laurentsimon 4bd3391a36
Raw results for Pinned-Dependencies (#1932)
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2022-06-06 14:31:22 -07:00

500 lines
15 KiB

// Copyright Security Scorecard Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package raw
import (
sce ""
// PinningDependencies checks for (un)pinned dependencies.
func PinningDependencies(c *checker.CheckRequest) (checker.PinningDependenciesData, error) {
var results checker.PinningDependenciesData
// GitHub actions.
if err := collectGitHubActionsWorkflowPinning(c, &results); err != nil {
return checker.PinningDependenciesData{}, err
// // Docker files.
if err := collectDockerfilePinning(c, &results); err != nil {
return checker.PinningDependenciesData{}, err
// Docker downloads.
if err := collectDockerfileInsecureDownloads(c, &results); err != nil {
return checker.PinningDependenciesData{}, err
// Script downloads.
if err := collectShellScriptInsecureDownloads(c, &results); err != nil {
return checker.PinningDependenciesData{}, err
// Action script downloads.
if err := collectGitHubWorkflowScriptInsecureDownloads(c, &results); err != nil {
return checker.PinningDependenciesData{}, err
return results, nil
func dataAsPinnedDependenciesPointer(data interface{}) *checker.PinningDependenciesData {
pdata, ok := data.(*checker.PinningDependenciesData)
if !ok {
// panic if it is not correct type
panic(fmt.Sprintf("expected type PinningDependenciesData, got %v", reflect.TypeOf(data)))
return pdata
func collectShellScriptInsecureDownloads(c *checker.CheckRequest, r *checker.PinningDependenciesData) error {
return fileparser.OnMatchingFileContentDo(c.RepoClient, fileparser.PathMatcher{
Pattern: "*",
CaseSensitive: false,
}, validateShellScriptIsFreeOfInsecureDownloads, r)
var validateShellScriptIsFreeOfInsecureDownloads fileparser.DoWhileTrueOnFileContent = func(
pathfn string,
content []byte,
args ...interface{},
) (bool, error) {
if len(args) != 1 {
return false, fmt.Errorf(
"validateShellScriptIsFreeOfInsecureDownloads requires exactly 1 arguments: got %v: %w",
len(args), errInvalidArgLength)
pdata := dataAsPinnedDependenciesPointer(args[0])
// Validate the file type.
if !isSupportedShellScriptFile(pathfn, content) {
return true, nil
if err := validateShellFile(pathfn, 0, 0, content, map[string]bool{}, pdata); err != nil {
return false, nil
return true, nil
func collectDockerfileInsecureDownloads(c *checker.CheckRequest, r *checker.PinningDependenciesData) error {
return fileparser.OnMatchingFileContentDo(c.RepoClient, fileparser.PathMatcher{
Pattern: "*Dockerfile*",
CaseSensitive: false,
}, validateDockerfileInsecureDownloads, r)
var validateDockerfileInsecureDownloads fileparser.DoWhileTrueOnFileContent = func(
pathfn string,
content []byte,
args ...interface{},
) (bool, error) {
if len(args) != 1 {
return false, fmt.Errorf(
"validateDockerfileInsecureDownloads requires exactly 1 arguments: got %v: %w",
len(args), errInvalidArgLength)
pdata := dataAsPinnedDependenciesPointer(args[0])
// Return early if this is not a docker file.
if !isDockerfile(pathfn, content) {
return true, nil
if !fileparser.CheckFileContainsCommands(content, "#") {
return true, nil
contentReader := strings.NewReader(string(content))
res, err := parser.Parse(contentReader)
if err != nil {
return false, sce.WithMessage(sce.ErrScorecardInternal, fmt.Sprintf("%v: %v", errInternalInvalidDockerFile, err))
// Walk the Dockerfile's AST.
taintedFiles := make(map[string]bool)
for i := range res.AST.Children {
var bytes []byte
child := res.AST.Children[i]
cmdType := child.Value
// Only look for the 'RUN' command.
if cmdType != "RUN" {
var valueList []string
for n := child.Next; n != nil; n = n.Next {
valueList = append(valueList, n.Value)
if len(valueList) == 0 {
return false, sce.WithMessage(sce.ErrScorecardInternal, errInternalInvalidDockerFile.Error())
// Build a file content.
cmd := strings.Join(valueList, " ")
bytes = append(bytes, cmd...)
if err := validateShellFile(pathfn, uint(child.StartLine)-1, uint(child.EndLine)-1,
bytes, taintedFiles, pdata); err != nil {
return false, err
return true, nil
func isDockerfile(pathfn string, content []byte) bool {
if strings.HasSuffix(pathfn, ".go") ||
strings.HasSuffix(pathfn, ".c") ||
strings.HasSuffix(pathfn, ".cpp") ||
strings.HasSuffix(pathfn, ".rs") ||
strings.HasSuffix(pathfn, ".js") ||
strings.HasSuffix(pathfn, ".py") ||
strings.HasSuffix(pathfn, ".pyc") ||
strings.HasSuffix(pathfn, ".java") ||
isShellScriptFile(pathfn, content) {
return false
return true
func collectDockerfilePinning(c *checker.CheckRequest, r *checker.PinningDependenciesData) error {
return fileparser.OnMatchingFileContentDo(c.RepoClient, fileparser.PathMatcher{
Pattern: "*Dockerfile*",
CaseSensitive: false,
}, validateDockerfilesPinning, r)
var validateDockerfilesPinning fileparser.DoWhileTrueOnFileContent = func(
pathfn string,
content []byte,
args ...interface{},
) (bool, error) {
// Users may use various names, e.g.,
// Dockerfile.aarch64, Dockerfile.template, Dockerfile_template, dockerfile, Dockerfile-name.template
if len(args) != 1 {
return false, fmt.Errorf(
"validateDockerfilesPinning requires exactly 2 arguments: got %v: %w", len(args), errInvalidArgLength)
pdata := dataAsPinnedDependenciesPointer(args[0])
// Return early if this is not a dockerfile.
if !isDockerfile(pathfn, content) {
return true, nil
if !fileparser.CheckFileContainsCommands(content, "#") {
return true, nil
if fileparser.IsTemplateFile(pathfn) {
return true, nil
// We have what looks like a docker file.
// Let's interpret the content as utf8-encoded strings.
contentReader := strings.NewReader(string(content))
// The dependency must be pinned by sha256 hash, e.g.,
// FROM something@sha256:${ARG},
// FROM something:@sha256:45b23dee08af5e43a7fea6c4cf9c25ccf269ee113168c19722f87876677c5cb2
regex := regexp.MustCompile(`.*@sha256:([a-f\d]{64}|\${.*})`)
pinnedAsNames := make(map[string]bool)
res, err := parser.Parse(contentReader)
if err != nil {
return false, sce.WithMessage(sce.ErrScorecardInternal, fmt.Sprintf("%v: %v", errInternalInvalidDockerFile, err))
for _, child := range res.AST.Children {
cmdType := child.Value
if cmdType != "FROM" {
var valueList []string
for n := child.Next; n != nil; n = n.Next {
valueList = append(valueList, n.Value)
switch {
// scratch is no-op.
case len(valueList) > 0 && strings.EqualFold(valueList[0], "scratch"):
// FROM name AS newname.
case len(valueList) == 3 && strings.EqualFold(valueList[1], "as"):
name := valueList[0]
asName := valueList[2]
// Check if the name is pinned.
// (1): name = <>@sha245:hash
// (2): name = XXX where XXX was pinned
pinned := pinnedAsNames[name]
if pinned || regex.MatchString(name) {
// Record the asName.
pinnedAsNames[asName] = true
pdata.Dependencies = append(pdata.Dependencies,
Location: &checker.File{
Path: pathfn,
Type: checker.FileTypeSource,
Offset: uint(child.StartLine),
EndOffset: uint(child.EndLine),
Snippet: child.Original,
Name: asPointer(name),
PinnedAt: asPointer(asName),
Type: checker.DependencyUseTypeDockerfileContainerImage,
// FROM name.
case len(valueList) == 1:
name := valueList[0]
pinned := pinnedAsNames[name]
if !pinned && !regex.MatchString(name) {
dep := checker.Dependency{
Location: &checker.File{
Path: pathfn,
Type: checker.FileTypeSource,
Offset: uint(child.StartLine),
EndOffset: uint(child.EndLine),
Snippet: child.Original,
Type: checker.DependencyUseTypeDockerfileContainerImage,
parts := strings.SplitN(name, ":", 2)
if len(parts) > 0 {
dep.Name = asPointer(parts[0])
if len(parts) > 1 {
dep.PinnedAt = asPointer(parts[1])
pdata.Dependencies = append(pdata.Dependencies, dep)
// That should not happen.
return false, sce.WithMessage(sce.ErrScorecardInternal, errInternalInvalidDockerFile.Error())
// The file need not have a FROM statement,
return true, nil
func collectGitHubWorkflowScriptInsecureDownloads(c *checker.CheckRequest, r *checker.PinningDependenciesData) error {
return fileparser.OnMatchingFileContentDo(c.RepoClient, fileparser.PathMatcher{
Pattern: ".github/workflows/*",
CaseSensitive: false,
}, validateGitHubWorkflowIsFreeOfInsecureDownloads, r)
// validateGitHubWorkflowIsFreeOfInsecureDownloads checks if the workflow file downloads dependencies that are unpinned.
// Returns true if the check should continue executing after this file.
var validateGitHubWorkflowIsFreeOfInsecureDownloads fileparser.DoWhileTrueOnFileContent = func(
pathfn string,
content []byte,
args ...interface{},
) (bool, error) {
if !fileparser.IsWorkflowFile(pathfn) {
return true, nil
if len(args) != 1 {
return false, fmt.Errorf(
"validateGitHubWorkflowIsFreeOfInsecureDownloads requires exactly 1 arguments: got %v: %w",
len(args), errInvalidArgLength)
pdata := dataAsPinnedDependenciesPointer(args[0])
if !fileparser.CheckFileContainsCommands(content, "#") {
return true, nil
workflow, errs := actionlint.Parse(content)
if len(errs) > 0 && workflow == nil {
// actionlint is a linter, so it will return errors when the yaml file does not meet its linting standards.
// Often we don't care about these errors.
return false, fileparser.FormatActionlintError(errs)
githubVarRegex := regexp.MustCompile(`{{[^{}]*}}`)
for jobName, job := range workflow.Jobs {
jobName := jobName
job := job
if len(fileparser.GetJobName(job)) > 0 {
jobName = fileparser.GetJobName(job)
taintedFiles := make(map[string]bool)
for _, step := range job.Steps {
step := step
if !fileparser.IsStepExecKind(step, actionlint.ExecKindRun) {
execRun, ok := step.Exec.(*actionlint.ExecRun)
if !ok {
stepName := fileparser.GetStepName(step)
return false, sce.WithMessage(sce.ErrScorecardInternal,
fmt.Sprintf("unable to parse step '%v' for job '%v'", jobName, stepName))
if execRun == nil || execRun.Run == nil {
// Cannot check further, continue.
run := execRun.Run.Value
shell, err := fileparser.GetShellForStep(step, job)
if err != nil {
return false, err
// Skip unsupported shells. We don't support Windows shells or some Unix shells.
if !isSupportedShell(shell) {
// We replace the `${{ github.variable }}` to avoid shell parsing failures.
script := githubVarRegex.ReplaceAll([]byte(run), []byte("GITHUB_REDACTED_VAR"))
if err := validateShellFile(pathfn, uint(execRun.Run.Pos.Line), uint(execRun.Run.Pos.Line),
script, taintedFiles, pdata); err != nil {
pdata.Dependencies = append(pdata.Dependencies, checker.Dependency{
Msg: asPointer(err.Error()),
return true, nil
// Check pinning of github actions in workflows.
func collectGitHubActionsWorkflowPinning(c *checker.CheckRequest, r *checker.PinningDependenciesData) error {
return fileparser.OnMatchingFileContentDo(c.RepoClient, fileparser.PathMatcher{
Pattern: ".github/workflows/*",
CaseSensitive: true,
}, validateGitHubActionWorkflow, r)
// validateGitHubActionWorkflow checks if the workflow file contains unpinned actions. Returns true if the check
// should continue executing after this file.
var validateGitHubActionWorkflow fileparser.DoWhileTrueOnFileContent = func(
pathfn string,
content []byte,
args ...interface{},
) (bool, error) {
if !fileparser.IsWorkflowFile(pathfn) {
return true, nil
if len(args) != 1 {
return false, fmt.Errorf(
"validateGitHubActionWorkflow requires exactly 1 arguments: got %v: %w", len(args), errInvalidArgLength)
pdata := dataAsPinnedDependenciesPointer(args[0])
if !fileparser.CheckFileContainsCommands(content, "#") {
return true, nil
workflow, errs := actionlint.Parse(content)
if len(errs) > 0 && workflow == nil {
// actionlint is a linter, so it will return errors when the yaml file does not meet its linting standards.
// Often we don't care about these errors.
return false, fileparser.FormatActionlintError(errs)
hashRegex := regexp.MustCompile(`^.*@[a-f\d]{40,}`)
for jobName, job := range workflow.Jobs {
jobName := jobName
job := job
if len(fileparser.GetJobName(job)) > 0 {
jobName = fileparser.GetJobName(job)
for _, step := range job.Steps {
if !fileparser.IsStepExecKind(step, actionlint.ExecKindAction) {
execAction, ok := step.Exec.(*actionlint.ExecAction)
if !ok {
stepName := fileparser.GetStepName(step)
return false, sce.WithMessage(sce.ErrScorecardInternal,
fmt.Sprintf("unable to parse step '%v' for job '%v'", jobName, stepName))
if execAction == nil || execAction.Uses == nil {
// Cannot check further, continue.
// nolint:lll
// Check whether this is an action defined in the same repo,
if strings.HasPrefix(execAction.Uses.Value, "./") {
// Ensure a hash at least as large as SHA1 is used (40 hex characters).
// Example: action-name@hash
match := hashRegex.MatchString(execAction.Uses.Value)
if !match {
dep := checker.Dependency{
Location: &checker.File{
Path: pathfn,
Type: checker.FileTypeSource,
Offset: uint(execAction.Uses.Pos.Line),
EndOffset: uint(execAction.Uses.Pos.Line), // `Uses` always span a single line.
Snippet: execAction.Uses.Value,
Type: checker.DependencyUseTypeGHAction,
parts := strings.SplitN(execAction.Uses.Value, "@", 2)
if len(parts) > 0 {
dep.Name = asPointer(parts[0])
if len(parts) > 1 {
dep.PinnedAt = asPointer(parts[1])
pdata.Dependencies = append(pdata.Dependencies, dep)
return true, nil