Sarah Hoffmann c48fb88e6b move interpolaton computation into indexing step
The interpolaton computation needs information from the osm2pgsql
slim tables which may not be available when the data is inserted.

Insertion now only adds a line with basic address information to
location_property_osmline. The line is then split during the
indexing, leading to more lines (which are complete in that case)
being inserted.

Fixes #598.
2017-02-26 16:46:41 +01:00
bdd move interpolaton computation into indexing step 2017-02-26 16:46:41 +01:00
php move php tests in common test dir and unify READMEs 2016-12-30 22:58:58 +01:00
scenes move scenes directory to new test directory 2016-12-30 22:58:58 +01:00
testdb move php tests in common test dir and unify READMEs 2016-12-30 22:58:58 +01:00 Replace lettuce with behave in tests. Use python3 Split import and (python,php) tests into two travis executions 2017-01-21 02:38:04 +01:00

This directory contains functional and unit tests for the Nominatim API.


To get the prerequisites on a a fresh Ubuntu LTS 16.04 run:

 [sudo] apt-get install python3-dev python3-pip python3-psycopg2 python3-tidylib phpunit php-cgi
 pip3 install --user behave nose

Overall structure

There are two kind of tests in this test suite. There are functional tests which test the API interface using a BDD test framework and there are unit tests for specific PHP functions.

This test directory is sturctured as follows:

-+- bdd Functional API tests |
| +- steps Step implementations for test descriptions | +- osm2pgsql Tests for data import via osm2pgsql | +- db Tests for internal data processing on import and update | +- api Tests for API endpoints (search, reverse, etc.) | +- php PHP unit tests +- scenes Geometry test data +- testdb Base data for generating API test database

PHP Unit Tests

Unit tests can be found in the php/ directory and tests selected php functions. Very low coverage.

To execute the test suite run

cd test/php phpunit ../

It will read phpunit.xml which points to the library, test path, bootstrap strip and set other parameters.

BDD Functional Tests

Functional tests are written as BDD instructions. For more information on the philosophy of BDD testing, see


To run the functional tests, do

cd test/bdd

The tests can be configured with a set of environment variables:

  • BUILD_DIR - build directory of Nominatim installation to test
  • TEMPLATE_DB - name of template database used as a skeleton for the test databases (db tests)
  • TEST_DB - name of test database (db tests)
  • ABI_TEST_DB - name of the database containing the API test data (api tests)
  • TEST_SETTINGS_TEMPLATE - file to write temporary Nominatim settings to
  • REMOVE_TEMPLATE - if true, the template database will not be reused during the next run. Reusing the base templates speeds up tests considerably but might lead to outdated errors for some changes in the database layout.
  • KEEP_TEST_DB - if true, the test database will not be dropped after a test is finished. Should only be used if one single scenario is run, otherwise the result is undefined.

Logging can be defined through command line parameters of behave itself. Check out behave --help for details. Also keep an eye out for the 'work-in-progress' feature of behave which comes in handy when writing new tests.

Writing Tests

The following explanation assume that the reader is familiar with the BDD notations of features, scenarios and steps.

All possible steps can be found in the steps directory and should ideally be documented.

API Tests (test/bdd/api)

These tests are meant to test the different API endpoints and their parameters. They require a preimported test database, which consists of the import of a planet extract. The polygons defining the extract can be found in the test/testdb directory. There is also a reduced set of wikipedia data for this extract, which you need to import as well. For Tiger tests the data of South Dakota is required. Get the Tiger files 46*.

The official test dataset is derived from the 160725 planet. Newer planets are likely to work as well but you may see isolated test failures where the data has changed. To recreate the input data for the test database run:

osmconvert planet-160725.osm.pbf -B=test/testdb/testdb.polys -o=testdb.pbf

Before importing make sure to add the following to your local settings:

@define('CONST_Database_DSN', 'pgsql://@/test_api_nominatim');
@define('CONST_Wikipedia_Data_Path', CONST_BasePath.'/test/testdb');

Indexing Tests (test/bdd/db)

These tests check the import and update of the Nominatim database. They do not test the correctness of osm2pgsql. Each test will write some data into the place table (and optionally the planet_osm_* tables if required) and then run Nominatim's processing functions on that.

These tests need to create their own test databases. By default they will be called test_template_nominatim and test_nominatim. Names can be changed with the environment variables TEMPLATE_DB and TEST_DB. The user running the tests needs superuser rights for postgres.

Import Tests (test/bdd/osm2pgsql)

These tests check that data is imported correctly into the place table. They use the same template database as the Indexing tests, so the same remarks apply.