1. Navigate to `http://localhost:8000/register` and fill in the form.
2. An e-mail won't actually be sent, but you can find the activation in the Phoenix logs in your terminal. Search for `%Bamboo.Email{assigns: %{link: "` and open the link listed.
3. Fill in the rest of the forms and for the domain use `dummy.site`
4. Run `make dummy_event` from the terminal to generate a fake pageview event for the dummy site.
Volumes are preserved. You'll find that the Postgres and Clickhouse state are retained when you bring them up again the next time: no need to re-register and so on.
Note: Since we are deleting the containers, be careful when deleting volumes with `docker volume prune`. You might accidentally delete the database and would have to go through re-registration process.
### Pre-commit hooks
`pre-commit` requires Python to be available locally and covers JavaScript and CSS. Set up with `pip install --user pre-commit` followed by `pre-commit install`. Conversely, if the prompts are far too bothersome, remove with `pre-commit uninstall`.