# Copyright 2021 Security Scorecard Authors # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. --- run: concurrency: 6 deadline: 5m linters: disable-all: true enable: - asciicheck - bodyclose - deadcode - depguard - dogsled - dupl - errcheck - exhaustive - exportloopref - gochecknoinits - gocognit - goconst - gocritic - gocyclo - godot - godox - goerr113 - gofmt - gofumpt - goheader - goimports - golint - gomnd - gomodguard - goprintffuncname - gosec - gosimple - govet - ineffassign - lll - misspell - nakedret - nestif - noctx - nolintlint - paralleltest - prealloc - predeclared - rowserrcheck - scopelint - sqlclosecheck - staticcheck - structcheck - stylecheck - thelper - tparallel - typecheck - unconvert - unparam - unused - varcheck - whitespace - wrapcheck linters-settings: errcheck: check-type-assertions: true check-blank: true govet: enable: - fieldalignment godox: keywords: - BUG - FIXME - HACK gocritic: enabled-checks: # Diagnostic - appendAssign - argOrder - badCond - caseOrder - codegenComment - commentedOutCode - deprecatedComment - dupArg - dupBranchBody - dupCase - dupSubExpr - exitAfterDefer - flagDeref - flagName - nilValReturn - offBy1 - sloppyReassign - weakCond - octalLiteral # Performance - appendCombine - equalFold - hugeParam - indexAlloc - rangeExprCopy - rangeValCopy # Style - assignOp - boolExprSimplify - captLocal - commentFormatting - commentedOutImport - defaultCaseOrder - docStub - elseif - emptyFallthrough - emptyStringTest - hexLiteral - ifElseChain - methodExprCall - regexpMust - singleCaseSwitch - sloppyLen - stringXbytes - switchTrue - typeAssertChain - typeSwitchVar - underef - unlabelStmt - unlambda - unslice - valSwap - wrapperFunc - yodaStyleExpr # Opinionated - builtinShadow - importShadow - initClause - nestingReduce - paramTypeCombine - ptrToRefParam - typeUnparen - unnamedResult - unnecessaryBlock