Naveen 91eb41e235
🌱 Check for OSV for a go.mod changes (#1053)
At present we don't have a way to identify any new dependencies to go.mod that have osv/cve.
With this it will query the for any vulnerabilities and report if it found any.

It also has an option to ignore any vulnerabilities if we chose to ignore.

This is ignoring 3 osv that are in our dependencies.
2021-09-22 20:41:56 +00:00

192 lines
8.0 KiB

SHELL := /bin/bash
GOPATH := $(go env GOPATH)
GINKGO := ginkgo
GIT_HASH := $(shell git rev-parse HEAD)
GOLANGGCI_LINT := golangci-lint
PROTOC_GEN_GO := protoc-gen-go
PROTOC := $(shell which protoc)
IMAGE_NAME = scorecard
OUTPUT = output
IGNORED_CI_TEST="E2E TEST:blob|E2E TEST:executable"
VERSION_LDFLAGS=$(shell ./scripts/version-ldflags)
############################### make help #####################################
.PHONY: help
help: ## Display this help
@awk \
-v "col=${COLOR}" -v "nocol=${NOCOLOR}" \
' \
FS = ":.*##" ; \
printf "Available targets:\n"; \
} \
/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+:.*?##/ { \
printf " %s%-25s%s %s\n", col, $$1, nocol, $$2 \
} \
/^##@/ { \
printf "\n%s%s%s\n", col, substr($$0, 5), nocol \
} \
################################ make install #################################
.PHONY: install
install: ## Installs all dependencies needed to compile Scorecard
install: | $(PROTOC)
@echo Installing tools from tools/tools.go
cd tools; cat tools.go | grep _ | awk -F'"' '{print $$2}' | xargs -tI % go install %
ifeq (,$(PROTOC))
$(error download and install protobuf compiler package -
################################## make all ###################################
all: ## Runs build, test and verify
all-targets = update-dependencies build check-linter check-osv unit-test add-projects validate-projects tree-status
.PHONY: all $(all-targets)
all: $(all-targets)
update-dependencies: ## Update go dependencies for all modules
# Update root go modules
go mod tidy && go mod verify
cd tools
go mod tidy && go mod verify
$(GOLANGGCI_LINT): install
check-linter: ## Install and run golang linter
check-linter: $(GOLANGGCI_LINT)
# Run golangci-lint linter
golangci-lint run -c .golangci.yml
check-osv: ## Checks for any vulnerabilities
check-osv: $(install)
# Run stunning-tribble for checking the dependencies have any OSV
go list -m -f '{{if not (or .Main)}}{{.Path}}@{{.Version}}_{{.Replace}}{{end}}' all \
| stunning-tribble GO-2020-0016,GO-2020-0018,GO-2020-0008
# Checking the tools which also has go.mod
cd tools
go list -m -f '{{if not (or .Main)}}{{.Path}}@{{.Version}}_{{.Replace}}{{end}}' all \
| stunning-tribble GO-2020-0016,GO-2020-0018,GO-2020-0008
add-projects: ## Adds new projects to ./cron/data/projects.csv
add-projects: ./cron/data/projects.csv | build-add-script
# Add new projects to ./cron/data/projects.csv
./cron/data/add/add ./cron/data/projects.csv ./cron/data/
mv ./cron/data/ ./cron/data/projects.csv
validate-projects: ## Validates ./cron/data/projects.csv
validate-projects: ./cron/data/projects.csv | build-validate-script
# Validate ./cron/data/projects.csv
./cron/data/validate/validate ./cron/data/projects.csv
tree-status: ## Verify tree is clean and all changes are committed
# Verify the tree is clean and all changes are commited
################################## make build #################################
build-targets = generate-docs build-proto build-scorecard build-pubsub build-bq-transfer \
build-add-script build-validate-script build-update-script dockerbuild
.PHONY: build $(build-targets)
build: ## Build all binaries and images in the repo.
build: $(build-targets)
build-proto: ## Compiles and generates all required protobufs
build-proto: cron/data/request.pb.go cron/data/metadata.pb.go clients/branch.pb.go
cron/data/request.pb.go: cron/data/request.proto | $(PROTOC)
protoc --go_out=../../../ cron/data/request.proto
cron/data/metadata.pb.go: cron/data/metadata.proto | $(PROTOC)
protoc --go_out=../../../ cron/data/metadata.proto
clients/branch.pb.go: clients/branch.proto | $(PROTOC)
protoc --go_out=../../../ clients/branch.proto
generate-docs: ## Generates docs
generate-docs: docs/
docs/ docs/checks/internal/checks.yaml docs/checks/internal/*.go docs/checks/internal/generate/*.go
# Validating checks.yaml
go run ./docs/checks/internal/validate/main.go
# Generating
go run ./docs/checks/internal/generate/main.go docs/
build-scorecard: ## Runs go build on repo
# Run go build and generate scorecard executable
CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -a -tags netgo -ldflags '-w -extldflags "-static" $(VERSION_LDFLAGS)'
build-pubsub: ## Runs go build on the PubSub cron job
# Run go build and the PubSub cron job
cd cron/controller && CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -a -ldflags '-w -extldflags "static"' -o controller
cd cron/worker && CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -a -ldflags '-w -extldflags "-static" $(VERSION_LDFLAGS)' -o worker
build-bq-transfer: ## Runs go build on the BQ transfer cron job
build-bq-transfer: ./cron/bq/*.go
# Run go build on the Copier cron job
cd cron/bq && CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -a -ldflags '-w -extldflags "static"' -o data-transfer
build-webhook: ## Runs go build on the cron webhook
# Run go build on the cron webhook
cd cron/webhook && CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -a -ldflags '-w -extldflags "static"' -o webhook
build-add-script: ## Runs go build on the add script
build-add-script: cron/data/add/add
cron/data/add/add: cron/data/add/*.go cron/data/*.go repos/*.go cron/data/projects.csv
# Run go build on the add script
cd cron/data/add && CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -a -ldflags '-w -extldflags "-static"' -o add
build-validate-script: ## Runs go build on the validate script
build-validate-script: cron/data/validate/validate
cron/data/validate/validate: cron/data/validate/*.go cron/data/*.go cron/data/projects.csv
# Run go build on the validate script
cd cron/data/validate && CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -a -ldflags '-w -extldflags "-static"' -o validate
build-update-script: ## Runs go build on the update script
build-update-script: cron/data/update/projects-update
cron/data/update/projects-update: cron/data/update/*.go cron/data/*.go
# Run go build on the update script
cd cron/data/update && CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -a -tags netgo -ldflags '-w -extldflags "-static"' -o projects-update
dockerbuild: ## Runs docker build
# Build all Docker images in the Repo
$(call ndef, GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN)
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build . --file Dockerfile --tag $(IMAGE_NAME)
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build . --file cron/controller/Dockerfile \
--build-arg=COMMIT_SHA=$(GIT_HASH) --tag $(IMAGE_NAME)-batch-controller
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build . --file cron/worker/Dockerfile --tag $(IMAGE_NAME)-batch-worker
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build . --file cron/bq/Dockerfile --tag $(IMAGE_NAME)-bq-transfer
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build . --file cron/webhook/Dockerfile --tag ${IMAGE_NAME}-webhook
################################# make test ###################################
test-targets = unit-test e2e ci-e2e
.PHONY: test $(test-targets)
test: $(test-targets)
unit-test: ## Runs unit test without e2e
# Run unit tests, ignoring e2e tests
go test -race -covermode atomic `go list ./... | grep -v e2e`
e2e: ## Runs e2e tests. Requires GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN env var to be set to GitHub personal access token
e2e: build-scorecard check-env | $(GINKGO)
# Run e2e tests. GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN with personal access token must be exported to run this
$(GINKGO) --race --skip="E2E TEST:executable" -p -v -cover ./...
$(GINKGO): install
ci-e2e: ## Runs CI e2e tests. Requires GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN env var to be set to GitHub personal access token
ci-e2e: build-scorecard check-env | $(GINKGO)
# Run CI e2e tests. GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN with personal access token must be exported to run this
$(call ndef, GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN)
@echo Ignoring these test for ci-e2e $(IGNORED_CI_TEST)
$(GINKGO) -p -v -cover --skip=$(IGNORED_CI_TEST) ./e2e/...
$(error GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN is undefined)