sending xml reverse coordinates 53.603,10.041
| param | value |
| <parameter> | <value> |
Then the result is valid xml
When sending json reverse coordinates 53.603,10.041
| param | value |
| <parameter> | <value> |
Then the result is valid json
When sending jsonv2 reverse coordinates 53.603,10.041
| param | value |
| <parameter> | <value> |
Then the result is valid json
When sending geojson reverse coordinates 53.603,10.041
| param | value |
| <parameter> | <value> |
Then the result is valid geojson
When sending geocodejson reverse coordinates 53.603,10.041
| param | value |
| <parameter> | <value> |
Then the result is valid geocodejson
| parameter | value |
| polygon_text | 1 |
| polygon_text | 0 |
| polygon_kml | 1 |
| polygon_kml | 0 |
| polygon_geojson | 1 |
| polygon_geojson | 0 |
| polygon_svg | 1 |
| polygon_svg | 0 |
Scenario Outline: Wrapping of legal jsonp requests
When sending <format> reverse coordinates 67.3245,0.456
| json_callback |
| foo |
Then the result is valid <outformat>
| format | outformat |
| json | json |
| jsonv2 | json |
| geojson | geojson |
Scenario Outline: Boundingbox is returned
When sending <format> reverse coordinates 14.62,108.1
| zoom |
| 8 |
Then result has bounding box in 9,20,102,113
| format |
| json |
| jsonv2 |
| geojson |
| xml |
Scenario Outline: Reverse-geocoding with zoom
When sending <format> reverse coordinates 53.603,10.041
| zoom |
| 10 |
Then exactly 1 result is returned
| format |
| json |
| jsonv2 |
| geojson |
| html |
| xml |
Scenario: Missing lon parameter
When sending reverse coordinates 52.52,
Then a HTTP 400 is returned
Scenario: Missing lat parameter
When sending reverse coordinates ,52.52
Then a HTTP 400 is returned
Scenario: Missing osm_id parameter
When sending reverse coordinates ,
| osm_type |
| N |
Then a HTTP 400 is returned
Scenario: Missing osm_type parameter
When sending reverse coordinates ,
| osm_id |
| 3498564 |
Then a HTTP 400 is returned
Scenario Outline: Bad format for lat or lon
When sending reverse coordinates ,
| lat | lon |
| <lat> | <lon> |
Then a HTTP 400 is returned
| lat | lon |
| 48.9660 | 8,4482 |
| 48,9660 | 8.4482 |
| 48,9660 | 8,4482 |
| 48.966.0 | 8.4482 |
| 48.966 | 8.448.2 |
| Nan | 8.448 |
| 48.966 | Nan |