
360 lines
16 KiB

# Modified from:
# This file provide a Rust overlay, which provides pre-packaged bleeding edge versions of rustc
# and cargo.
self: super:
# Manifest selector.
selectManifest = { channel, date ? null }: let
inherit (self.rust-bin) manifests;
inherit (builtins) match elemAt;
assertWith = cond: msg: body: if cond then body else throw msg;
asVersion = match "[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+" channel;
asNightlyDate = let m = match "nightly-([0-9]+-[0-9]+-[0-9]+)" channel; in
if m == null then null else elemAt m 0;
if channel == "stable" then
assertWith (date == null) "Stable version with specific date is not supported"
else if channel == "nightly" then
manifests.nightly.${if date != null then date else "latest"} or (throw "Nightly ${date} is not available")
else if channel == "beta" then
throw "Beta channel is not supported yet"
else if asVersion != null then
assertWith (date == null) "Stable version with specific date is not supported"
manifests.stable.${channel} or (throw "Stable ${channel} is not available")
else if asNightlyDate != null then
assertWith (date == null) "Cannot specify date in both `channel` and `date`"
manifests.nightly.${asNightlyDate} or (throw "Nightly ${asNightlyDate} is not available")
else throw "Unknown channel: ${channel}";
# Select a toolchain and aggregate components by rustup's `rust-toolchain` file format.
# See:
fromRustupToolchain = { channel, components ? [], targets ? [] }:
(toolchainFromManifest (selectManifest { inherit channel; })).rust.override {
extensions = components;
inherit targets;
getComponentsWithFixedPlatform = pkgs: pkgname: stdenv:
pkg = pkgs.${pkgname};
srcInfo =${super.rust.toRustTarget stdenv.targetPlatform} or"*";
components = srcInfo.components or [];
componentNamesList = (pkg: pkg.pkg) (builtins.filter (pkg: ( != "*")) components);
getExtensions = pkgs: pkgname: stdenv:
inherit (super.lib) unique;
pkg = pkgs.${pkgname};
rustTarget = super.rust.toRustTarget stdenv.targetPlatform;
srcInfo =${rustTarget} or"*" or (throw "${pkgname} is no available");
extensions = srcInfo.extensions or [];
extensionNamesList = unique ( (pkg: pkg.pkg) extensions);
hasTarget = pkgs: pkgname: target:
pkgs ? ${pkgname}.target.${target};
getTuples = pkgs: name: targets: (target: { inherit name target; }) (builtins.filter (target: hasTarget pkgs name target) targets);
# In the manifest, a package might have different components which are bundled with it, as opposed as the extensions which can be added.
# By default, a package will include the components for the same architecture, and offers them as extensions for other architectures.
# This functions returns a list of { name, target } attribute sets, which includes the current system package, and all its components for the selected targets.
# The list contains the package for the pkgTargets as well as the packages for components for all compTargets
getTargetPkgTuples = pkgs: pkgname: pkgTargets: compTargets: stdenv:
inherit (builtins) elem;
inherit (super.lib) intersectLists;
components = getComponentsWithFixedPlatform pkgs pkgname stdenv;
extensions = getExtensions pkgs pkgname stdenv;
compExtIntersect = intersectLists components extensions;
tuples = (getTuples pkgs pkgname pkgTargets) ++ ( (name: getTuples pkgs name compTargets) compExtIntersect);
getFetchUrl = pkgs: pkgname: target: stdenv: fetchurl:
inherit (builtins) match elemAt;
pkg = pkgs.${pkgname};
srcInfo =${target};
url = builtins.replaceStrings [" "] ["%20"] srcInfo.xz_url; # This is required or download will fail.
# Filter names like `llvm-tools-1.34.2 (6c2484dc3 2019-05-13)-aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.xz`
matchParenPart = match ".*/([^ /]*) [(][^)]*[)](.*)" srcInfo.xz_url;
name = if matchParenPart == null then "" else (elemAt matchParenPart 0) + (elemAt matchParenPart 1);
(super.fetchurl { inherit name url; sha256 = srcInfo.xz_hash; });
checkMissingExtensions = pkgs: pkgname: stdenv: extensions:
inherit (builtins) head;
inherit (super.lib) concatStringsSep subtractLists;
availableExtensions = getExtensions pkgs pkgname stdenv;
missingExtensions = subtractLists availableExtensions extensions;
extensionsToInstall =
if missingExtensions == [] then extensions else throw ''
While compiling ${pkgname}: the extension ${head missingExtensions} is not available.
Select extensions from the following list:
${concatStringsSep "\n" availableExtensions}'';
getComponents = pkgs: pkgname: targets: extensions: targetExtensions: stdenv: fetchurl:
inherit (builtins) head map;
inherit (super.lib) flatten remove subtractLists unique;
targetExtensionsToInstall = checkMissingExtensions pkgs pkgname stdenv targetExtensions;
extensionsToInstall = checkMissingExtensions pkgs pkgname stdenv extensions;
hostTargets = [ "*" (super.rust.toRustTarget stdenv.hostPlatform) (super.rust.toRustTarget stdenv.targetPlatform) ];
pkgTuples = flatten (getTargetPkgTuples pkgs pkgname hostTargets targets stdenv);
extensionTuples = flatten (map (name: getTargetPkgTuples pkgs name hostTargets targets stdenv) extensionsToInstall);
targetExtensionTuples = flatten (map (name: getTargetPkgTuples pkgs name targets targets stdenv) targetExtensionsToInstall);
pkgsTuples = pkgTuples ++ extensionTuples ++ targetExtensionTuples;
missingTargets = subtractLists (map (tuple: pkgsTuples) (remove "*" targets);
pkgsTuplesToInstall =
if missingTargets == [] then pkgsTuples else throw ''
While compiling ${pkgname}: the target ${head missingTargets} is not available for any package.'';
map (tuple: { name =; src = (getFetchUrl pkgs stdenv fetchurl); }) pkgsTuplesToInstall;
installComponents = stdenv: namesAndSrcs:
inherit (builtins) map;
installComponent = name: src:
stdenv.mkDerivation {
inherit name;
inherit src;
# No point copying src to a build server, then copying back the
# entire unpacked contents after just a little twiddling.
preferLocalBuild = true;
# (@nbp) TODO: Check on Windows and Mac.
# This code is inspired by patchelf/ to iterate over all binaries.
installPhase = ''
CFG_DISABLE_LDCONFIG=1 ./ --prefix=$out --verbose
setInterpreter() {
local dir="$1"
[ -e "$dir" ] || return 0
header "Patching interpreter of ELF executables and libraries in $dir"
local i
while IFS= read -r -d ''$'\0' i; do
if [[ "$i" =~ .build-id ]]; then continue; fi
if ! isELF "$i"; then continue; fi
echo "setting interpreter of $i"
if [[ -x "$i" ]]; then
# Handle executables
patchelf \
--set-interpreter "$(cat $NIX_CC/nix-support/dynamic-linker)" \
--set-rpath "${super.lib.makeLibraryPath [ self.zlib ]}:$out/lib" \
"$i" || true
# Handle libraries
patchelf \
--set-rpath "${super.lib.makeLibraryPath [ self.zlib ]}:$out/lib" \
"$i" || true
done < <(find "$dir" -type f -print0)
setInterpreter $out
postFixup = ''
# Function moves well-known files from etc/
handleEtc() {
local oldIFS="$IFS"
# Directories we are aware of, given as substitution lists
for paths in \
# Some directoties may be missing in some versions. If so we just skip them.
# See for more infomation.
if [ ! -e $paths ]; then continue; fi
set -- $paths
local orig_path="$1"
local wanted_path="$2"
# Rename the files
if [ -d ./"$orig_path" ]; then
mkdir -p "$(dirname ./"$wanted_path")"
mv -v ./"$orig_path" ./"$wanted_path"
# Fail explicitly if etc is not empty so we can add it to the list and/or report it upstream
rmdir ./etc || {
echo Installer tries to install to /etc:
find ./etc
exit 1
if [ -d "$out"/etc ]; then
pushd "$out"
dontStrip = true;
map (nameAndSrc: (installComponent nameAndSrc.src)) namesAndSrcs;
# Genereate the toolchain set from a parsed manifest.
# Manifest files are organized as follow:
# { date = "2017-03-03";
# pkg.cargo.version= "0.18.0-nightly (5db6d64 2017-03-03)";
# = {
# available = true;
# hash = "abce..."; # sha256
# url = "";
# xz_hash = "abce..."; # sha256
# xz_url = "";
# };
# }
# The packages available usually are:
# cargo, rust-analysis, rust-docs, rust-src, rust-std, rustc, and
# rust, which aggregates them in one package.
# For each package the following options are available:
# extensions - The extensions that should be installed for the package.
# For example, install the package rust and add the extension rust-src.
# targets - The package will always be installed for the host system, but with this option
# extra targets can be specified, e.g. "mips-unknown-linux-musl". The target
# will only apply to components of the package that support being installed for
# a different architecture. For example, the rust package will install rust-std
# for the host system and the targets.
# targetExtensions - If you want to force extensions to be installed for the given targets, this is your option.
# All extensions in this list will be installed for the target architectures.
# *Attention* If you want to install an extension like rust-src, that has no fixed architecture (arch *),
# you will need to specify this extension in the extensions options or it will not be installed!
toolchainFromManifest = pkgs:
inherit (builtins) elemAt;
inherit (super) makeOverridable;
inherit (super.lib) flip mapAttrs;
flip mapAttrs pkgs.pkg (name: pkg:
makeOverridable ({ extensions, targets, targetExtensions, stdenv, fetchurl, patchelf }:
version' = builtins.match "([^ ]*) [(]([^ ]*) ([^ ]*)[)]" pkg.version;
version = if version' == null then pkg.version else "${elemAt version' 0}-${elemAt version' 2}-${elemAt version' 1}";
namesAndSrcs = getComponents pkgs.pkg name targets extensions targetExtensions stdenv fetchurl;
components = installComponents stdenv namesAndSrcs;
componentsOuts = (comp: (super.lib.strings.escapeNixString (super.lib.getOutput "out" comp))) components;
super.pkgs.symlinkJoin {
name = name + "-" + version;
paths = components;
postBuild = ''
# If rustc or rustdoc is in the derivation, we need to copy their
# executable into the final derivation. This is required
# for making them find the correct SYSROOT.
for target in $out/bin/{rustc,rustdoc}; do
if [ -e $target ]; then
cp --remove-destination "$(realpath -e $target)" $target
# Add the compiler as part of the propagated build inputs in order
# to run:
# $ nix-shell -p rustChannels.stable.rust
# And get a fully working Rust compiler, with the stdenv linker.
propagatedBuildInputs = [ ];
meta.platforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.all;
) {
extensions = [];
targets = [];
targetExtensions = [];
inherit (self) stdenv fetchurl patchelf;
# Same as `toolchainFromManifest` but read from a manifest file.
toolchainFromManifestFile = path: toolchainFromManifest (builtins.fromTOML (builtins.readFile path));
# Override all pkgs of a toolchain set.
overrideToolchain = attrs: super.lib.mapAttrs (name: pkg: pkg.override attrs);
in {
# For each channel:
# rust-bin.stable.latest.cargo
# rust-bin.stable.latest.rust # Aggregate all others. (recommended)
# rust-bin.stable.latest.rustc
# rust-bin.stable.latest.rust-analysis
# rust-bin.stable.latest.rust-docs
# rust-bin.stable.latest.rust-src
# rust-bin.stable.latest.rust-std
# For a specific version of stable:
# rust-bin.stable."1.47.0".rust
# For a specific date of nightly:
# rust-bin.nightly."2020-01-01".rust
rust-bin = with builtins;
(super.rust-bin or {}) //
mapAttrs (channel: mapAttrs (version: toolchainFromManifest)) super.rust-bin.manifests //
fromRustupToolchainFile = path: fromRustupToolchain (fromTOML (readFile path)).toolchain;
inherit fromRustupToolchain;
# All attributes below are for compatiblity with mozilla overlay.
lib = (super.lib or {}) // {
rustLib = (super.lib.rustLib or {}) // {
manifest_v2_url = throw ''
`manifest_v2_url` is not supported.
Select a toolchain from `rust-bin` or using `rustChannelOf` instead.
See also README at
fromManifest = throw ''
`fromManifest` is not supported due to network access during evaluation.
Select a toolchain from `rust-bin` or using `rustChannelOf` instead.
See also README at
fromManifestFile = manifestFilePath: { stdenv, fetchurl, patchelf }@deps: builtins.trace ''
`fromManifestFile` is deprecated.
Select a toolchain from `rust-bin` or using `rustChannelOf` instead.
See also README at
'' (overrideToolchain deps (toolchainFromManifestFile manifestFilePath));
rustChannelOf = manifestArgs: toolchainFromManifest (selectManifest manifestArgs);
latest = (super.latest or {}) // {
rustChannels = {
stable = self.rust-bin.stable.latest;
beta = throw "Beta channel is not supported yet";
nightly = self.rust-bin.nightly.latest;
rustChannelOfTargets = channel: date: targets:
(self.rustChannelOf { inherit channel date; })
.rust.override { inherit targets; };
rustChannels = self.latest.rustChannels;