// Copyright 2021 Security Scorecard Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package checks import ( "fmt" "strings" "github.com/rhysd/actionlint" "github.com/ossf/scorecard/v3/checker" "github.com/ossf/scorecard/v3/checks/fileparser" sce "github.com/ossf/scorecard/v3/errors" ) // CheckTokenPermissions is the exported name for Token-Permissions check. const CheckTokenPermissions = "Token-Permissions" //nolint:gochecknoinits func init() { registerCheck(CheckTokenPermissions, TokenPermissions) } // Holds stateful data to pass thru callbacks. // Each field correpsonds to a GitHub permission type, and // will hold true if declared non-write, false otherwise. type permissionCbData struct { topLevelWritePermissions map[string]bool runLevelWritePermissions map[string]bool } // TokenPermissions runs Token-Permissions check. func TokenPermissions(c *checker.CheckRequest) checker.CheckResult { // data is shared across all GitHub workflows. data := permissionCbData{ topLevelWritePermissions: make(map[string]bool), runLevelWritePermissions: make(map[string]bool), } err := fileparser.CheckFilesContent(".github/workflows/*", false, c, validateGitHubActionTokenPermissions, &data) return createResultForLeastPrivilegeTokens(data, err) } func validatePermission(permissionKey string, permissionValue *actionlint.PermissionScope, path string, dl checker.DetailLogger, pPermissions map[string]bool, ignoredPermissions map[string]bool) error { if permissionValue.Value == nil { return sce.WithMessage(sce.ErrScorecardInternal, errInvalidGitHubWorkflow.Error()) } val := permissionValue.Value.Value lineNumber := checker.OffsetDefault if permissionValue.Value.Pos != nil { lineNumber = permissionValue.Value.Pos.Line } if strings.EqualFold(val, "write") { if isPermissionOfInterest(permissionKey, ignoredPermissions) { dl.Warn3(&checker.LogMessage{ Path: path, Type: checker.FileTypeSource, Offset: lineNumber, Text: fmt.Sprintf("'%v' permission set to '%v'", permissionKey, val), // TODO: set Snippet. }) recordPermissionWrite(permissionKey, pPermissions) } else { // Only log for debugging, otherwise // it may confuse users. dl.Debug3(&checker.LogMessage{ Path: path, Type: checker.FileTypeSource, Offset: lineNumber, Text: fmt.Sprintf("'%v' permission set to '%v'", permissionKey, val), // TODO: set Snippet. }) } return nil } dl.Info3(&checker.LogMessage{ Path: path, Type: checker.FileTypeSource, Offset: lineNumber, Text: fmt.Sprintf("'%v' permission set to '%v'", permissionKey, val), // TODO: set Snippet. }) return nil } func validateMapPermissions(scopes map[string]*actionlint.PermissionScope, path string, dl checker.DetailLogger, pPermissions map[string]bool, ignoredPermissions map[string]bool) error { for key, v := range scopes { if err := validatePermission(key, v, path, dl, pPermissions, ignoredPermissions); err != nil { return err } } return nil } func recordPermissionWrite(name string, pPermissions map[string]bool) { pPermissions[name] = true } func recordAllPermissionsWrite(pPermissions map[string]bool) { // Special case: `all` does not correspond // to a GitHub permission. pPermissions["all"] = true } func validatePermissions(permissions *actionlint.Permissions, path string, dl checker.DetailLogger, pPermissions map[string]bool, ignoredPermissions map[string]bool) error { allIsSet := permissions != nil && permissions.All != nil && permissions.All.Value != "" scopeIsSet := permissions != nil && len(permissions.Scopes) > 0 if permissions == nil || (!allIsSet && !scopeIsSet) { dl.Info3(&checker.LogMessage{ Path: path, Type: checker.FileTypeSource, Offset: checker.OffsetDefault, Text: "permissions set to 'none'", }) } if allIsSet { val := permissions.All.Value lineNumber := checker.OffsetDefault if permissions.All.Pos != nil { lineNumber = permissions.All.Pos.Line } if !strings.EqualFold(val, "read-all") && val != "" { dl.Warn3(&checker.LogMessage{ Path: path, Type: checker.FileTypeSource, Offset: lineNumber, Text: fmt.Sprintf("permissions set to '%v'", val), // TODO: set Snippet. }) recordAllPermissionsWrite(pPermissions) return nil } dl.Info3(&checker.LogMessage{ Path: path, Type: checker.FileTypeSource, Offset: lineNumber, Text: fmt.Sprintf("permissions set to '%v'", val), // TODO: set Snippet. }) } else /* scopeIsSet == true */ if err := validateMapPermissions(permissions.Scopes, path, dl, pPermissions, ignoredPermissions); err != nil { return err } return nil } func validateTopLevelPermissions(workflow *actionlint.Workflow, path string, dl checker.DetailLogger, pdata *permissionCbData) error { // Check if permissions are set explicitly. if workflow.Permissions == nil { dl.Warn3(&checker.LogMessage{ Path: path, Type: checker.FileTypeSource, Offset: checker.OffsetDefault, Text: "no permission defined", }) recordAllPermissionsWrite(pdata.topLevelWritePermissions) return nil } return validatePermissions(workflow.Permissions, path, dl, pdata.topLevelWritePermissions, map[string]bool{}) } func validateRunLevelPermissions(workflow *actionlint.Workflow, path string, dl checker.DetailLogger, pdata *permissionCbData, ignoredPermissions map[string]bool) error { for _, job := range workflow.Jobs { // Run-level permissions may be left undefined. // For most workflows, no write permissions are needed, // so only top-level read-only permissions need to be declared. if job.Permissions == nil { lineNumber := checker.OffsetDefault if job.Pos != nil { lineNumber = job.Pos.Line } dl.Debug3(&checker.LogMessage{ Path: path, Type: checker.FileTypeSource, Offset: lineNumber, Text: "no permission defined", }) continue } err := validatePermissions(job.Permissions, path, dl, pdata.runLevelWritePermissions, ignoredPermissions) if err != nil { return err } } return nil } func isPermissionOfInterest(name string, ignoredPermissions map[string]bool) bool { permissions := []string{ "statuses", "checks", "security-events", "deployments", "contents", "packages", "actions", } for _, p := range permissions { _, present := ignoredPermissions[p] if strings.EqualFold(name, p) && !present { return true } } return false } func permissionIsPresent(result permissionCbData, name string) bool { _, ok1 := result.topLevelWritePermissions[name] _, ok2 := result.runLevelWritePermissions[name] return ok1 || ok2 } // Calculate the score. func calculateScore(result permissionCbData) int { // See list https://github.blog/changelog/2021-04-20-github-actions-control-permissions-for-github_token/. // Note: there are legitimate reasons to use some of the permissions like checks, deployments, etc. // in CI/CD systems https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/github-oauth-scopes/. if permissionIsPresent(result, "all") { return checker.MinResultScore } // Start with a perfect score. score := float32(checker.MaxResultScore) // status: https://docs.github.com/en/rest/reference/repos#statuses. // May allow an attacker to change the result of pre-submit and get a PR merged. // Low risk: -0.5. if permissionIsPresent(result, "statuses") { score -= 0.5 } // checks. // May allow an attacker to edit checks to remove pre-submit and introduce a bug. // Low risk: -0.5. if permissionIsPresent(result, "checks") { score -= 0.5 } // secEvents. // May allow attacker to read vuln reports before patch available. // Low risk: -1 if permissionIsPresent(result, "security-events") { score-- } // deployments: https://docs.github.com/en/rest/reference/repos#deployments. // May allow attacker to charge repo owner by triggering VM runs, // and tiny chance an attacker can trigger a remote // service with code they own if server accepts code/location var unsanitized. // Low risk: -1 if permissionIsPresent(result, "deployments") { score-- } // contents. // Allows attacker to commit unreviewed code. // High risk: -10 if permissionIsPresent(result, "contents") { score -= checker.MaxResultScore } // packages: https://docs.github.com/en/packages/learn-github-packages/about-permissions-for-github-packages. // Allows attacker to publish packages. // High risk: -10 if permissionIsPresent(result, "packages") { score -= checker.MaxResultScore } // actions. // May allow an attacker to steal GitHub secrets by adding a malicious workflow/action. // High risk: -10 if permissionIsPresent(result, "actions") { score -= checker.MaxResultScore } // We're done, calculate the final score. if score < checker.MinResultScore { return checker.MinResultScore } return int(score) } // Create the result. func createResultForLeastPrivilegeTokens(result permissionCbData, err error) checker.CheckResult { if err != nil { return checker.CreateRuntimeErrorResult(CheckTokenPermissions, err) } score := calculateScore(result) if score != checker.MaxResultScore { return checker.CreateResultWithScore(CheckTokenPermissions, "non read-only tokens detected in GitHub workflows", score) } return checker.CreateMaxScoreResult(CheckTokenPermissions, "tokens are read-only in GitHub workflows") } func testValidateGitHubActionTokenPermissions(pathfn string, content []byte, dl checker.DetailLogger) checker.CheckResult { data := permissionCbData{ topLevelWritePermissions: make(map[string]bool), runLevelWritePermissions: make(map[string]bool), } _, err := validateGitHubActionTokenPermissions(pathfn, content, dl, &data) return createResultForLeastPrivilegeTokens(data, err) } // Check file content. func validateGitHubActionTokenPermissions(path string, content []byte, dl checker.DetailLogger, data fileparser.FileCbData) (bool, error) { if !fileparser.IsWorkflowFile(path) { return true, nil } // Verify the type of the data. pdata, ok := data.(*permissionCbData) if !ok { // This never happens. panic("invalid type") } if !fileparser.CheckFileContainsCommands(content, "#") { return true, nil } workflow, errs := actionlint.Parse(content) if len(errs) > 0 && workflow == nil { return false, fileparser.FormatActionlintError(errs) } // 1. Top-level permission definitions. //nolint // https://docs.github.com/en/actions/reference/authentication-in-a-workflow#example-1-passing-the-github_token-as-an-input, // https://github.blog/changelog/2021-04-20-github-actions-control-permissions-for-github_token/, // https://docs.github.com/en/actions/reference/authentication-in-a-workflow#modifying-the-permissions-for-the-github_token. if err := validateTopLevelPermissions(workflow, path, dl, pdata); err != nil { return false, err } // 2. Run-level permission definitions, // see https://docs.github.com/en/actions/reference/workflow-syntax-for-github-actions#jobsjob_idpermissions. ignoredPermissions := createIgnoredPermissions(string(content), path, dl) if err := validateRunLevelPermissions(workflow, path, dl, pdata, ignoredPermissions); err != nil { return false, err } // TODO(laurent): 2. Identify github actions that require write and add checks. // TODO(laurent): 3. Read a few runs and ensures they have the same permissions. return true, nil } func createIgnoredPermissions(s, fp string, dl checker.DetailLogger) map[string]bool { ignoredPermissions := make(map[string]bool) if requiresPackagesPermissions(s, fp, dl) { ignoredPermissions["packages"] = true } if requiresContentsPermissions(s, fp, dl) { ignoredPermissions["contents"] = true } if isSARIFUploadWorkflow(s, fp, dl) { ignoredPermissions["security-events"] = true } return ignoredPermissions } // Scanning tool run externally and SARIF file uploaded. func isSARIFUploadWorkflow(s, fp string, dl checker.DetailLogger) bool { //nolint // CodeQl analysis workflow automatically sends sarif file to GitHub. // https://docs.github.com/en/code-security/secure-coding/integrating-with-code-scanning/uploading-a-sarif-file-to-github#about-sarif-file-uploads-for-code-scanning. // `The CodeQL action uploads the SARIF file automatically when it completes analysis`. if isCodeQlAnalysisWorkflow(s, fp, dl) { return true } //nolint // Third-party scanning tools use the SARIF-upload action from code-ql. // https://docs.github.com/en/code-security/secure-coding/integrating-with-code-scanning/uploading-a-sarif-file-to-github#uploading-a-code-scanning-analysis-with-github-actions // We only support CodeQl today. if isSARIFUploadAction(s, fp, dl) { return true } // TODO: some third party tools may upload directly thru their actions. // Very unlikely. // See https://github.com/marketplace for tools. return false } // CodeQl run externally and SARIF file uploaded. func isSARIFUploadAction(s, fp string, dl checker.DetailLogger) bool { if strings.Contains(s, "github/codeql-action/upload-sarif@") { dl.Debug3(&checker.LogMessage{ Path: fp, Type: checker.FileTypeSource, // TODO: set line. Offset: 1, Text: "codeql SARIF upload workflow detected", // TODO: set Snippet. }) return true } dl.Debug3(&checker.LogMessage{ Path: fp, Type: checker.FileTypeSource, Offset: 1, Text: "not a codeql upload SARIF workflow", }) return false } //nolint // CodeQl run within GitHub worklow automatically bubbled up to // security events, see // https://docs.github.com/en/code-security/secure-coding/automatically-scanning-your-code-for-vulnerabilities-and-errors/configuring-code-scanning. func isCodeQlAnalysisWorkflow(s, fp string, dl checker.DetailLogger) bool { if strings.Contains(s, "github/codeql-action/analyze@") { dl.Debug3(&checker.LogMessage{ Path: fp, Type: checker.FileTypeSource, // TODO: set line. Offset: 1, Text: "codeql workflow detected", // TODO: set Snippet. }) return true } dl.Debug3(&checker.LogMessage{ Path: fp, Type: checker.FileTypeSource, Offset: 1, Text: "not a codeql workflow", }) return false } // A packaging workflow using GitHub's supported packages: // https://docs.github.com/en/packages. func requiresPackagesPermissions(s, fp string, dl checker.DetailLogger) bool { // TODO: add support for GitHub registries. // Example: https://docs.github.com/en/packages/working-with-a-github-packages-registry/working-with-the-npm-registry. // This feature requires parsing actions properly. // For now, we just re-use the Packaging check to verify that the // workflow is a packaging workflow. return isPackagingWorkflow(s, fp, dl) } // Note: this needs to be improved. // Currently we don't differentiate between publishing on GitHub vs // pubishing on registries. In terms of risk, both are similar, as // an attacker would gain the ability to push a package. func requiresContentsPermissions(s, fp string, dl checker.DetailLogger) bool { return requiresPackagesPermissions(s, fp, dl) }