#!/usr/bin/env python3 """Create and/or populate a Trello board from the ossu/computer-science curriculum JSON. This script requires requests>=2.23.0, as well as a valid Trello API key and token (https://trello.com/app-key). Trello API credentials are provided using the following environment variables: TRELLO_API_KEY TRELLO_API_TOKEN Examples: To download the curriculum and create a new board, simply run:: $ python export.py To use your own curriculum.json, provide the filename using the -f flag:: $ python export.py -f curriculum.json To populate an empty board, provide the ID using the -b flag (e.g., trello.com/b/Wvt0LK6d/ossu-compsci):: $ python export.py -b Wvt0LK6d Attributes: CURRICULUM_PATH (str): The location of the curriculum JSON in the ossu/computer-science repository. JSON_OPTIONS (dict): A keyword dictionary provided to ``json.dump`` / ``json.dumps`` when writing JSON to disk. """ import json import os import os.path as path import re import sys from argparse import ArgumentParser from base64 import b64decode from datetime import datetime from enum import Enum from requests import ( Response, request ) CURRICULUM_PATH = 'curriculum.json?ref=JSON' JSON_OPTIONS = { 'indent': 2, 'ensure_ascii': False } class GitHubContent(object): @property def json(self) -> dict: return self._data @property def content(self) -> str: return self._data['content'] def __init__(self, data:dict): self._content = None self._data = data or None class CurriculumContent(GitHubContent): @classmethod def from_cache_model(cls, cache_model:dict): curriculum_content = cls(dict()) curriculum_content._content = cache_model return curriculum_content @classmethod def from_github_content(cls, github_content:GitHubContent): return cls(github_content.json) @property def content(self) -> dict: if self._content: return self._content content = b64decode(super().content) self._content = json.loads(content) return self.content class OssuCurriculum(object): class SubsectionType(Enum): unknown = (0, 'Unknown') intro = (1, 'Introduction to Programming') programming = (2, 'Programming') maths = math = (3, 'Maths') systems = (4, 'Systems') theory = (5, 'Theory') applications = (6, 'Applications') @classmethod def from_subsection_name(cls, s:str) -> Enum: match = re.search(r'(intro|programming|electives|maths?|systems|theory|applications)', s, flags=re.I) return cls.__members__.get(match.group(1).lower() if match else None, cls.unknown) def __init__(self, value:int, label:str): self._value = value self.label = label class CurriculumNode(object): __slots__ = ('name',) def __init__(self, name:str): self.name = name def __str__(self): return self.name class Course(CurriculumNode): _RE_NONCONFORMATIVE:re.Pattern = re.compile(r'(.+?)\)?\|\s(.+)\s\|\s(.+)') __slots__ = ('url', 'url_alt', 'duration', 'effort', 'extra', 'prerequisites', '__repr__') def __init__(self, course:dict): duration, effort = course.get('Duration'), course.get('Effort') url = course.get('URL') if not (effort or duration): # Core Applications contains Markdown artefacts from the course table in the URL field: # Format: '{url}| {duration} | {effort}' match:re.Match = self._RE_NONCONFORMATIVE.search(url) if (match is not None and len(match.groups()) == 3): url = match.group(1) duration = match.group(2) effort = match.group(3) else: raise ValueError('no effort, duration or supported URL defined') super().__init__(name=course['Name']) self.url:str = url self.url_alt:str = course.get('Alternative', str()) self.duration:str = duration self.effort:str = effort self.extra:str = course.get("Additional Text / Assignments", str()) self.prerequisites:str = course['Prerequisites'] self.__repr__ = lambda: f"{type(self).__module__}.{type(self).__qualname__}({course})" class Discipline(CurriculumNode): __slots__ = ('courses', '__repr__') def __init__(self, discipline): super().__init__(name=discipline['Name']) self.courses:list = [OssuCurriculum.Course(i) for i in discipline['Courses']] self.__repr__ = lambda: f"{type(self).__module__}.{type(self).__qualname__}({discipline})" class Subsection(CurriculumNode): __slots__ = ('explanation', 'topics', 'courses', 'disciplines', '__repr__') def __init__(self, subsection): super().__init__(name=subsection['Name']) self.explanation:str = subsection.get('Explanation', str()) self.topics:list = [i['Name'] for i in subsection["Topics Covered"]] self.courses:list = [OssuCurriculum.Course(i) for i in subsection.get('Courses', list())] # Only applies to core maths electives: self.disciplines:list = [OssuCurriculum.Discipline(i) for i in subsection.get('Disciplines', list())] self.__repr__ = lambda: f"{type(self).__module__}.{type(self).__qualname__}({subsection})" class Section(CurriculumNode): __slots__ = ('explanation', 'subsections', '__repr__') def __init__(self, section): super().__init__(name=section['Section Name']) self.explanation:str = section['Explanation'] self.subsections:list = [OssuCurriculum.Subsection(i) for i in section['Subsections']] self.__repr__ = lambda: f"{type(self).__module__}.{type(self).__qualname__}({section})" __slots__ = ('sections', '__repr__') def __init__(self, curriculum:list): self.sections = [OssuCurriculum.Section(i) for i in curriculum] self.__repr__ = lambda: f"{type(self).__module__}.{type(self).__qualname__}({curriculum})" class TrelloClient(object): TRELLO_ENDPOINT = 'https://api.trello.com/1' @property def params(self) -> dict: return { 'key': self.api_key, 'token': self.api_token } def create_board(self) -> str: response = self.request_method('POST', f'{self.TRELLO_ENDPOINT}/boards', params = self.params, data = { 'name': "OSSU - CompSci", 'defaultLabels': 'false', 'defaultLists': 'false' } ) data = json.loads(response.content) return data['id'] def create_list(self, board_id:str, name:str): response = self.request_method('POST', f'{self.TRELLO_ENDPOINT}/boards/{board_id}/lists', params = self.params, data = { 'name': name, 'pos': 'bottom' } ) data = json.loads(response.content) return data['id'] def create_label(self, board_id:str, name:str, color:str) -> str: response = self.request_method('POST', f'{self.TRELLO_ENDPOINT}/boards/{board_id}/labels', params = self.params, data = { 'name': name, 'color': color } ) data = json.loads(response.content) return data['id'] def create_card(self, list_id:str, label_ids:list, name:str, desc:str) -> str: response = self.request_method('POST', f'{self.TRELLO_ENDPOINT}/cards', params = self.params, data = { 'idList': list_id, 'idLabels': label_ids, 'name': name, 'desc': desc, 'pos': 'bottom' } ) data = json.loads(response.content) return data['id'] def __init__(self, api_key:str, api_token:str, request_method): self.api_key = api_key self.api_token = api_token self.request_method = request_method def _parse_args(argv:list): parser = ArgumentParser('ossu-export') parser.add_argument('-b', '--board_id', type=str, metavar='S', help="the ID of a Trello board to populate" ) parser.add_argument('-f', '--from_file', type=str, metavar='S', help="a JSON file to load decoded content from" ) parser.add_argument('-t', '--to_file', type=str, metavar='S', help="a JSON file to save raw content to" ) args = parser.parse_args(argv).__dict__ return dict([(k,v) for k,v in args.items() if v]) def _request(method:str, url:str, **kwargs): response = request(method, url, **kwargs) response.raise_for_status() return response def get_github_content() -> GitHubContent: response:Response = _request( 'GET', f'https://api.github.com/repos/ossu/computer-science/contents/{CURRICULUM_PATH}', headers = { 'Accept': "application/vnd.github.v3+json" } ) data = json.loads(response.content) return GitHubContent(data) def get_curriculum_content(from_file:str) -> CurriculumContent: with open(from_file, 'r') as fp: content = fp.read() data = json.loads(content) return CurriculumContent.from_cache_model(data) def main(board_id:str = None, from_file:str = None, to_file:str = None) -> None: # --------------- Curriculum retrieval --------------- # cache_path = path.abspath(f"{datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y%m%d')}_curriculum.json") if (not from_file and path.exists(cache_path)): print(f"Using cached result from {cache_path}") from_file = cache_path curriculum_content:CurriculumContent if from_file: curriculum_content = get_curriculum_content(from_file) else: github_content = get_github_content() curriculum_content = CurriculumContent.from_github_content(github_content) out = to_file.strip() if to_file else None if out: out = path.abspath(out) print(f"Writing response to file... (-> {out})") with open(out, 'w') as fp: fp.write(json.dumps(github_content.json, **JSON_OPTIONS)) if not from_file: print(f"Writing decoded response to file (-> {cache_path})") with open(cache_path, 'w') as fp: json.dump(curriculum_content.content, fp, **JSON_OPTIONS) curriculum = OssuCurriculum(curriculum_content.content['Curriculum']) # --------------- Board creation --------------- # trello_api_key = os.environ.get('TRELLO_API_KEY') trello_api_token = os.environ.get('TRELLO_API_TOKEN') if not (trello_api_key and trello_api_token): print("Trello API key not found") return trello_client = TrelloClient(trello_api_key, trello_api_token, _request) if board_id is None: board_id = trello_client.create_board() print("Creating lists... ", end='') lists = { 'curriculum': trello_client.create_list(board_id, 'Curriculum'), 'doing': trello_client.create_list(board_id, 'Doing'), 'done': trello_client.create_list(board_id, 'Done') } print(lists) print("Creating labels... ", end='') labels = { 'curriculum': trello_client.create_label(board_id, "Main Curriculum", 'black'), 'extra': trello_client.create_label(board_id, 'Extra Resources', 'orange'), 'subsection': trello_client.create_label(board_id, 'Subsection', 'purple') } print(labels) section_colors = ('sky', 'purple', 'yellow') course_number = 1 section:OssuCurriculum.Section for (idx,section) in enumerate(curriculum.sections): label = trello_client.create_label(board_id, section.name, section_colors[idx]) subsection:OssuCurriculum.Subsection for subsection in section.subsections: subsection_type = OssuCurriculum.SubsectionType.from_subsection_name(subsection.name) courses = subsection.courses or [c for d in subsection.disciplines for c in d.courses] print(f"Creating {section.name} / {subsection.name}") course:OssuCurriculum.Course for course in courses: name = f"{course_number:03d} - {course.name}" _alt = f" ([alt]({course.url_alt})" if course.url_alt else '' desc = f"**Subsection**: {section.name} - {subsection_type.label}\n" desc += f"**Course**: [{course.name}]({course.url}){_alt}\n" desc += f"**Final Project**: _link to your GitHub repository_" print(f"Creating {section.name} / {subsection.name} / {course.name}") trello_client.create_card(lists['curriculum'], [label, labels['curriculum']], name, desc) course_number += 1 for subsection_type in list(OssuCurriculum.SubsectionType)[1:]: print(f"Creating divider '{subsection_type.label}'") trello_client.create_card(lists['done'], [labels['subsection'], ], subsection_type.label, desc=str()) print("🎉") if __name__ == '__main__': try: main(**_parse_args(sys.argv[1:])) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass