Hey <%= user_salutation(@user) %>,

Thanks for being a Plausible Analytics subscriber!

This is a notice that your traffic has exceeded your subscription tier two months in a row. Congrats on all that traffic!

In order to keep your stats running, we require you to upgrade your account to accommodate your new traffic levels. If you do not upgrade your account within the next 7 days, we will lock your stats and they won't be accessible.

In the last billing cycle (<%= date_format(@last_cycle.first) %> to <%= date_format(@last_cycle.last) %>), your account has used <%= PlausibleWeb.StatsView.large_number_format(@usage) %> billable pageviews. <%= if @usage <= 20_000_000 do %> Based on that we recommend you select the <%= @suggested_plan[:volume] %>/mo plan.

You can upgrade your subscription using our self-serve platform. The new charge will be prorated to reflect the amount you have already paid and the time until your current subscription is supposed to expire.

Click here to go to your site settings. You can upgrade your subscription tier by clicking the 'change plan' link. <% else %> This is more than our standard plans, so please reply back to this email to get a quote for your volume. <% end %>

Have questions or need help with anything? Just reply to this email and we'll gladly help.

Thanks again for using our product and for your support!

Uku and Marko
<%= plausible_url() %>
{{{ pm:unsubscribe }}}