2021-08-04 12:01:50 +03:00
defmodule PlausibleWeb.Favicon do
2022-09-23 13:22:43 +03:00
@referer_domains_file "priv/referer_favicon_domains.json"
@moduledoc """
2022-09-28 14:55:46 +03:00
A Plug that fetches favicon images from DuckDuckGo and returns them
to the Plausible frontend.
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2022-09-28 14:55:46 +03:00
The proxying is there so we can reduce the number of third-party domains that
the browser clients need to connect to. Our goal is to have 0 third-party domain
connections on the website for privacy reasons.
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2022-09-28 14:55:46 +03:00
This module also maps between categorized sources and their respective URLs for favicons.
What does that mean exactly? During ingestion we use `PlausibleWeb.RefInspector.parse/1` to
categorize our referrer sources like so:
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2022-09-28 14:55:46 +03:00
google.com -> Google
google.co.uk -> Google
google.com.au -> Google
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2022-09-28 14:55:46 +03:00
So when we show Google as a source in the dashboard, the request to this plug will come as:
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2022-09-28 14:55:46 +03:00
Now, when we want to show a favicon for Google, we need to convert Google -> google.com or
some other hostname owned by Google:
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The mapping from source category -> source hostname is stored in "#{@referer_domains_file}" and
managed by `Mix.Tasks.GenerateReferrerFavicons.run/1`
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2021-08-04 12:01:50 +03:00
import Plug.Conn
2022-08-15 10:41:48 +03:00
alias Plausible.HTTPClient
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2022-09-28 14:55:46 +03:00
@placeholder_icon_location "priv/placeholder_favicon.ico"
@placeholder_icon File.read!(@placeholder_icon_location)
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def init(_) do
domains =
2022-09-23 13:22:43 +03:00
File.read!(Application.app_dir(:plausible, @referer_domains_file))
|> Jason.decode!()
2021-08-04 12:01:50 +03:00
[favicon_domains: domains]
2022-09-28 14:55:46 +03:00
@ddg_broken_icon <<137, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10>>
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@doc """
2022-09-28 14:55:46 +03:00
Proxies HTTP request to DuckDuckGo favicon service. Swallows hop-by-hop HTTP headers that
should not be forwarded as defined in RFC 2616 (https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2616#section-13.5.1)
Cases where we show a placeholder icon instead:
* In case of network error to DuckDuckGo
* In case of non-2xx status code from DuckDuckGo
* In case of broken image response body from DuckDuckGo
I'm not sure why DDG sometimes returns a broken PNG image in their response but we filter that out.
When the icon request fails, we show a placeholder favicon instead. The placeholder is an emoji
from https://favicon.io/emoji-favicons/
2022-09-23 13:22:43 +03:00
2022-07-06 17:46:05 +03:00
def call(conn, favicon_domains: favicon_domains) do
2021-08-04 12:01:50 +03:00
case conn.path_info do
2022-07-06 17:46:05 +03:00
["favicon", "sources", source] ->
clean_source = URI.decode_www_form(source)
domain = Map.get(favicon_domains, clean_source, clean_source)
2022-09-23 13:22:43 +03:00
case HTTPClient.impl().get("https://icons.duckduckgo.com/ip3/#{domain}.ico") do
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{:ok, %Finch.Response{body: body, headers: headers}} when body != @ddg_broken_icon ->
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2022-09-28 14:55:46 +03:00
|> forward_headers(headers)
|> send_resp(200, body)
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|> halt
2022-07-06 17:46:05 +03:00
2022-08-16 14:35:45 +03:00
_ ->
2022-09-28 14:55:46 +03:00
2022-08-16 14:31:01 +03:00
2021-08-04 12:01:50 +03:00
_ ->
2022-08-16 14:31:01 +03:00
2022-09-28 14:55:46 +03:00
defp send_placeholder(conn) do
|> put_resp_content_type("image/x-icon")
|> put_resp_header("cache-control", "public, max-age=2592000")
|> send_resp(200, @placeholder_icon)
|> halt
2022-09-23 13:22:43 +03:00
@forwarded_headers ["content-type", "cache-control", "expires"]
2022-09-28 14:55:46 +03:00
defp forward_headers(conn, headers) do
headers_to_forward = Enum.filter(headers, fn {k, _} -> k in @forwarded_headers end)
%Plug.Conn{conn | resp_headers: headers_to_forward}
2022-08-16 14:31:01 +03:00
2021-08-04 12:01:50 +03:00