
184 lines
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SHELL := /bin/bash
GOPATH := $(go env GOPATH)
GINKGO := ginkgo
GOLANGGCI_LINT := golangci-lint
PROTOC_GEN_GO := protoc-gen-go
PROTOC := $(shell which protoc)
IMAGE_NAME = scorecard
2021-02-25 22:51:57 +03:00
OUTPUT = output
FOCUS_DISK_TEST="E2E TEST:Disk Cache|E2E TEST:executable"
IGNORED_CI_TEST="E2E TEST:blob|E2E TEST:Disk Cache|E2E TEST:executable"
############################### make help #####################################
.PHONY: help
help: ## Display this help
@awk \
-v "col=${COLOR}" -v "nocol=${NOCOLOR}" \
' \
FS = ":.*##" ; \
printf "Available targets:\n"; \
} \
/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+:.*?##/ { \
printf " %s%-25s%s %s\n", col, $$1, nocol, $$2 \
} \
/^##@/ { \
printf "\n%s%s%s\n", col, substr($$0, 5), nocol \
} \
################################ make install #################################
.PHONY: install
install: ## Installs all dependencies needed to compile Scorecard
install: | $(PROTOC)
@echo Installing tools from tools.go
@cat tools.go | grep _ | awk -F'"' '{print $$2}' | xargs -tI % go install %
ifeq (,$(PROTOC))
$(error download and install protobuf compiler package -
################################## make all ###################################
all: ## Runs build, test and verify
all-targets = update-dependencies build check-linter unit-test validate-projects tree-status
.PHONY: all $(all-targets)
all: $(all-targets)
update-dependencies: ## Update go dependencies for all modules
# Update root go modules
go mod tidy && go mod verify
# Update ./scripts/ go modules
cd scripts && go mod tidy && go mod verify
# Update ./scripts/update go modules
cd ./scripts/update && go mod tidy && go mod verify
$(GOLANGGCI_LINT): install
check-linter: ## Install and run golang linter
check-linter: $(GOLANGGCI_LINT)
# Run golangci-lint linter
golangci-lint run -c .golangci.yml
validate-projects: ## Validates ./cron/projects.txt
validate-projects: build-scripts
# Validate ./cron/projects.txt
./scripts/validate ./cron/projects.txt
tree-status: ## Verify tree is clean and all changes are committed
# Verify the tree is clean and all changes are commited
############################### make build ################################
build-targets = build-proto generate-docs build-scorecard build-cron build-pubsub build-scripts build-update dockerbuild
.PHONY: build $(build-targets)
build: ## Build all binaries and images in the reepo.
build: $(build-targets)
build-proto: ## Compiles and generates all required protobufs
build-proto: cron/data/request.pb.go
cron/data/request.pb.go: cron/data/request.proto | $(PROTOC)
protoc --go_out=../../../ cron/data/request.proto
generate-docs: ## Generates docs
generate-docs: checks/
checks/ checks/checks.yaml checks/main/*.go
# Generating
cd ./checks/main && go run main.go
build-scorecard: ## Runs go build on repo
# Run go build and generate scorecard executable
CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -a -tags netgo -ldflags '-w -extldflags "-static"'
build-cron: ## Runs go build on the cron job
# Run go build on the cronjob
cd cron && CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -a -ldflags '-w -extldflags "-static"' -o scorecardcron
build-pubsub: ## Runs go build on the PubSub cron job
# Run go build and the PubSub cron job
cd cron/controller && CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -a -ldflags '-w -extldflags "static"' -o controller
cd cron/worker && CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -a -ldflags '-w -extldflags "static"' -o worker
build-scripts: ## Runs go build on the scripts
build-scripts: scripts/validate
scripts/validate: scripts/*.go
# Run go build on the scripts
cd scripts && CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -a -ldflags '-w -extldflags "-static"' -o validate
build-update: ## Runs go build on scripts/update
build-update: scripts/update/projects-update
scripts/update/projects-update: scripts/update/*.go
# Run go build on projects-update
cd scripts/update && CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -a -tags netgo -ldflags '-w -extldflags "-static"' -o projects-update
dockerbuild: ## Runs docker build
# Build all Docker images in the Repo
$(call ndef, GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN)
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build . --file Dockerfile --tag $(IMAGE_NAME)
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build . --file cron/Dockerfile --tag $(IMAGE_NAME)cron
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build . --file cron/controller/Dockerfile --tag $(IMAGE_NAME)-batch-controller
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build . --file cron/worker/Dockerfile --tag $(IMAGE_NAME)-batch-worker
################################# make test ###################################
test-targets = unit-test e2e ci-e2e test-disk-cache e2e-cron
.PHONY: test $(test-targets)
test: $(test-targets)
unit-test: ## Runs unit test without e2e
# Run unit tests, ignoring e2e tests
go test -covermode atomic `go list ./... | grep -v e2e`
e2e: ## Runs e2e tests. Requires GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN env var to be set to GitHub personal access token
e2e: build-scorecard check-env | $(GINKGO)
# Run e2e tests. GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN with personal access token must be exported to run this
$(GINKGO) --skip="E2E TEST:executable" -p -v -cover ./...
$(GINKGO): install
ci-e2e: ## Runs CI e2e tests. Requires GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN env var to be set to GitHub personal access token
ci-e2e: build-scorecard check-env e2e-cron | $(GINKGO)
# Run CI e2e tests. GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN with personal access token must be exported to run this
$(call ndef, GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN)
@echo Ignoring these test for ci-e2e $(IGNORED_CI_TEST)
$(GINKGO) -p -v -cover --skip=$(IGNORED_CI_TEST) ./e2e/...
test-disk-cache: ## Runs disk cache tests
test-disk-cache: build-scorecard | $(GINKGO)
# Runs disk cache tests
$(call ndef, GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN)
# Start with clean cache
rm -rf $(OUTPUT)
rm -rf cache
mkdir $(OUTPUT)
mkdir cache
@echo Focusing on these tests $(FOCUS_DISK_TEST)
./scorecard \
--repo= \
--show-details --metadata=openssf --format json > ./$(OUTPUT)/results.json
USE_DISK_CACHE=1 DISK_CACHE_PATH="./cache" ginkgo -p -v -cover --focus=$(FOCUS_DISK_TEST) ./e2e/...
# Rerun the same test with the disk cache filled to make sure the cache is working.
./scorecard \
--repo= --show-details \
--metadata=openssf --format json > ./$(OUTPUT)/results.json
USE_DISK_CACHE=1 DISK_CACHE_PATH="./cache" ginkgo -p -v -cover --focus=$(FOCUS_DISK_TEST) ./e2e/...
e2e-cron: ## Runs a e2e test cron job and validates its functionality
# Validate cron
GCS_BUCKET=ossf-scorecards-dev SCORECARD_METRIC_EXPORTER=printer go run ./cron/main.go ./e2e/cron-projects.txt
$(error GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN is undefined)