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synced 2024-11-23 03:04:43 +03:00
Fix shared link with bad auth (#2225)
* Render 404 when shared link cannot be found * Add documentation for StatsController and shared link rendering * Refactor shared_link/2 for more clarity * Add changelog entry * Use mermaid graph for sequence diagram * Use more accurate return value in sequence diagram * Refactor Ecto query to be more idiomatic * Remove order dependence in test * Restore backwards compatibility for older shared links * Add changelog entry
This commit is contained in:
@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Fix a bug where city, region and country filters were filtering stats but not the location list
- Fix a bug where regions were not being saved
- Timezone offset labels now update with time changes
- Render 404 if shared link auth cannot be verified [plausible/analytics#2225](https://github.com/plausible/analytics/pull/2225)
- Restore compatibility with older format of shared links [plausible/analytics#2225](https://github.com/plausible/analytics/pull/2225)
### Changed
- Cache the tracking script for 24 hours
@ -1,4 +1,44 @@
defmodule PlausibleWeb.StatsController do
@moduledoc """
This controller is responsible for rendering stats dashboards.
The stats dashboards are currently the only part of the app that uses client-side
rendering. Since the dashboards are heavily interactive, they are built with React
which is an appropraite choice for highly interactive browser UIs.
<div class="mermaid">
Browser->>StatsController: GET /mydomain.com
StatsController-->>Browser: StatsView.render("stats.html")
Note left of Browser: ReactDom.render(Dashboard)
Browser -) Api.StatsController: GET /api/stats/mydomain.com/top-stats
Api.StatsController --) Browser: {"top_stats": [...]}
Note left of Browser: TopStats.render()
Browser -) Api.StatsController: GET /api/stats/mydomain.com/main-graph
Api.StatsController --) Browser: [{"plot": [...], "labels": [...]}, ...]
Note left of Browser: VisitorGraph.render()
Browser -) Api.StatsController: GET /api/stats/mydomain.com/sources
Api.StatsController --) Browser: [{"name": "Google", "visitors": 292150}, ...]
Note left of Browser: Sources.render()
Note over Browser,StatsController: And so on, for all reports in the viewport
This reasoning for this sequence is as follows:
1. First paint is fast because it doesn't do any data aggregation yet - good UX
2. The basic structure of the dashboard is rendered with spinners before reports are ready - good UX
2. Rendering on the frontend allows for maximum interactivity. Re-rendering and re-fetching can be as granular as needed.
3. Routing on the frontend allows the user to navigate the dashboard without reloading the page and losing context
4. Rendering on the frontend allows caching results in the browser to reduce pressure on backends and storage
3.1 No client-side caching has been implemented yet. This is still theoretical. See https://github.com/plausible/analytics/discussions/1278
3.2 This is a big potential opportunity, because analytics data is mostly immutable. Clients can cache all historical data.
5. Since frontend rendering & navigation is harder to build and maintain than regular server-rendered HTML, we don't use SPA-style rendering anywhere else
.The only place currently where the benefits outweight the costs is the dashboard.
use PlausibleWeb, :controller
use Plausible.Repo
alias PlausibleWeb.Api
@ -105,15 +145,60 @@ defmodule PlausibleWeb.StatsController do
|> send_resp(200, zip_content)
def shared_link(conn, %{"domain" => domain, "auth" => auth}) do
shared_link =
Repo.get_by(Plausible.Site.SharedLink, slug: auth)
|> Repo.preload(:site)
@doc """
Authorizes and renders a shared link:
1. Shared link with no password protection: needs to just make sure the shared link entry is still
in our database. This check makes sure shared link access can be revoked by the site admins. If the
shared link exists, render it directly.
if shared_link && shared_link.site.domain == domain do
if shared_link.password_hash do
2. Shared link with password protection: Same checks as without the password, but an extra step is taken to
protect the page with a password. When the user passes the password challenge, a cookie is set with Plausible.Auth.Token.sign_shared_link().
The cookie allows the user to access the dashboard for 24 hours without entering the password again.
### Backwards compatibility
The URL format for shared links was changed in [this pull request](https://github.com/plausible/analytics/pull/752) in order
to make the URLs easier to bookmark. The old format is supported along with the new in order to not break old links.
See: https://plausible.io/docs/shared-links
def shared_link(conn, %{"domain" => domain, "auth" => auth}) do
case find_shared_link(domain, auth) do
{:password_protected, shared_link} ->
render_password_protected_shared_link(conn, shared_link)
{:unlisted, shared_link} ->
render_shared_link(conn, shared_link)
:not_found ->
render_error(conn, 404)
@old_format_deprecation_date ~N[2022-01-01 00:00:00]
def shared_link(conn, %{"domain" => slug}) do
shared_link =
from l in Plausible.Site.SharedLink,
where: l.slug == ^slug and l.inserted_at < ^@old_format_deprecation_date,
preload: :site
if shared_link do
new_link_format = Routes.stats_path(conn, :shared_link, shared_link.site.domain, auth: slug)
redirect(conn, to: new_link_format)
render_error(conn, 404)
def shared_link(conn, _) do
render_error(conn, 400)
defp render_password_protected_shared_link(conn, shared_link) do
with conn <- Plug.Conn.fetch_cookies(conn),
{:ok, token} <- Map.fetch(conn.req_cookies, shared_link_cookie_name(auth)),
{:ok, token} <- Map.fetch(conn.req_cookies, shared_link_cookie_name(shared_link.slug)),
{:ok, %{slug: token_slug}} <- Plausible.Auth.Token.verify_shared_link(token),
true <- token_slug == shared_link.slug do
render_shared_link(conn, shared_link)
@ -126,26 +211,27 @@ defmodule PlausibleWeb.StatsController do
layout: {PlausibleWeb.LayoutView, "focus.html"}
render_shared_link(conn, shared_link)
def shared_link(conn, %{"slug" => slug}) do
shared_link =
Repo.get_by(Plausible.Site.SharedLink, slug: slug)
|> Repo.preload(:site)
defp find_shared_link(domain, auth) do
link_query =
from link in Plausible.Site.SharedLink,
inner_join: site in assoc(link, :site),
where: link.slug == ^auth,
where: site.domain == ^domain,
limit: 1,
preload: [site: site]
if shared_link do
redirect(conn, to: "/share/#{URI.encode_www_form(shared_link.site.domain)}?auth=#{slug}")
render_error(conn, 404)
case Repo.one(link_query) do
%Plausible.Site.SharedLink{password_hash: hash} = link when not is_nil(hash) ->
{:password_protected, link}
def shared_link(conn, _) do
render_error(conn, 400)
%Plausible.Site.SharedLink{} = link ->
{:unlisted, link}
nil ->
def authenticate_shared_link(conn, %{"slug" => slug, "password" => password}) do
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ defmodule Plausible.MixProject do
{:telemetry, "~> 1.0", override: true},
{:timex, "~> 3.7"},
{:ua_inspector, "~> 3.0"},
{:ex_doc, "~> 0.28"}
{:ex_doc, "~> 0.28", only: :dev, runtime: false}
@ -140,7 +140,17 @@ defmodule Plausible.MixProject do
groups_for_extras: [
Features: Path.wildcard("guides/features/*.md")
before_closing_body_tag: fn
:html ->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/mermaid/dist/mermaid.min.js"></script>
<script>mermaid.initialize({startOnLoad: true})</script>
_ ->
@ -976,13 +976,6 @@ defmodule PlausibleWeb.Api.ExternalStatsController.BreakdownTest do
domain: site.domain,
timestamp: ~N[2021-01-01 00:00:00]
name: "Purchase",
"meta.key": ["cost"],
"meta.value": ["16"],
domain: site.domain,
timestamp: ~N[2021-01-01 00:00:00]
name: "Purchase",
"meta.key": ["cost"],
@ -1019,7 +1012,7 @@ defmodule PlausibleWeb.Api.ExternalStatsController.BreakdownTest do
assert json_response(conn, 200) == %{
"results" => [
%{"cost" => "14", "visitors" => 2},
%{"cost" => "16", "visitors" => 2}
%{"cost" => "16", "visitors" => 1}
@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ defmodule PlausibleWeb.StatsControllerTest do
describe "GET /share/:slug" do
describe "GET /share/:domain?auth=:auth" do
test "prompts a password for a password-protected link", %{conn: conn} do
site = insert(:site)
@ -264,9 +264,41 @@ defmodule PlausibleWeb.StatsControllerTest do
refute String.contains?(html_response(conn, 200), "Back to my sites")
test "renders bad request when no auth parameter supplied", %{conn: conn} do
test "renders 404 not found when no auth parameter supplied", %{conn: conn} do
conn = get(conn, "/share/example.com")
assert response(conn, 400) =~ "Bad Request"
assert response(conn, 404) =~ "nothing here"
test "renders 404 not found when non-existent auth parameter is supplied", %{conn: conn} do
conn = get(conn, "/share/example.com?auth=bad-token")
assert response(conn, 404) =~ "nothing here"
test "renders 404 not found when auth parameter for another site is supplied", %{conn: conn} do
site1 = insert(:site, domain: "test-site-1.com")
site2 = insert(:site, domain: "test-site-2.com")
site1_link = insert(:shared_link, site: site1)
conn = get(conn, "/share/#{site2.domain}/?auth=#{site1_link.slug}")
assert response(conn, 404) =~ "nothing here"
describe "GET /share/:slug - backwards compatibility" do
test "it redirects to new shared link format for historical links", %{conn: conn} do
site = insert(:site, domain: "test-site.com")
site_link = insert(:shared_link, site: site, inserted_at: ~N[2021-12-31 00:00:00])
conn = get(conn, "/share/#{site_link.slug}")
assert redirected_to(conn, 302) == "/share/#{site.domain}?auth=#{site_link.slug}"
test "it does nothing for newer links", %{conn: conn} do
site = insert(:site, domain: "test-site.com")
site_link = insert(:shared_link, site: site, inserted_at: ~N[2022-01-01 00:00:00])
conn = get(conn, "/share/#{site_link.slug}")
assert response(conn, 404) =~ "nothing here"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user