Spencer Schrock da0f2b4ebc
🐛 keep SARIF runs and rules for exempted checks, only skip the results. (#4153)
* keep runs and rules for exempted checks, only skip the results.

Signed-off-by: Spencer Schrock <>

* update test

Signed-off-by: Spencer Schrock <>


Signed-off-by: Spencer Schrock <>
2024-06-14 23:21:56 +00:00

724 lines
22 KiB

// Copyright 2021 OpenSSF Scorecard Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package pkg
import (
docs ""
sce ""
spol ""
type text struct {
Text string `json:"text,omitempty"`
type region struct {
StartLine *uint `json:"startLine,omitempty"`
EndLine *uint `json:"endLine,omitempty"`
StartColumn *uint `json:"startColumn,omitempty"`
EndColumn *uint `json:"endColumn,omitempty"`
CharOffset *uint `json:"charOffset,omitempty"`
ByteOffset *uint `json:"byteOffset,omitempty"`
// Use pointer to omit the entire structure.
Snippet *text `json:"snippet,omitempty"`
type artifactLocation struct {
URI string `json:"uri"`
URIBaseID string `json:"uriBaseId,omitempty"`
type physicalLocation struct {
Region region `json:"region"`
ArtifactLocation artifactLocation `json:"artifactLocation"`
type location struct {
PhysicalLocation physicalLocation `json:"physicalLocation"`
// This is optional
Message *text `json:"message,omitempty"`
HasRemediation bool `json:"-"`
type relatedLocation struct {
ID int `json:"id"`
PhysicalLocation physicalLocation `json:"physicalLocation"`
Message text `json:"message"`
type partialFingerprints map[string]string
type defaultConfig struct {
// "none", "note", "warning", "error",
Level string `json:"level"`
type properties struct {
Precision string `json:"precision"`
ProblemSeverity string `json:"problem.severity"`
SeverityLevel string `json:"security-severity"`
Tags []string `json:"tags"`
type help struct {
Text string `json:"text"`
Markdown string `json:"markdown,omitempty"`
type rule struct {
// ID should be an opaque, stable ID.
// TODO: check if GitHub follows this.
// Last time I tried, it used ID to display to users.
ID string `json:"id"`
// Name must be readable by human.
Name string `json:"name"`
HelpURI string `json:"helpUri"`
ShortDesc text `json:"shortDescription"`
FullDesc text `json:"fullDescription"`
Help help `json:"help"`
DefaultConfig defaultConfig `json:"defaultConfiguration"`
Properties properties `json:"properties"`
type driver struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
InformationURI string `json:"informationUri"`
SemVersion string `json:"semanticVersion"`
Rules []rule `json:"rules,omitempty"`
type tool struct {
Driver driver `json:"driver"`
type result struct {
RuleID string `json:"ruleId"`
Level string `json:"level,omitempty"` // Optional.
RuleIndex int `json:"ruleIndex"`
Message text `json:"message"`
Locations []location `json:"locations,omitempty"`
RelatedLocations []relatedLocation `json:"relatedLocations,omitempty"`
// Logical location:
// Not supported by GitHub, but possibly useful.
PartialFingerprints partialFingerprints `json:"partialFingerprints,omitempty"`
type automationDetails struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
type run struct {
AutomationDetails automationDetails `json:"automationDetails"`
Tool tool `json:"tool"`
// For generated files during analysis. We leave this blank.
// See
Artifacts string `json:"artifacts,omitempty"`
// This MUST never be omitted or set as `nil`.
Results []result `json:"results"`
type sarif210 struct {
Schema string `json:"$schema"`
Version string `json:"version"`
Runs []run `json:"runs"`
func calculateSeverityLevel(risk string) string {
// "over 9.0 is critical, 7.0 to 8.9 is high, 4.0 to 6.9 is medium and 3.9 or less is low".
switch risk {
case "Critical":
return "9.0"
case "High":
return "7.0"
case "Medium":
return "4.0"
case "Low":
return "1.0"
panic("invalid risk")
func generateProblemSeverity(risk string) string {
switch risk {
case "Critical":
return "error"
case "High":
return "error"
case "Medium":
return "warning"
case "Low":
return "recommendation"
panic("invalid risk")
func generateDefaultConfig(risk string) string {
// "none", "note", "warning", "error",
return "error"
func getPath(d *checker.CheckDetail) string {
f := d.Msg.Finding
if f != nil && f.Location != nil {
return f.Location.Path
return d.Msg.Path
func getLocationType(d *checker.CheckDetail) finding.FileType {
f := d.Msg.Finding
if f != nil && f.Location != nil {
return f.Location.Type
return d.Msg.Type
func getSnippet(d *checker.CheckDetail) *text {
f := d.Msg.Finding
if f != nil && f.Location != nil && f.Location.Snippet != nil {
// NOTE: Snippet may be nil.
return &text{Text: *f.Location.Snippet}
if d.Msg.Snippet != "" {
return &text{Text: d.Msg.Snippet}
return nil
func getStartLine(d *checker.CheckDetail) uint {
f := d.Msg.Finding
if f != nil && f.Location != nil && f.Location.LineStart != nil {
return *f.Location.LineStart
return d.Msg.Offset
func getEndLine(d *checker.CheckDetail) uint {
f := d.Msg.Finding
if f != nil && f.Location != nil && f.Location.LineEnd != nil {
return *f.Location.LineEnd
return d.Msg.EndOffset
func getText(d *checker.CheckDetail) *text {
f := d.Msg.Finding
if f != nil {
return &text{Text: f.Message}
return &text{Text: d.Msg.Text}
func detailToRegion(details *checker.CheckDetail) region {
var reg region
snippet := getSnippet(details)
locType := getLocationType(details)
// "code-scanning currently only supports character offset/length and start/end line/columns offsets".
// "3.30.1 General".
// Line numbers > 0.
// byteOffset and charOffset >= 0.
switch locType {
case finding.FileTypeURL:
line := max(checker.OffsetDefault, getStartLine(details))
reg = region{
StartLine: &line,
Snippet: snippet,
case finding.FileTypeNone:
// Do nothing.
case finding.FileTypeSource:
startLine := max(checker.OffsetDefault, getStartLine(details))
endLine := max(startLine, getEndLine(details))
reg = region{
StartLine: &startLine,
EndLine: &endLine,
Snippet: snippet,
case finding.FileTypeText:
offset := getStartLine(details)
reg = region{
CharOffset: &offset,
Snippet: snippet,
case finding.FileTypeBinary:
offset := getStartLine(details)
reg = region{
// Note: GitHub does not support ByteOffset, so we also set
// StartLine.
ByteOffset: &offset,
StartLine: &offset,
return reg
func shouldAddLocation(detail *checker.CheckDetail, showDetails bool,
minScore, score int,
) bool {
path := getPath(detail)
locType := getLocationType(detail)
switch {
return false
case path == "",
detail.Type != checker.DetailWarn,
locType == finding.FileTypeURL:
return false
case score == checker.InconclusiveResultScore:
return true
case minScore >= score:
return true
func setRemediation(loc *location, d *checker.CheckDetail) {
f := d.Msg.Finding
if f != nil && f.Remediation != nil {
loc.Message.Text = fmt.Sprintf("%s\nRemediation tip: %s", loc.Message.Text, f.Remediation.Markdown)
loc.HasRemediation = true
if d.Msg.Remediation != nil {
loc.Message.Text = fmt.Sprintf("%s\nRemediation tip: %s", loc.Message.Text, d.Msg.Remediation.Markdown)
loc.HasRemediation = true
func detailsToLocations(details []checker.CheckDetail,
showDetails bool, minScore, score int,
) []location {
locs := []location{}
// Populate the locations.
// Note
// "Only the first value of this array is used. All other values are ignored."
if !showDetails {
return locs
for i := range details {
// Avoid `golang Implicit memory aliasing in for loop` gosec error.
d := details[i]
if !shouldAddLocation(&d, showDetails, minScore, score) {
loc := location{
PhysicalLocation: physicalLocation{
ArtifactLocation: artifactLocation{
URI: getPath(&d),
Message: getText(&d),
// Add remediation information
setRemediation(&loc, &d)
// Set the region depending on the file type.
loc.PhysicalLocation.Region = detailToRegion(&d)
locs = append(locs, loc)
return locs
func addDefaultLocation(locs []location, policyFile string) []location {
// No details or no locations.
// For GitHub to display results, we need to provide
// a location anyway, regardless of showDetails.
if len(locs) != 0 {
return locs
defaultLine := checker.OffsetDefault
loc := location{
PhysicalLocation: physicalLocation{
ArtifactLocation: artifactLocation{
URI: policyFile,
Region: region{
// TODO: set the line to the check if it's overwritten,
// or to the global policy.
StartLine: &defaultLine,
locs = append(locs, loc)
return locs
func createSARIFHeader() sarif210 {
return sarif210{
Schema: "",
Version: "2.1.0",
Runs: []run{},
func createSARIFTool(url, name, version string) tool {
titleCaser := cases.Title(language.English)
return tool{
Driver: driver{
Name: titleCaser.String(name),
InformationURI: url,
SemVersion: version,
Rules: nil,
func createSARIFRun(uri, toolName, version, commit string, t time.Time,
category, runName string,
) run {
return run{
Tool: createSARIFTool(uri, toolName, version),
Results: []result{},
// See
AutomationDetails: automationDetails{
// Time formatting:
ID: fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s", category, runName, fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", commit, t.Format(time.RFC822Z))),
func getOrCreateSARIFRun(runs map[string]*run, runName string,
uri, toolName, version, commit string, t time.Time,
category string,
) *run {
if prun, exists := runs[runName]; exists {
return prun
run := createSARIFRun(uri, toolName, version, commit, t, category, runName)
runs[runName] = &run
return &run
func generateRemediationMarkdown(remediation []string) string {
r := ""
for _, s := range remediation {
r += fmt.Sprintf("- %s\n", s)
if r == "" {
panic("no remediation")
return r[:len(r)-1]
func generateMarkdownText(longDesc, risk string, remediation []string) string {
rSev := fmt.Sprintf("**Severity**: %s", risk)
rDesc := fmt.Sprintf("**Details**:\n%s", longDesc)
rRem := fmt.Sprintf("**Remediation (click \"Show more\" below)**:\n%s", generateRemediationMarkdown(remediation))
return textToMarkdown(fmt.Sprintf("%s\n\n%s\n\n%s", rRem, rSev, rDesc))
func createSARIFRule(checkName, checkID, descURL, longDesc, shortDesc, risk string,
remediation []string,
tags []string,
) rule {
return rule{
ID: checkID,
Name: checkName,
ShortDesc: text{Text: checkName},
FullDesc: text{Text: shortDesc},
HelpURI: descURL,
Help: help{
Text: shortDesc,
Markdown: generateMarkdownText(longDesc, risk, remediation),
DefaultConfig: defaultConfig{
Level: generateDefaultConfig(risk),
Properties: properties{
Tags: tags,
Precision: "high",
ProblemSeverity: generateProblemSeverity(risk),
SeverityLevel: calculateSeverityLevel(risk),
func createSARIFCheckResult(pos int, checkID, message string, loc *location) result {
t := fmt.Sprintf("%s\nClick Remediation section below to solve this issue", message)
if loc.HasRemediation {
t = fmt.Sprintf("%s\nClick Remediation section below for further remediation help", message)
return result{
RuleID: checkID,
// Level: scoreToLevel(minScore, score),
RuleIndex: pos,
Message: text{Text: t},
Locations: []location{*loc},
func getCheckPolicyInfo(policy *spol.ScorecardPolicy, name string) (minScore int, enabled bool, err error) {
policies := policy.GetPolicies()
if _, exists := policies[name]; !exists {
return 0, false,
sce.WithMessage(sce.ErrScorecardInternal, fmt.Sprintf("missing policy for check: %s", name))
cp := policies[name]
if cp.GetMode() == spol.CheckPolicy_DISABLED {
return 0, false, nil
return int(cp.GetScore()), true, nil
func contains(l []string, elt string) bool {
for _, v := range l {
if v == elt {
return true
return false
func computeCategory(checkName string, repos []string) (string, error) {
// In terms of sets, local < Git-local < GitHub.
switch {
return "", sce.WithMessage(sce.ErrScorecardInternal, fmt.Sprintf("repo types not supported: %v", repos))
case checkName == checks.CheckBranchProtection:
// This is a special case to be give us more flexibility to move this check around
// and run it on different GitHub triggers.
return strings.ToLower(checks.CheckBranchProtection), nil
case contains(repos, "local"):
return "local", nil
// Note: Git-local is not supported by any checks yet.
case contains(repos, "Git-local"):
return "local-scm", nil
case contains(repos, "GitHub"),
contains(repos, "GitLab"):
return "online-scm", nil
// createSARIFRuns takes a map of runs and returns a sorted slice of runs.
// It sorts the keys of the map, iterates over them, and appends the corresponding run to the result slice.
// If the run is nil, it is skipped.
func createSARIFRuns(runs map[string]*run) []run {
res := []run{}
// Sort keys.
keys := make([]string, 0)
for k := range runs {
keys = append(keys, k)
// Iterate over keys.
for _, k := range keys {
if runs[k] != nil {
res = append(res, *runs[k])
return res
func createCheckIdentifiers(name string) (string, string) {
// Identifier must be in Pascal case.
// We keep the check name the same as the one used in the documentation.
n := strings.ReplaceAll(name, "-", "")
return name, fmt.Sprintf("%sID", n)
func filterOutDetailType(details []checker.CheckDetail, t checker.DetailType) []checker.CheckDetail {
ret := make([]checker.CheckDetail, 0)
for i := range details {
d := details[i]
if d.Type == t {
ret = append(ret, d)
return ret
func messageWithScore(msg string, score int) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("score is %d: %s", score, msg)
func createDefaultLocationMessage(check *checker.CheckResult, score int) string {
details := filterOutDetailType(check.Details, checker.DetailInfo)
s, b := detailsToString(details, log.WarnLevel)
if b {
// Warning: GitHub UX needs a single `\n` to turn it into a `<br>`.
return messageWithScore(fmt.Sprintf("%s:\n%s", check.Reason, s), score)
return messageWithScore(check.Reason, score)
func toolName(opts *options.Options) string {
if opts.IsInternalGitHubIntegrationEnabled() {
return strings.TrimSpace(os.Getenv("SCORECARD_INTERNAL_GITHUB_SARIF_TOOL_NAME"))
return "scorecard"
// AsSARIF outputs ScorecardResult in SARIF 2.1.0 format.
func (r *ScorecardResult) AsSARIF(showDetails bool, logLevel log.Level,
writer io.Writer, checkDocs docs.Doc, policy *spol.ScorecardPolicy,
opts *options.Options,
) error {
// We only support GitHub-supported properties:
// see,
sarif := createSARIFHeader()
runs := make(map[string]*run)
for _, check := range r.Checks {
check := check
doc, err := checkDocs.GetCheck(check.Name)
if err != nil {
return sce.WithMessage(sce.ErrScorecardInternal, fmt.Sprintf("GetCheck: %v: %s", err, check.Name))
sarifCheckName, sarifCheckID := createCheckIdentifiers(check.Name)
// We need to create a run entry even if the check is disabled or the policy is satisfied.
// The reason is the following: if a check has findings and is later fixed by a user,
// the absence of run for the check will indicate that the check was *not* run,
// so GitHub would keep the findings in the dashboard. We don't want that.
category, err := computeCategory(sarifCheckName, doc.GetSupportedRepoTypes())
if err != nil {
return sce.WithMessage(sce.ErrScorecardInternal, fmt.Sprintf("computeCategory: %v: %s", err, check.Name))
run := getOrCreateSARIFRun(runs, category, "", toolName(opts),
r.Scorecard.Version, r.Scorecard.CommitSHA, r.Date, "supply-chain")
// Always add rules to indicate which checks were run.
// We don't have so many rules, so this should not clobber the output too much.
// See
rule := createSARIFRule(sarifCheckName, sarifCheckID,
doc.GetDescription(), doc.GetShort(), doc.GetRisk(),
doc.GetRemediation(), doc.GetTags())
run.Tool.Driver.Rules = append(run.Tool.Driver.Rules, rule)
// Check the policy configuration.
// Here we need to use check.Name instead of sarifCheckName since
// we need to original check's name.
minScore, enabled, err := getCheckPolicyInfo(policy, check.Name)
if err != nil {
return err
if !enabled {
// Skip check that do not violate the policy.
if check.Score >= minScore || check.Score == checker.InconclusiveResultScore {
// Skip checks that are annotated
if exempted, _ := check.IsExempted(r.Config); exempted {
// Unclear what to use for PartialFingerprints.
// GitHub only uses `primaryLocationLineHash`, which is not properly defined
// and Appendix B of
// warns about using line number for fingerprints:
// "suppose the fingerprint were to include the line number where the result was located, and suppose
// that after the baseline was constructed, a developer inserted additional lines of code above that
// location. Then in the next run, the result would occur on a different line, the computed fingerprint
// would change, and the result management system would erroneously report it as a new result."
// Create locations.
locs := detailsToLocations(check.Details, showDetails, minScore, check.Score)
// Add default location if no locations are present.
// Note: GitHub needs at least one location to show the results.
// RuleIndex is the position of the corresponding rule in `run.Tool.Driver.Rules`,
// so it's the last position for us.
RuleIndex := len(run.Tool.Driver.Rules) - 1
if len(locs) == 0 {
// Note: this is not a valid URI but GitHub still accepts it.
// See to test verification.
locs = addDefaultLocation(locs, "no file associated with this alert")
msg := createDefaultLocationMessage(&check, check.Score)
cr := createSARIFCheckResult(RuleIndex, sarifCheckID, msg, &locs[0])
run.Results = append(run.Results, cr)
} else {
for _, loc := range locs {
loc := loc
// Use the location's message (check's detail's message) as message.
msg := messageWithScore(loc.Message.Text, check.Score)
cr := createSARIFCheckResult(RuleIndex, sarifCheckID, msg, &loc)
run.Results = append(run.Results, cr)
// Set the sarif's runs.
sarif.Runs = createSARIFRuns(runs)
encoder := json.NewEncoder(writer)
encoder.SetIndent("", " ")
if err := encoder.Encode(sarif); err != nil {
return sce.WithMessage(sce.ErrScorecardInternal, err.Error())
return nil