DESTDIR ?= prefix ?= /usr bindir := $(prefix)/bin pkglibdir := $(prefix)/lib/coz-profiler incdir := $(prefix)/include mandir := $(prefix)/share/man man1dir := $(mandir)/man1 INSTALL = install RST2MAN = rst2man # Build with clang by default CC ?= clang CXX ?= clang++ # Set coz and include path for coz ifeq ($(USE_SYSTEM_COZ),1) COZ := $(shell which coz) else COZ := $(ROOT)/coz endif # Default flags CFLAGS ?= -g -O2 CXXFLAGS ?= $(CFLAGS) # Default source and object files SRCS ?= $(wildcard *.cpp) $(wildcard *.c) OBJS ?= $(addprefix obj/,$(patsubst %.cpp,%.o,$(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(SRCS)))) # Prevent errors if files named all, clean, distclean, bench, or test exist .PHONY: all clean distclean bench bench_small bench_large test # Targets to build recursively into $(DIRS) RECURSIVE_TARGETS ?= all clean bench bench_large bench_small test install check # Targets separated by type SHARED_LIB_TARGETS := $(filter, $(TARGETS)) STATIC_LIB_TARGETS := $(filter %.a, $(TARGETS)) OTHER_TARGETS := $(filter-out, $(filter-out %.a, $(TARGETS))) # If not set, the build path is just the current directory name MAKEPATH ?= $(shell basename $(shell pwd)) # Log the build path in gray, following by a log message in bold green LOG_PREFIX := "$(shell tput setaf 7)[$(MAKEPATH)]$(shell tput sgr0)$(shell tput setaf 2)" LOG_SUFFIX := "$(shell tput sgr0)" # Build in parallel MAKEFLAGS += -j # Build all targets by default, unless this is a benchmark all:: $(TARGETS) # Clean up after a build clean:: @for t in $(TARGETS); do \ echo $(LOG_PREFIX) Cleaning $$t $(LOG_SUFFIX); \ done @rm -rf $(TARGETS) obj # Bring source back to pristine state distclean:: clean @$(MAKE) -C benchmarks clean # Compile a C++ source file (and generate its dependency rules) obj/%.o: %.cpp $(PREREQS) @echo $(LOG_PREFIX) Compiling $< $(LOG_SUFFIX) @mkdir -p obj @$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -MMD -MP -o $@ -c $< # Compile a C source file (and generate its dependency rules) obj/%.o: %.c $(PREREQS) @echo $(LOG_PREFIX) Compiling $< $(LOG_SUFFIX) @mkdir -p obj @$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -MMD -MP -o $@ -c $< # Link a shared library $(SHARED_LIB_TARGETS): $(OBJS) @echo $(LOG_PREFIX) Linking $@ $(LOG_SUFFIX) @$(CXX) -shared $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(LIBS) $(STATIC_LIB_TARGETS): $(OBJS) @echo $(LOG_PREFIX) Linking $@ $(LOG_SUFFIX) @ar rs $@ $^ # Link binary targets $(OTHER_TARGETS): $(OBJS) @echo $(LOG_PREFIX) Linking $@ $(LOG_SUFFIX) @$(CXX) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(LIBS) # Include dependency rules for all objects -include $(OBJS:.o=.d) # Build any recursive targets in subdirectories $(RECURSIVE_TARGETS):: @for dir in $(DIRS); do \ $(MAKE) -C $$dir --no-print-directory $@ MAKEPATH="$(MAKEPATH)/$$dir" || exit 1; \ done