# Modified from: https://github.com/mozilla/nixpkgs-mozilla/blob/8c007b60731c07dd7a052cce508de3bb1ae849b4/rust-overlay.nix # This file provide a Rust overlay, which provides pre-packaged bleeding edge versions of rustc # and cargo. self: super: let # Manifest selector. selectManifest = { channel, date ? null }: let inherit (self.rust-bin) manifests; inherit (builtins) match elemAt compareVersions attrNames foldl' filter; inherit (self.lib) hasPrefix; assertWith = cond: msg: body: if cond then body else throw msg; # https://rust-lang.github.io/rustup/concepts/toolchains.html#toolchain-specification # = stable|beta|nightly|| asVersion = match "[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+)?" channel; asNightlyDate = let m = match "nightly-([0-9]+-[0-9]+-[0-9]+)" channel; in if m == null then null else elemAt m 0; asBetaDate = let m = match "beta-([0-9]+-[0-9]+-[0-9]+)" channel; in if m == null then null else elemAt m 0; maxWith = zero: f: foldl' (lhs: rhs: if lhs == zero || f lhs rhs < 0 then rhs else lhs) zero; latestStableWithMajorMinor = maxWith "" compareVersions (filter (hasPrefix (channel + ".")) (attrNames manifests.stable)); in # "stable" if channel == "stable" then assertWith (date == null) "Stable version with specific date is not supported" manifests.stable.latest # "nightly" else if channel == "nightly" then manifests.nightly.${if date != null then date else "latest"} or (throw "Nightly ${date} is not available") # "beta" else if channel == "beta" then manifests.beta.${if date != null then date else "latest"} or (throw "Beta ${date} is not available") # "1.49.0" or "1.49" else if asVersion != null then assertWith (date == null) "Stable version with specific date is not supported" ( # "1.49" if asVersion == [ null ] then manifests.stable.${latestStableWithMajorMinor} or (throw "No stable ${channel}.* is available") # "1.49.0" else manifests.stable.${channel} or (throw "Stable ${channel} is not available")) # "beta-2021-01-01" else if asBetaDate != null then assertWith (date == null) "Cannot specify date in both `channel` and `date`" manifests.beta.${asBetaDate} or (throw "Beta ${asBetaDate} is not available") # "nightly-2021-01-01" else if asNightlyDate != null then assertWith (date == null) "Cannot specify date in both `channel` and `date`" manifests.nightly.${asNightlyDate} or (throw "Nightly ${asNightlyDate} is not available") # Otherwise else throw "Unknown channel: ${channel}"; # Select a toolchain and aggregate components by rustup's `rust-toolchain` file format. # See: https://rust-lang.github.io/rustup/concepts/profiles.html # Or see source: https://github.com/rust-lang/rustup/blob/84974df1387812269c7b29fa5f3bb1c6480a6500/doc/src/overrides.md#the-toolchain-file fromRustupToolchain = { path ? null, channel ? null, profile ? null, components ? [], targets ? [] }: if path != null then throw "`path` is not supported, please directly add it to your PATH instead" else if channel == null then throw "`channel` is required" else let toolchain = toolchainFromManifest (selectManifest { inherit channel; }); profile' = if profile == null then "default" else profile; pkg = if toolchain._profiles != {} then toolchain._profiles.${profile'} or (throw '' Rust ${toolchain._version} doesn't have profile `${profile'}`. Available profiles are: ${self.lib.concatStringsSep ", " (builtins.attrNames toolchain._profiles)} '') # Fallback to package `rust` when profiles are not supported and not specified. else if profile == null then toolchain.rust else throw "Cannot select profile `${profile'}` since rust ${toolchain._version} is too early to support profiles"; in pkg.override { extensions = components; inherit targets; }; # Same as `fromRustupToolchain` but read from a `rust-toolchain` file (legacy one-line string or in TOML). fromRustupToolchainFile = path: let inherit (builtins) readFile match fromTOML head; content = readFile path; legacy = match "([^\r\n]+)\r?\n?" content; in if legacy != null then fromRustupToolchain { channel = head legacy; } else fromRustupToolchain (fromTOML content).toolchain; getComponentsWithFixedPlatform = pkgs: pkgname: stdenv: let pkg = pkgs.${pkgname}; srcInfo = pkg.target.${super.rust.toRustTarget stdenv.targetPlatform} or pkg.target."*"; components = srcInfo.components or []; componentNamesList = builtins.map (pkg: pkg.pkg) (builtins.filter (pkg: (pkg.target != "*")) components); in componentNamesList; getExtensions = pkgs: pkgname: stdenv: let inherit (super.lib) unique; pkg = pkgs.${pkgname}; rustTarget = super.rust.toRustTarget stdenv.targetPlatform; srcInfo = pkg.target.${rustTarget} or pkg.target."*" or (throw "${pkgname} is no available"); extensions = srcInfo.extensions or []; extensionNamesList = unique (builtins.map (pkg: pkg.pkg) extensions); in extensionNamesList; hasTarget = pkgs: pkgname: target: pkgs ? ${pkgname}.target.${target}; getTuples = pkgs: name: targets: builtins.map (target: { inherit name target; }) (builtins.filter (target: hasTarget pkgs name target) targets); # In the manifest, a package might have different components which are bundled with it, as opposed as the extensions which can be added. # By default, a package will include the components for the same architecture, and offers them as extensions for other architectures. # # This functions returns a list of { name, target } attribute sets, which includes the current system package, and all its components for the selected targets. # The list contains the package for the pkgTargets as well as the packages for components for all compTargets getTargetPkgTuples = pkgs: pkgname: pkgTargets: compTargets: stdenv: let inherit (builtins) elem; inherit (super.lib) intersectLists; components = getComponentsWithFixedPlatform pkgs pkgname stdenv; extensions = getExtensions pkgs pkgname stdenv; compExtIntersect = intersectLists components extensions; tuples = (getTuples pkgs pkgname pkgTargets) ++ (builtins.map (name: getTuples pkgs name compTargets) compExtIntersect); in tuples; getFetchUrl = pkgs: pkgname: target: stdenv: fetchurl: let srcInfo = pkgs.${pkgname}.target.${target}; in mkComponentSrc { url = srcInfo.xz_url; sha256 = srcInfo.xz_hash; inherit fetchurl; }; mkComponentSrc = { url, sha256, fetchurl }: let inherit (builtins) match elemAt; url' = builtins.replaceStrings [" "] ["%20"] url; # This is required or download will fail. # Filter names like `llvm-tools-1.34.2 (6c2484dc3 2019-05-13)-aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.xz` matchParenPart = match ".*/([^ /]*) [(][^)]*[)](.*)" url; name = if matchParenPart == null then "" else (elemAt matchParenPart 0) + (elemAt matchParenPart 1); in fetchurl { inherit name sha256; url = url'; }; checkMissingExtensions = pkgs: pkgname: stdenv: extensions: let inherit (builtins) head; inherit (super.lib) concatStringsSep subtractLists; availableExtensions = getExtensions pkgs pkgname stdenv; missingExtensions = subtractLists availableExtensions extensions; extensionsToInstall = if missingExtensions == [] then extensions else throw '' While compiling ${pkgname}: the extension ${head missingExtensions} is not available. Select extensions from the following list: ${concatStringsSep "\n" availableExtensions}''; in extensionsToInstall; getComponents = pkgs: pkgname: targets: extensions: targetExtensions: stdenv: fetchurl: let inherit (builtins) head map; inherit (super.lib) flatten remove subtractLists unique; targetExtensionsToInstall = checkMissingExtensions pkgs pkgname stdenv targetExtensions; extensionsToInstall = checkMissingExtensions pkgs pkgname stdenv extensions; hostTargets = [ "*" (super.rust.toRustTarget stdenv.hostPlatform) (super.rust.toRustTarget stdenv.targetPlatform) ]; pkgTuples = flatten (getTargetPkgTuples pkgs pkgname hostTargets targets stdenv); extensionTuples = flatten (map (name: getTargetPkgTuples pkgs name hostTargets targets stdenv) extensionsToInstall); targetExtensionTuples = flatten (map (name: getTargetPkgTuples pkgs name targets targets stdenv) targetExtensionsToInstall); pkgsTuples = pkgTuples ++ extensionTuples ++ targetExtensionTuples; missingTargets = subtractLists (map (tuple: tuple.target) pkgsTuples) (remove "*" targets); pkgsTuplesToInstall = if missingTargets == [] then pkgsTuples else throw '' While compiling ${pkgname}: the target ${head missingTargets} is not available for any package.''; in map (tuple: { name = tuple.name; src = (getFetchUrl pkgs tuple.name tuple.target stdenv fetchurl); }) pkgsTuplesToInstall; mkComponent = { pname, version, src, rustc /* some components depend on rustc */ }: self.stdenv.mkDerivation { inherit pname version src; # No point copying src to a build server, then copying back the # entire unpacked contents after just a little twiddling. preferLocalBuild = true; nativeBuildInputs = [ self.gnutar ]; # Ourselves have offset -1. In order to make these offset -1 dependencies of downstream derivation, # they are offset 0 propagated. propagatedBuildInputs = self.lib.optional (pname == "rustc") [ self.stdenv.cc self.buildPackages.stdenv.cc ]; # This goes downstream packages' buildInputs. depsTargetTargetPropagated = self.lib.optional (pname == "rustc" && self.stdenv.targetPlatform.isDarwin) self.libiconv; installPhase = '' runHook preInstall installerVersion=$(< ./rust-installer-version) if [[ "$installerVersion" != 3 ]]; then echo "Unknown installer version: $installerVersion" fi mkdir -p "$out" while read -r comp; do echo "Installing component $comp" # We don't want to parse the file and invoking cp in bash due to slow forking. cut -d: -f2 <"$comp/manifest.in" | tar -cf - -C "$comp" --files-from - | tar -xC "$out" done <./components runHook postInstall ''; # This code is inspired by patchelf/setup-hook.sh to iterate over all binaries. preFixup = let inherit (super.lib) optionalString elem; inherit (self.stdenv) hostPlatform; in optionalString hostPlatform.isLinux '' setInterpreter() { local dir="$1" [ -e "$dir" ] || return 0 header "Patching interpreter of ELF executables and libraries in $dir" local i while IFS= read -r -d ''$'\0' i; do if [[ "$i" =~ .build-id ]]; then continue; fi if ! isELF "$i"; then continue; fi echo "setting interpreter of $i" if [[ -x "$i" ]]; then # Handle executables patchelf \ --set-interpreter "$(cat $NIX_CC/nix-support/dynamic-linker)" \ --set-rpath "${super.lib.makeLibraryPath [ self.zlib ]}:$out/lib" \ "$i" || true else # Handle libraries patchelf \ --set-rpath "${super.lib.makeLibraryPath [ self.zlib ]}:$out/lib" \ "$i" || true fi done < <(find "$dir" -type f -print0) } setInterpreter $out '' + optionalString (elem pname ["clippy-preview" "rls-preview" "miri-preview"]) '' for f in $out/bin/*; do ${optionalString hostPlatform.isLinux '' patchelf \ --set-rpath "${rustc}/lib:${super.lib.makeLibraryPath [ self.zlib ]}:$out/lib" \ "$f" || true ''} ${optionalString hostPlatform.isDarwin '' install_name_tool \ -add_rpath "${rustc}/lib" \ "$f" || true ''} done '' + optionalString (pname == "llvm-tools-preview" && hostPlatform.isLinux) '' dir="$out/lib/rustlib/${super.rust.toRustTarget hostPlatform}" for f in "$dir"/bin/*; do patchelf --set-rpath "$dir/lib" "$f" || true done ''; # rust-docs only contains tons of html files. dontFixup = pname == "rust-docs"; postFixup = '' # Function moves well-known files from etc/ handleEtc() { if [[ -d "$1" ]]; then mkdir -p "$(dirname "$2")" mv -T "$1" "$2" fi } if [[ -e "$out/etc" ]]; then handleEtc "$out/etc/bash_completion.d" "$out/share/bash-completion/completions" rmdir $out/etc || { echo "Installer tries to install to /etc: $(ls $out/etc)"; exit 1; } fi ''; dontStrip = true; }; aggregateComponents = { pname, version, components }: self.pkgs.symlinkJoin { name = pname + "-" + version; inherit pname version; paths = components; postBuild = '' # If rustc or rustdoc is in the derivation, we need to copy their # executable into the final derivation. This is required # for making them find the correct SYSROOT. for target in $out/bin/{rustc,rustdoc,miri,cargo-miri}; do if [ -e $target ]; then cp --remove-destination "$(realpath -e $target)" $target fi done if [ -e $out/bin/cargo-miri ]; then mv $out/bin/{cargo-miri,.cargo-miri-wrapped} cp -f ${./cargo-miri-wrapper.sh} $out/bin/cargo-miri chmod +w $out/bin/cargo-miri substituteInPlace $out/bin/cargo-miri \ --replace "@bash@" "${self.pkgs.bash}/bin/bash" \ --replace "@cargo_miri@" "$out/bin/.cargo-miri-wrapped" \ --replace "@out@" "$out" fi ''; meta.platforms = self.lib.platforms.all; }; # Resolve final components to install from mozilla-overlay style `extensions`, `targets` and `targetExtensions`. # # `componentSet` has a layout of `componentSet.. : Derivation`. # `targetComponentsList` is a list of all component names for target platforms. # `name` is only used for error message. # # Returns a list of component derivations, or throw if failed. resolveComponents = { name, componentSet, targetComponentsList, extensions, targets, targetExtensions }: let inherit (self.lib) flatten elem isString filter any remove concatStringsSep concatMapStrings attrNames; rustHostPlatform = self.rust.toRustTarget self.stdenv.hostPlatform; collectComponentTargets = compName: comp: # Platform irrelevent components like `rust-src`. if comp ? "*" then comp."*" # Components for target platform like `rust-std`. else if elem compName targetComponentsList then collectTargetComponentTargets compName comp # Components for host platform like `rustc`. else comp.${rustHostPlatform} or "Host component `${compName}` doesn't support target `${rustHostPlatform}`"; collectTargetComponentTargets = compName: comp: let selected = remove null (map (tgt: comp.${tgt} or null) targets); in if selected == [] then throw "Extension `${compName}` doesn't support any of targets: ${concatStringsSep ", " targets}" else selected; collectComponents = name: collectComponentTargets name (componentSet.${name} or "Missing extension `${name}`"); collectTargetComponents = name: collectTargetComponentTargets name (componentSet.${name} or "Missing target extension `${name}`"); result = flatten (map collectComponents extensions) ++ flatten (map collectTargetComponents targetExtensions); isTargetUnused = target: !any (name: componentSet ? ${name}.${target}) (filter (name: elem name targetComponentsList) extensions ++ targetExtensions); errors = filter isString result ++ map (tgt: "Target `${tgt}` is not supported by any components or extensions") (filter isTargetUnused targets); in if errors == [] then result else throw '' Component resolution failed for ${name} - note: available extensions are ${concatStringsSep ", " (attrNames componentSet)} ${concatMapStrings (msg: "- ${msg}\n") errors} ''; # Genereate the toolchain set from a parsed manifest. # # Manifest files are organized as follow: # { date = "2017-03-03"; # pkg.cargo.version= "0.18.0-nightly (5db6d64 2017-03-03)"; # pkg.cargo.target.x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu = { # available = true; # hash = "abce..."; # sha256 # url = "https://static.rust-lang.org/dist/....tar.gz"; # xz_hash = "abce..."; # sha256 # xz_url = "https://static.rust-lang.org/dist/....tar.xz"; # }; # } # # The packages available usually are: # cargo, rust-analysis, rust-docs, rust-src, rust-std, rustc, and # rust, which aggregates them in one package. # # For each package the following options are available: # extensions - The extensions that should be installed for the package. # For example, install the package rust and add the extension rust-src. # targets - The package will always be installed for the host system, but with this option # extra targets can be specified, e.g. "mips-unknown-linux-musl". The target # will only apply to components of the package that support being installed for # a different architecture. For example, the rust package will install rust-std # for the host system and the targets. # targetExtensions - If you want to force extensions to be installed for the given targets, this is your option. # All extensions in this list will be installed for the target architectures. # *Attention* If you want to install an extension like rust-src, that has no fixed architecture (arch *), # you will need to specify this extension in the extensions options or it will not be installed! toolchainFromManifest = manifest: let inherit (builtins) elemAt; inherit (super) makeOverridable; inherit (super.lib) flip mapAttrs; inherit (super.rust) toRustTarget; maybeRename = name: manifest.renames.${name}.to or name; # For legacy pre-aggregated package `rust`. mkPackage = name: pkg: makeOverridable ({ extensions, targets, targetExtensions, stdenv, fetchurl, patchelf }: let extensions' = map maybeRename extensions; targetExtensions' = map maybeRename targetExtensions; namesAndSrcs = getComponents manifest.pkg name targets extensions' targetExtensions' stdenv fetchurl; in aggregateComponents { pname = name; version = manifest.version; components = map ({ name, src }: (mkComponent { pname = name; inherit (manifest) version; inherit src; # The component name is `rust`. # clippy-driver will be patched to $out/lib without touching this. rustc = null; })) namesAndSrcs; } ) { extensions = []; targets = []; targetExtensions = []; inherit (self) stdenv fetchurl patchelf; }; # componentSet.cargo.x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu = ; componentSet = mapAttrs (name: pkg: mapAttrs (target: { xz_hash, xz_url }: mkComponent { pname = name; inherit (manifest) version; src = mkComponentSrc { url = xz_url; sha256 = xz_hash; fetchurl = self.fetchurl; }; rustc = componentSet.rustc.${target} or (throw "clippy depends on rustc, which is not available"); } ) pkg.target ) (removeAttrs manifest.pkg ["rust"]) // mapAttrs (name: { to }: componentSet.${to}) manifest.renames; mkProfile = name: componentNames: makeOverridable ({ extensions, targets, targetExtensions }: aggregateComponents { pname = "rust-${name}"; version = manifest.version; components = resolveComponents { name = "rust-${name}-${manifest.version}"; inherit componentSet; inherit (manifest) targetComponentsList; extensions = componentNames ++ extensions; targets = [ (toRustTarget self.stdenv.hostPlatform) # Build script requires host std. (toRustTarget self.stdenv.targetPlatform) ] ++ targets; inherit targetExtensions; }; } ) { extensions = []; targets = []; targetExtensions = []; }; profiles = mapAttrs mkProfile manifest.profiles; in # Components. mapAttrs (name: targets: targets."*" or targets.${toRustTarget self.stdenv.hostPlatform} or null) componentSet // # Profiles. profiles // { # Legacy support for special pre-aggregated package. # It has more components than `default` profile but less than `complete` profile. rust = let pkg = mkPackage "rust" manifest.pkg.rust; in if builtins.match ".*[.].*[.].*" != null && profiles != {} then builtins.trace '' Rust ${manifest.version}: Pre-aggregated package `rust` is not encouraged for stable channel since it contains almost all and uncertain components. Consider use `default` profile like `rust-bin.stable.latest.default` and override it with extensions you need. See README for more information. '' pkg else pkg; # Internal use. _components = componentSet; _profiles = profiles; _version = manifest.version; }; # Same as `toolchainFromManifest` but read from a manifest file. toolchainFromManifestFile = path: toolchainFromManifest (builtins.fromTOML (builtins.readFile path)); # Override all pkgs of a toolchain set. overrideToolchain = attrs: super.lib.mapAttrs (name: pkg: pkg.override attrs); # From a git revision of rustc. # This does the same thing as crate `rustup-toolchain-install-master`. # But you need to manually provide component hashes. fromRustcRev = { # Package name of the derivation. pname ? "rust-custom", # Git revision of rustc. rev, # Attrset with component name as key and its SRI hash as value. components, # Rust target to download. target ? super.rust.toRustTarget self.stdenv.targetPlatform }: let shortRev = builtins.substring 0 7 rev; components' = super.lib.mapAttrs (compName: hash: mkComponent { pname = compName; version = shortRev; src = self.fetchurl { url = if compName == "rust-src" then "https://ci-artifacts.rust-lang.org/rustc-builds/${rev}/${compName}-nightly.tar.xz" else "https://ci-artifacts.rust-lang.org/rustc-builds/${rev}/${compName}-nightly-${target}.tar.xz"; inherit hash; }; rustc = components'.rustc or (throw "rustc is required for clippy"); }) components; in aggregateComponents { inherit pname; version = shortRev; components = builtins.attrValues components'; }; # Select latest nightly toolchain which makes selected profile builds. # Some components are missing in some nightly releases. # Usage: # `selectLatestNightlyWith (toolchain: toolchain.default.override { extensions = "llvm-tools-preview"; })` selectLatestNightlyWith = selector: let inherit (builtins) attrNames removeAttrs elemAt length trace tryEval; nightlyDates = attrNames (removeAttrs self.rust-bin.nightly [ "latest" ]); dateLength = length nightlyDates; go = idx: let ret = selector (self.rust-bin.nightly.${elemAt nightlyDates idx}); in if idx == 0 then ret else if dateLength - idx >= 256 then trace "Failed to select nightly version after 100 tries" ret else if ret != null && (tryEval ret.drvPath).success then ret else go (idx - 1); in go (length nightlyDates - 1); in { # For each channel: # rust-bin.stable.latest.{minimal,default,complete} # Profiles. # rust-bin.stable.latest.rust # Pre-aggregate from upstream. # rust-bin.stable.latest.cargo # Components... # rust-bin.stable.latest.rustc # rust-bin.stable.latest.rust-docs # ... # # For a specific version of stable: # rust-bin.stable."1.47.0".default # # For a specific date of beta: # rust-bin.beta."2021-01-01".default # # For a specific date of nightly: # rust-bin.nightly."2020-01-01".default rust-bin = with builtins; (super.rust-bin or {}) // mapAttrs (channel: mapAttrs (version: toolchainFromManifest)) super.rust-bin.manifests // { inherit fromRustupToolchain fromRustupToolchainFile; inherit selectLatestNightlyWith; inherit fromRustcRev; }; # All attributes below are for compatiblity with mozilla overlay. lib = (super.lib or {}) // { rustLib = (super.lib.rustLib or {}) // { manifest_v2_url = throw '' `manifest_v2_url` is not supported. Select a toolchain from `rust-bin` or using `rustChannelOf` instead. See also README at https://github.com/oxalica/rust-overlay ''; fromManifest = throw '' `fromManifest` is not supported due to network access during evaluation. Select a toolchain from `rust-bin` or using `rustChannelOf` instead. See also README at https://github.com/oxalica/rust-overlay ''; fromManifestFile = manifestFilePath: { stdenv, fetchurl, patchelf }@deps: builtins.trace '' `fromManifestFile` is deprecated. Select a toolchain from `rust-bin` or using `rustChannelOf` instead. See also README at https://github.com/oxalica/rust-overlay '' (overrideToolchain deps (toolchainFromManifestFile manifestFilePath)); }; }; rustChannelOf = manifestArgs: toolchainFromManifest (selectManifest manifestArgs); latest = (super.latest or {}) // { rustChannels = { stable = self.rust-bin.stable.latest; beta = self.rust-bin.beta.latest; nightly = self.rust-bin.nightly.latest; }; }; rustChannelOfTargets = channel: date: targets: (self.rustChannelOf { inherit channel date; }) .rust.override { inherit targets; }; rustChannels = self.latest.rustChannels; }