2023-10-05 12:54:18 +03:00
defmodule PlausibleWeb.Plugins.API.Controllers.Goals do
@moduledoc """
Controller for the Goal resource under Plugins API
use PlausibleWeb , :plugins_api_controller
operation ( :create ,
id : " Goal.GetOrCreate " ,
summary : " Get or create Goal " ,
request_body : { " Goal params " , " application/json " , Schemas.Goal.CreateRequest } ,
responses : %{
2023-12-06 14:33:33 +03:00
created : { " Goal " , " application/json " , Schemas.Goal.ListResponse } ,
2023-10-05 12:54:18 +03:00
unauthorized : { " Unauthorized " , " application/json " , Schemas.Unauthorized } ,
2023-10-18 15:14:45 +03:00
payment_required : { " Payment required " , " application/json " , Schemas.PaymentRequired } ,
2023-10-05 12:54:18 +03:00
unprocessable_entity :
{ " Unprocessable entity " , " application/json " , Schemas.UnprocessableEntity }
def create (
2023-12-06 14:33:33 +03:00
%{ private : %{ open_api_spex : %{ body_params : body_params } } } = conn ,
2023-10-05 12:54:18 +03:00
) do
site = conn . assigns . authorized_site
2023-12-06 14:33:33 +03:00
goal_or_goals =
case body_params do
%{ goals : goals } -> goals
%{ goal : _ } = single_goal -> single_goal
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2023-12-06 14:33:33 +03:00
case API.Goals . create ( site , goal_or_goals ) do
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{ :ok , goals } ->
2024-02-12 12:44:32 +03:00
location_headers =
Enum . map ( goals , & { " location " , plugins_api_goals_url ( conn , :get , &1 . id ) } )
2023-10-05 12:54:18 +03:00
|> prepend_resp_headers ( location_headers )
|> put_view ( Views.Goal )
|> put_status ( :created )
|> render ( " index.json " , goals : goals , authorized_site : site )
2023-10-18 15:14:45 +03:00
{ :error , :upgrade_required } ->
payment_required ( conn )
2023-10-05 12:54:18 +03:00
{ :error , changeset } ->
Errors . error ( conn , 422 , changeset )
2023-12-06 14:33:33 +03:00
operation ( :index ,
summary : " Retrieve Goals " ,
parameters : [
limit : [ in : :query , type : :integer , description : " Maximum entries per page " , example : 10 ] ,
after : [
in : :query ,
type : :string ,
description : " Cursor value to seek after - generated internally "
] ,
before : [
in : :query ,
type : :string ,
description : " Cursor value to seek before - generated internally "
] ,
responses : %{
ok : { " Goals response " , " application/json " , Schemas.Goal.ListResponse } ,
unauthorized : { " Unauthorized " , " application/json " , Schemas.Unauthorized }
2023-10-05 12:54:18 +03:00
@spec index ( Plug.Conn . t ( ) , %{ } ) :: Plug.Conn . t ( )
def index ( conn , _params ) do
{ :ok , pagination } = API.Goals . get_goals ( conn . assigns . authorized_site , conn . query_params )
|> put_view ( Views.Goal )
|> render ( " index.json " , %{ pagination : pagination } )
operation ( :get ,
summary : " Retrieve Goal by ID " ,
parameters : [
id : [
in : :path ,
type : :integer ,
description : " Goal ID " ,
example : 123 ,
required : true
] ,
responses : %{
ok : { " Goal " , " application/json " , Schemas.Goal } ,
not_found : { " NotFound " , " application/json " , Schemas.NotFound } ,
unauthorized : { " Unauthorized " , " application/json " , Schemas.Unauthorized } ,
unprocessable_entity :
{ " Unprocessable entity " , " application/json " , Schemas.UnprocessableEntity }
@spec get ( Plug.Conn . t ( ) , map ( ) ) :: Plug.Conn . t ( )
def get ( %{ private : %{ open_api_spex : %{ params : %{ id : id } } } } = conn , _params ) do
site = conn . assigns . authorized_site
case API.Goals . get ( site , id ) do
nil ->
|> put_view ( Views.Error )
|> put_status ( :not_found )
|> render ( " 404.json " )
goal ->
|> put_view ( Views.Goal )
|> put_status ( :ok )
|> render ( " goal.json " , goal : goal , authorized_site : site )
operation ( :delete ,
summary : " Delete Goal by ID " ,
parameters : [
id : [
in : :path ,
type : :integer ,
description : " Goal ID " ,
example : 123 ,
required : true
] ,
responses : %{
no_content : { " NoContent " , nil , nil } ,
unauthorized : { " Unauthorized " , " application/json " , Schemas.Unauthorized }
@spec delete ( Plug.Conn . t ( ) , map ( ) ) :: Plug.Conn . t ( )
def delete ( %{ private : %{ open_api_spex : %{ params : %{ id : id } } } } = conn , _params ) do
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:ok = API.Goals . delete ( conn . assigns . authorized_site , id )
send_resp ( conn , :no_content , " " )
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2023-12-06 14:33:33 +03:00
operation ( :delete_bulk ,
id : " Goal.DeleteBulk " ,
summary : " Delete Goals in bulk " ,
request_body : { " Goal params " , " application/json " , Schemas.Goal.DeleteBulkRequest } ,
responses : %{
no_content : { " NoContent " , nil , nil } ,
unauthorized : { " Unauthorized " , " application/json " , Schemas.Unauthorized }
@spec delete_bulk ( Plug.Conn . t ( ) , map ( ) ) :: Plug.Conn . t ( )
def delete_bulk (
%{ private : %{ open_api_spex : %{ body_params : %{ goal_ids : goal_ids } } } } = conn ,
) do
:ok = API.Goals . delete ( conn . assigns . authorized_site , goal_ids )
send_resp ( conn , :no_content , " " )
2023-10-05 12:54:18 +03:00
2023-10-18 15:14:45 +03:00
defp payment_required ( conn ) do
Errors . error (
conn ,
402 ,
" #{ Plausible.Billing.Feature.RevenueGoals . display_name ( ) } is part of the Plausible Business plan. To get access to this feature, please upgrade your account. "
2023-10-05 12:54:18 +03:00