2024-08-07 10:22:41 -03:00

284 lines
8.3 KiB

{ pkgs, ... }:
home.stateVersion = "23.11";
programs.plasma = {
enable = true;
# Some high-level settings:
workspace = {
clickItemTo = "open"; # If you liked the click-to-open default from plasma 5
lookAndFeel = "org.kde.breezedark.desktop";
cursor = {
theme = "Bibata-Modern-Ice";
size = 32;
iconTheme = "Papirus-Dark";
wallpaper = "${pkgs.kdePackages.plasma-workspace-wallpapers}/share/wallpapers/Patak/contents/images/1080x1920.png";
hotkeys.commands."launch-konsole" = {
name = "Launch Konsole";
key = "Meta+Alt+K";
command = "konsole";
fonts = {
general = {
family = "JetBrains Mono";
pointSize = 12;
panels = [
# Windows-like panel at the bottom
location = "bottom";
widgets = [
# We can configure the widgets by adding the name and config
# attributes. For example to add the the kickoff widget and set the
# icon to "nix-snowflake-white" use the below configuration. This will
# add the "icon" key to the "General" group for the widget in
# ~/.config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc.
name = "org.kde.plasma.kickoff";
config = {
General = {
icon = "nix-snowflake-white";
alphaSort = true;
# Or you can configure the widgets by adding the widget-specific options for it.
# See modules/widgets for supported widgets and options for these widgets.
# For example:
kickoff = {
sortAlphabetically = true;
icon = "nix-snowflake-white";
# Adding configuration to the widgets can also for example be used to
# pin apps to the task-manager, which this example illustrates by
# pinning dolphin and konsole to the task-manager by default with widget-specific options.
iconTasks = {
launchers = [
# Or you can do it manually, for example:
name = "org.kde.plasma.icontasks";
config = {
General = {
launchers = [
# If no configuration is needed, specifying only the name of the
# widget will add them with the default configuration.
# If you need configuration for your widget, instead of specifying the
# the keys and values directly using the config attribute as shown
# above, plasma-manager also provides some higher-level interfaces for
# configuring the widgets. See modules/widgets for supported widgets
# and options for these widgets. The widgets below shows two examples
# of usage, one where we add a digital clock, setting 12h time and
# first day of the week to Sunday and another adding a systray with
# some modifications in which entries to show.
digitalClock = {
calendar.firstDayOfWeek = "sunday";
time.format = "12h";
systemTray.items = {
# We explicitly show bluetooth and battery
shown = [
# And explicitly hide networkmanagement and volume
hidden = [
hiding = "autohide";
# Application name, Global menu and Song information and playback controls at the top
location = "top";
height = 26;
widgets = [
applicationTitleBar = {
behavior = {
activeTaskSource = "activeTask";
layout = {
elements = [ "windowTitle" ];
horizontalAlignment = "left";
showDisabledElements = "deactivated";
verticalAlignment = "center";
overrideForMaximized.enable = false;
titleReplacements = [
type = "regexp";
originalTitle = "^Brave Web Browser$";
newTitle = "Brave";
type = "regexp";
originalTitle = ''\\bDolphin\\b'';
newTitle = "File manager";
windowTitle = {
font = {
bold = false;
fit = "fixedSize";
size = 12;
hideEmptyTitle = true;
margins = {
bottom = 0;
left = 10;
right = 5;
top = 0;
source = "appName";
plasmusicToolbar = {
panelIcon = {
albumCover = {
useAsIcon = false;
radius = 8;
icon = "view-media-track";
preferredSource = "spotify";
musicControls.showPlaybackControls = true;
songText = {
displayInSeparateLines = true;
maximumWidth = 640;
scrolling = {
behavior = "alwaysScroll";
speed = 3;
window-rules = [
description = "Dolphin";
match = {
window-class = {
value = "dolphin";
type = "substring";
window-types = [ "normal" ];
apply = {
noborder = {
value = true;
apply = "force";
# `apply` defaults to "apply-initially"
maximizehoriz = true;
maximizevert = true;
powerdevil = {
AC = {
powerButtonAction = "lockScreen";
autoSuspend = {
action = "shutDown";
idleTimeout = 1000;
turnOffDisplay = {
idleTimeout = 1000;
idleTimeoutWhenLocked = "immediately";
battery = {
powerButtonAction = "sleep";
whenSleepingEnter = "standbyThenHibernate";
lowBattery = {
whenLaptopLidClosed = "hibernate";
kwin = {
edgeBarrier = 0; # Disables the edge-barriers introduced in plasma 6.1
cornerBarrier = false;
kscreenlocker = {
lockOnResume = true;
timeout = 10;
# Some mid-level settings:
shortcuts = {
ksmserver = {
"Lock Session" = [ "Screensaver" "Meta+Ctrl+Alt+L" ];
kwin = {
"Expose" = "Meta+,";
"Switch Window Down" = "Meta+J";
"Switch Window Left" = "Meta+H";
"Switch Window Right" = "Meta+L";
"Switch Window Up" = "Meta+K";
# Some low-level settings:
configFile = {
baloofilerc."Basic Settings"."Indexing-Enabled" = false;
kwinrc."org.kde.kdecoration2".ButtonsOnLeft = "SF";
kwinrc.Desktops.Number = {
value = 8;
# Forces kde to not change this value (even through the settings app).
immutable = true;
kscreenlockerrc = {
Greeter.WallpaperPlugin = "org.kde.potd";
# To use nested groups use / as a separator. In the below example,
# Provider will be added to [Greeter][Wallpaper][org.kde.potd][General].
"Greeter/Wallpaper/org.kde.potd/General".Provider = "bing";