2017-10-03 15:58:14 +02:00

53 lines
2.2 KiB

-- Create a temporary table with postcodes from placex.
CREATE TEMP TABLE tmp_new_postcode_locations AS
SELECT country_code,
upper(trim (both ' ' from address->'postcode')) as pc,
ST_Centroid(ST_Collect(ST_Centroid(geometry))) as centroid
FROM placex
WHERE address ? 'postcode'
AND address->'postcode' NOT SIMILAR TO '%(,|;)%'
AND geometry IS NOT null
GROUP BY country_code, pc;
CREATE INDEX idx_tmp_new_postcode_locations
ON tmp_new_postcode_locations (pc, country_code);
-- add extra US postcodes
INSERT INTO tmp_new_postcode_locations (country_code, pc, centroid)
SELECT 'us', postcode, ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(x,y),4326)
FROM us_postcode u
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 0 FROM tmp_new_postcode_locations new
WHERE new.country_code = 'us' AND new.pc = u.postcode);
-- add extra UK postcodes
INSERT INTO tmp_new_postcode_locations (country_code, pc, centroid)
SELECT 'gb', postcode, geometry FROM gb_postcode g
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 0 FROM tmp_new_postcode_locations new
WHERE new.country_code = 'gb' and new.pc = g.postcode);
-- Remove all postcodes that are no longer valid
DELETE FROM location_postcode old
WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT 0 FROM tmp_new_postcode_locations new
WHERE old.postcode = new.pc
AND old.country_code = new.country_code);
-- Update geometries where necessary
UPDATE location_postcode old SET geometry = new.centroid, indexed_status = 1
FROM tmp_new_postcode_locations new
WHERE old.postcode = new.pc AND old.country_code = new.country_code
AND ST_AsText(old.geometry) != ST_AsText(new.centroid);
-- Remove all postcodes that already exist from the temporary table
DELETE FROM tmp_new_postcode_locations new
WHERE EXISTS(SELECT 0 FROM location_postcode old
WHERE old.postcode = new.pc AND old.country_code = new.country_code);
-- Add newly added postcode
INSERT INTO location_postcode
(place_id, indexed_status, country_code, postcode, geometry)
SELECT nextval('seq_place'), 1, country_code, pc, centroid
FROM tmp_new_postcode_locations new;
-- Finally index the newly inserted postcodes
UPDATE location_postcode SET indexed_status = 0 WHERE indexed_status > 0;