oxalica 264468bbc3 Fix sync script for mismatched target string in URL
In nightly 2022-02-02, aarch64-apple-darwin's rust-docs actually points
to x86_64-apple-darwin's artifact URL. Most tier 2 targets'
rust-docs also forward to -unknown-linux-gnu with the same arch.

Not sure why they do so, but URL forwarding is implemented now.
2022-02-03 19:09:56 +07:00

126 lines
4.2 KiB

final: prev:
inherit (builtins) match isString toString;
inherit (final.lib)
attrNames concatMap elemAt filter hasAttr mapAttrs mapAttrs' removeSuffix;
targets = import ./manifests/targets.nix // { _ = "*"; };
renamesList = import ./manifests/renames.nix;
profilesList = import ./manifests/profiles.nix;
inherit (final.rust-bin) distRoot;
# Extensions for mixed `rust` pkg.
components = [
singleTargetExtensions = [
multiTargetExtensions = [
"rust-src" # This has only one special target `*`
rustPkgExtra = pkgs: target: let
singleTargetTups = map
(pkg: { inherit pkg target; })
(filter (p: hasAttr p pkgs && hasAttr target pkgs.${p}.target) singleTargetExtensions);
multiTargetTups = concatMap
(pkg: map (target: { inherit pkg target; }) (attrNames pkgs.${pkg}.target))
(filter (p: hasAttr p pkgs) multiTargetExtensions);
in {
components = map (pkg: { inherit pkg target; }) components;
extensions = singleTargetTups ++ multiTargetTups;
# Uncompress the compressed manifest to the original one
# (not complete but has enough information to make up the toolchain).
uncompressManifest = channel: version: {
v, # Rustc version
d, # Date
r, # Renames index
p ? null, # Profiles index
}@manifest: rec {
# Version used for derivation.
version = if match ".*(nightly|beta).*" v != null
then "${v}-${d}" # 1.51.0-nightly-2021-01-01, 1.52.0-beta.2-2021-03-27
else v; # 1.51.0
date = d;
renames = mapAttrs (from: to: { inherit to; }) (elemAt renamesList r);
pkg =
mapAttrs (pkgName: { u ? null /* Version appears in URL */, ... }@hashes: {
# We use rustc version for all components to reduce manifest size.
# This version is just used for component derivation name.
version = "${v} (000000000 ${d})"; # "<version> (<commit-hash> yyyy-mm-dd)"
target = let
results = mapAttrs' (targetIdx: hash: let
target = targets.${targetIdx};
pkgNameStripped = removeSuffix "-preview" pkgName;
targetTail = if targetIdx == "_" then "" else "-" + target;
urlVersion =
if u != null then u # Use specified version for URL if exists.
else if channel == "stable" then v # For stable channel, default to be rustc version.
else channel; # Otherwise, for beta/nightly channel, default to be "beta"/"nightly".
in {
name = target;
value =
# Normally, hash is just the hash.
if isString hash then
xz_url = "${distRoot}/${date}/${pkgNameStripped}-${urlVersion}${targetTail}.tar.xz";
xz_hash = hash;
} // (if pkgName == "rust" then rustPkgExtra pkg target else {})
# But hash can be an integer to forward to another URL.
# This occurs in aarch64-apple-darwin rust-docs on 2022-02-02.
results.${targets."_${toString hash}"};
}) (removeAttrs hashes ["u"]);
}) (removeAttrs manifest ["v" "d" "r" "p"]);
profiles = if p == null
then {}
else elemAt profilesList p;
targetComponentsList = [
uncompressManifestSet = channel: set: let
ret = mapAttrs (uncompressManifest channel) (removeAttrs set ["latest"]);
in ret // { latest = ret.${set.latest}; };
in {
rust-bin = (prev.rust-bin or {}) // {
# The dist url for fetching.
# Override it if you want to use a mirror server.
distRoot = "";
# For internal usage.
manifests = {
stable = uncompressManifestSet "stable" (import ./manifests/stable);
beta = uncompressManifestSet "beta" (import ./manifests/beta);
nightly = uncompressManifestSet "nightly" (import ./manifests/nightly);