2019-10-08 09:57:00 -05:00

500 lines
14 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2015, Charlie Curtsinger and Emery Berger,
* University of Massachusetts Amherst
* This file is part of the Coz project. See file at the top-level
* directory of this distribution and at
#include "profiler.h"
#include <asm/unistd.h>
#include <execinfo.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <cstdint>
#include <fstream>
#include <limits>
#include <random>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "inspect.h"
#include "perf.h"
#include "progress_point.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "ccutil/log.h"
#include "ccutil/spinlock.h"
#include "ccutil/timer.h"
using namespace std;
* Start the profiler
void profiler::startup(const string& outfile,
line* fixed_line,
int fixed_speedup,
bool end_to_end) {
// Set up the sampling signal handler
struct sigaction sa;
memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa));
sa.sa_sigaction = profiler::samples_ready;
sa.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
real::sigaction(SampleSignal, &sa, nullptr);
// Set up handlers for errors
memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa));
sa.sa_sigaction = on_error;
sa.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
real::sigaction(SIGSEGV, &sa, nullptr);
real::sigaction(SIGABRT, &sa, nullptr);
// Save the output file name
_output_filename = outfile;
// If a non-empty fixed line was provided, set it
if(fixed_line) _fixed_line = fixed_line;
// If the speedup amount is in bounds, set a fixed delay size
if(fixed_speedup >= 0 && fixed_speedup <= 100)
_fixed_delay_size = SamplePeriod * fixed_speedup / 100;
// Should end-to-end mode be enabled?
_enable_end_to_end = end_to_end;
// Use a spinlock to wait for the profiler thread to finish intialization
spinlock l;
// Create the profiler thread
INFO << "Starting profiler thread";
int rc = real::pthread_create(&_profiler_thread, nullptr, profiler::start_profiler_thread, (void*)&l);
REQUIRE(rc == 0) << "Failed to start profiler thread";
// Double-lock l. This blocks until the profiler thread unlocks l
// Begin sampling in the main thread
thread_state* state = add_thread();
REQUIRE(state) << "Failed to add thread state";
* Body of the main profiler thread
void profiler::profiler_thread(spinlock& l) {
// Open the output file
ofstream output;, ios_base::app);
output.rdbuf()->pubsetbuf(0, 0);
output.setf(ios::fixed, ios::floatfield);
// Initialize the delay size RNG
default_random_engine generator(get_time());
uniform_int_distribution<size_t> delay_dist(0, ZeroSpeedupWeight + SpeedupDivisions);
// Initialize the experiment duration
size_t experiment_length = ExperimentMinTime;
// Get the starting time for the profiler
size_t start_time = get_time();
// Log the start of this execution
output << "startup\t"
<< "time=" << start_time << "\n";
// Unblock the main thread
// Wait until there is at least one progress point
while(_throughput_points.size() == 0 && _latency_points.size() == 0 && _running) {
// Log sample counts after this many experiments (doubles each time)
size_t sample_log_interval = 32;
size_t sample_log_countdown = sample_log_interval;
// Main experiment loop
while(_running) {
// Select a line
line* selected;
if(_fixed_line) { // If this run has a fixed line, use it
selected = _fixed_line;
} else { // Otherwise, wait for the next line to be selected
selected = _next_line.load();
while(_running && selected == nullptr) {
wait(SamplePeriod * SampleBatchSize);
selected = _next_line.load();
// If we're no longer running, exit the experiment loop
if(!_running) break;
// Store the globally-visible selected line;
// Choose a delay size
size_t delay_size;
if(_fixed_delay_size >= 0) {
delay_size = _fixed_delay_size;
} else {
size_t r = delay_dist(generator);
if(r <= ZeroSpeedupWeight) {
delay_size = 0;
} else {
delay_size = (r - ZeroSpeedupWeight) * SamplePeriod / SpeedupDivisions;
// Save the starting time and sample count
size_t start_time = get_time();
size_t starting_samples = selected->get_samples();
size_t starting_delay_time = _global_delay.load();
// Save throughput point values at the start of the experiment
vector<unique_ptr<throughput_point::saved>> saved_throughput_points;
for(pair<const std::string, throughput_point*>& p : _throughput_points) {
// Save latency point values at the start of the experiment
vector<unique_ptr<latency_point::saved>> saved_latency_points;
for(pair<const std::string, latency_point*>& p : _latency_points) {
// Tell threads to start the experiment;
// Wait until the experiment ends, or until shutdown if in end-to-end mode
if(_enable_end_to_end) {
while(_running) {
wait(SamplePeriod * SampleBatchSize);
} else {
// Compute experiment parameters
float speedup = (float)delay_size / (float)SamplePeriod;
size_t experiment_delay = _global_delay.load() - starting_delay_time;
size_t duration = get_time() - start_time - experiment_delay;
size_t selected_samples = selected->get_samples() - starting_samples;
// Log the experiment parameters
output << "experiment\t"
<< "selected=" << selected << "\t"
<< "speedup=" << speedup << "\t"
<< "duration=" << duration << "\t"
<< "selected-samples=" << selected_samples << "\n";
// Keep a running count of the minimum delta over all progress points
size_t min_delta = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
// Log throughput point measurements and update the minimum delta
for(const auto& s : saved_throughput_points) {
size_t delta = s->get_delta();
if(delta < min_delta) min_delta = delta;
// Log latency point measurements and update the minimum delta
for(const auto& s : saved_latency_points) {
size_t begin_delta = s->get_begin_delta();
size_t end_delta = s->get_end_delta();
if(begin_delta < min_delta) min_delta = begin_delta;
if(end_delta < min_delta) min_delta = end_delta;
// Lengthen the experiment if the min_delta is too small
if(min_delta < ExperimentTargetDelta) {
experiment_length *= 2;
} else if(min_delta > ExperimentTargetDelta*2 && experiment_length >= ExperimentMinTime*2) {
experiment_length /= 2;
// Clear the next line, so threads will select one;
// End the experiment;
// Log samples after a while, then double the countdown
if(--sample_log_countdown == 0) {
log_samples(output, start_time);
if(sample_log_interval < 20) {
sample_log_interval *= 2;
sample_log_countdown = sample_log_interval;
// Cool off before starting a new experiment, unless the program is exiting
if(_running) wait(ExperimentCoolOffTime);
// Log the sample counts on exit
log_samples(output, start_time);
void profiler::log_samples(ofstream& output, size_t start_time) {
// Log total runtime for phase correction
output << "runtime\t"
<< "time=" << (get_time() - start_time) << "\n";
// Log sample counts for all observed lines
for(const auto& file_entry : memory_map::get_instance().files()) {
for(const auto& line_entry : file_entry.second->lines()) {
shared_ptr<line> l = line_entry.second;
if(l->get_samples() > 0) {
output << "samples\t"
<< "location=" << l << "\t"
<< "count=" << l->get_samples() << "\n";
* Terminate the profiler thread, then exit
void profiler::shutdown() {
if(_shutdown_run.test_and_set() == false) {
// Stop sampling in the main thread
// "Signal" the profiler thread to stop;
// Join with the profiler thread
real::pthread_join(_profiler_thread, nullptr);
thread_state* profiler::add_thread() {
return _thread_states.insert(gettid());
thread_state* profiler::get_thread_state() {
return _thread_states.find(gettid());
void profiler::remove_thread() {
* Entry point for wrapped threads
void* profiler::start_thread(void* p) {
thread_start_arg* arg = reinterpret_cast<thread_start_arg*>(p);
thread_state* state = get_instance().add_thread();
REQUIRE(state) << "Failed to add thread state";
state->local_delay = arg->_parent_delay_time;
// Make local copies of the function and argument before freeing the arg wrapper
thread_fn_t real_fn = arg->_fn;
void* real_arg = arg->_arg;
delete arg;
// Start the sampler for this thread
// Run the real thread function
void* result = real_fn(real_arg);
// Always exit via pthread_exit
void profiler::begin_sampling(thread_state* state) {
// Set the perf_event sampler configuration
struct perf_event_attr pe;
memset(&pe, 0, sizeof(pe));
pe.sample_period = SamplePeriod;
pe.wakeup_events = SampleBatchSize; // This is ignored on linux 3.13 (why?)
pe.exclude_idle = 1;
pe.exclude_kernel = 1;
pe.disabled = 1;
// Create this thread's perf_event sampler and start sampling
state->sampler = perf_event(pe);
state->process_timer = timer(SampleSignal);
state->process_timer.start_interval(SamplePeriod * SampleBatchSize);
void profiler::end_sampling() {
thread_state* state = get_thread_state();
if(state) {
std::pair<line*,bool> profiler::match_line(perf_event::record& sample) {
// bool -> true: hit selected_line
std::pair<line*, bool> match_res(nullptr, false);
// flag use to increase the sample only for the first line in the source scope. could it be last line in callchain?
bool first_hit = false;
return match_res;
// Check if the sample occurred in known code
line* l = memory_map::get_instance().find_line(sample.get_ip()).get();
match_res.first = l;
first_hit = true;
if(_selected_line == l){
match_res.second = true;
return match_res;
// Walk the callchain
for(uint64_t pc : sample.get_callchain()) {
// Need to subtract one. PC is the return address, but we're looking for the callsite.
l = memory_map::get_instance().find_line(pc-1).get();
first_hit = true;
match_res.first = l;
if(_selected_line == l){
match_res.first = l;
match_res.second = true;
return match_res;
// No hits. Return null
return match_res;
void profiler::add_delays(thread_state* state) {
// Add delays if there is an experiment running
if(_experiment_active.load()) {
// Take a snapshot of the global and local delays
size_t global_delay = _global_delay;
size_t delay_size = _delay_size;
// Is this thread ahead or behind on delays?
if(state->local_delay > global_delay) {
// Thread is ahead: increase the global delay time to make other threads pause
_global_delay.fetch_add(state->local_delay - global_delay);
} else if(state->local_delay < global_delay) {
// Thread is behind: Pause this thread to catch up
// Pause and record the exact amount of time this thread paused
state->local_delay += wait(global_delay - state->local_delay);
} else {
// Just skip ahead on delays if there isn't an experiment running
state->local_delay = _global_delay;
void profiler::process_samples(thread_state* state) {
for(perf_event::record r : state->sampler) {
if(r.is_sample()) {
// Find and matches the line that contains this sample
std::pair<line*, bool> sampled_line = match_line(r);
if(sampled_line.first) {
if(_experiment_active) {
// Add a delay if the sample is in the selected line
state->local_delay += _delay_size;
} else if(sampled_line.first != nullptr && _next_line.load() == nullptr) {;
* Entry point for the profiler thread
void* profiler::start_profiler_thread(void* arg) {
spinlock* l = (spinlock*)arg;
// Unreachable return silences compiler warning
return nullptr;
void profiler::samples_ready(int signum, siginfo_t* info, void* p) {
thread_state* state = get_instance().get_thread_state();
if(state && !state->check_in_use()) {
// Process all available samples
void profiler::on_error(int signum, siginfo_t* info, void* p) {
if(signum == SIGSEGV) {
fprintf(stderr, "Segmentation fault at %p\n", info->si_addr);
} else if(signum == SIGABRT) {
fprintf(stderr, "Aborted!\n");
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Signal %d at %p\n", signum, info->si_addr);
void* buf[256];
int frames = backtrace(buf, 256);
char** syms = backtrace_symbols(buf, frames);
for(int i=0; i<frames; i++) {
fprintf(stderr, " %d: %s\n", i, syms[i]);