2024-04-29 21:03:56 +02:00

180 lines
4.3 KiB

{lib, ...}: let
#=== ENUMS ===
enums = {
# QFont::StyleHint
styleHint = rec {
anyStyle = 5;
sansSerif = helvetica;
helvetica = 0;
serif = times;
times = 1;
typewriter = courier;
courier = 2;
oldEnglish = 3;
decorative = oldEnglish;
monospace = 7;
fantasy = 8;
cursive = 6;
system = 4;
# QFont::Weight
weight = {
thin = 100;
extraLight = 200;
light = 300;
normal = 400;
medium = 500;
demiBold = 600;
bold = 700;
extraBold = 800;
black = 900;
# QFont::Style
style = {
normal = 0;
italic = 1;
oblique = 2;
# QFont::Capitalization
capitalization = {
mixedCase = 0;
allUppercase = 1;
allLowercase = 2;
smallCaps = 3;
capitalize = 4;
# QFont::SpacingType
spacingType = {
percentage = 0;
absolute = 1;
# QFont::Stretch
stretch = {
anyStretch = 0;
ultraCondensed = 50;
extraCondensed = 62;
condensed = 75;
semiCondensed = 87;
unstretched = 100;
semiExpanded = 112;
expanded = 125;
extraExpanded = 150;
ultraExpanded = 200;
# QFont::StyleStrategy
# This one's... special.
styleStrategy = {
prefer = {
default = 1;
bitmap = 2;
device = 4;
outline = 8;
forceOutline = 16;
matchingPrefer = {
default = 0;
exact = 32;
quality = 64;
antialiasing = {
default = 0;
prefer = 128;
disable = 256;
noSubpixelAntialias = 2048;
preferNoShaping = 4096;
noFontMerging = 32768;
inherit (builtins) attrNames mapAttrs removeAttrs isAttrs;
inherit (lib) filterAttrs;
toEnums = v: lib.types.enum (attrNames v);
mapAttrs (_: toEnums) (removeAttrs enums ["styleStrategy"])
// {
styleStrategy = mapAttrs (_: toEnums) (filterAttrs (_: isAttrs) enums.styleStrategy);
# Converts a font specified by the given attrset to a string representation compatible with
# QFont::fromString and QFont::toString.
fontToString = {
pointSize ? null,
pixelSize ? null,
styleHint ? "anyStyle",
weight ? "normal",
style ? "normal",
underline ? false,
strikeOut ? false,
fixedPitch ? false,
capitalization ? "mixedCase",
letterSpacingType ? "percentage",
letterSpacing ? 0,
wordSpacing ? 0,
stretch ? "anyStretch",
styleStrategy ? {},
styleName ? null,
}: let
inherit (builtins) isString toString foldl' bitOr;
styleStrategy' = let
match = s: enums.styleStrategy.${s}.${styleStrategy.${s} or "default"};
ifSet = k:
if styleStrategy.${k} or false
then enums.styleStrategy.${k}
else 0;
foldl' bitOr 0 [
(match "prefer")
(match "matchingPrefer")
(match "antialiasing")
(ifSet "noSubpixelAntialias")
(ifSet "preferNoShaping")
(ifSet "noFontMerging")
sizeToString = s:
if s == null
then "-1"
else toString s;
numOrEnum = attrs: s:
if isString s
then toString attrs.${s}
else toString s;
zeroOrOne = b:
if b
then "1"
else "0";
assert lib.assertMsg (lib.xor (pointSize != null) (pixelSize != null))
"Exactly one of `pointSize` and `pixelSize` has to be set.";
builtins.concatStringsSep "," ([
(sizeToString pointSize)
(sizeToString pixelSize)
(toString enums.styleHint.${styleHint})
(numOrEnum enums.weight weight)
(numOrEnum style)
(zeroOrOne underline)
(zeroOrOne strikeOut)
(zeroOrOne fixedPitch)
(toString enums.capitalization.${capitalization})
(toString enums.spacingType.${letterSpacingType})
(toString letterSpacing)
(toString wordSpacing)
(numOrEnum enums.stretch stretch)
(toString styleStrategy')
++ lib.optional (styleName != null) styleName);