defmodule PlausibleWeb.BillingControllerTest do use PlausibleWeb.ConnCase, async: true import Plausible.Test.Support.HTML require Plausible.Billing.Subscription.Status alias Plausible.Billing.Subscription @v4_growth_plan "857097" @v4_business_plan "857105" describe "GET /choose-plan" do setup [:create_user, :log_in] test "redirects to enterprise upgrade page if user has an enterprise plan configured", %{conn: conn, user: user} do insert(:enterprise_plan, user: user, paddle_plan_id: "123") conn = get(conn, Routes.billing_path(conn, :choose_plan)) assert redirected_to(conn) == Routes.billing_path(conn, :upgrade_to_enterprise_plan) end end describe "POST /change-plan" do setup [:create_user, :log_in] test "errors if usage exceeds team member limit on the new plan", %{conn: conn, user: user} do insert(:subscription, user: user, paddle_plan_id: "123123") insert(:site, memberships: [ build(:site_membership, user: user, role: :owner), build(:site_membership, user: build(:user)), build(:site_membership, user: build(:user)), build(:site_membership, user: build(:user)), build(:site_membership, user: build(:user)) ] ) conn = post(conn, Routes.billing_path(conn, :change_plan, @v4_growth_plan)) assert Phoenix.Flash.get(conn.assigns.flash, :error) =~ "Unable to subscribe to this plan because the following limits are exceeded: team member limit" end test "errors if usage exceeds site limit even when user.next_upgrade_override is true", %{ conn: conn, user: user } do insert(:subscription, user: user, paddle_plan_id: "123123") for _ <- 1..11, do: insert(:site, members: [user]) Plausible.Users.allow_next_upgrade_override(user) conn = post(conn, Routes.billing_path(conn, :change_plan, @v4_growth_plan)) subscription = Plausible.Repo.get_by(Plausible.Billing.Subscription, user_id: assert Phoenix.Flash.get(conn.assigns.flash, :error) =~ "are exceeded: site limit" assert subscription.paddle_plan_id == "123123" end test "can override allowing to upgrade when pageview limit is exceeded", %{ conn: conn, user: user } do insert(:subscription, user: user, paddle_plan_id: "123123") site = insert(:site, members: [user]) now = NaiveDateTime.utc_now() generate_usage_for(site, 11_000, Timex.shift(now, days: -5)) generate_usage_for(site, 11_000, Timex.shift(now, days: -35)) conn1 = post(conn, Routes.billing_path(conn, :change_plan, @v4_growth_plan)) subscription = Plausible.Repo.get_by(Plausible.Billing.Subscription, user_id: assert Phoenix.Flash.get(conn1.assigns.flash, :error) =~ "are exceeded: monthly pageview limit" assert subscription.paddle_plan_id == "123123" Plausible.Users.allow_next_upgrade_override(user) conn2 = post(conn, Routes.billing_path(conn, :change_plan, @v4_growth_plan)) subscription = Plausible.Repo.reload!(subscription) assert Phoenix.Flash.get(conn2.assigns.flash, :success) =~ "Plan changed successfully" assert subscription.paddle_plan_id == @v4_growth_plan end test "calls Paddle API to update subscription", %{conn: conn, user: user} do insert(:subscription, user: user) post(conn, Routes.billing_path(conn, :change_plan, "123123")) subscription = Plausible.Repo.get_by(Plausible.Billing.Subscription, user_id: assert subscription.paddle_plan_id == "123123" assert subscription.next_bill_date == ~D[2019-07-10] assert subscription.next_bill_amount == "6.00" end end describe "GET /billing/upgrade-success" do setup [:create_user, :log_in] test "shows success page after user subscribes", %{conn: conn} do conn = get(conn, Routes.billing_path(conn, :upgrade_success)) assert html_response(conn, 200) =~ "Your account is being upgraded" end end @configured_enterprise_plan_paddle_plan_id "123" describe "GET /upgrade-to-enterprise-plan (no existing subscription)" do setup [:create_user, :log_in, :configure_enterprise_plan] test "displays basic page content", %{conn: conn} do doc = conn |> get(Routes.billing_path(conn, :upgrade_to_enterprise_plan)) |> html_response(200) assert doc =~ "Upgrade to Enterprise" assert doc =~ "prepared a custom enterprise plan for your account with the following limits" assert doc =~ "Questions?" assert doc =~ "Contact us" assert doc =~ "+ VAT if applicable" assert doc =~ "Click the button below to upgrade" assert doc =~ "Pay securely via Paddle" end test "displays info about the enterprise plan to upgrade to", %{conn: conn} do doc = conn |> get(Routes.billing_path(conn, :upgrade_to_enterprise_plan)) |> html_response(200) assert doc =~ ~r/Up to\s*\s*50M\s*<\/b>\s*monthly pageviews/ assert doc =~ ~r/Up to\s*\s*20k\s*<\/b>\s*sites/ assert doc =~ ~r/Up to\s*\s*5k\s*<\/b>\s*hourly api requests/ assert doc =~ ~r/The plan is priced at\s*\s*€10\s*<\/b>\s*/ assert doc =~ "per year" end test "data-product attribute on the checkout link is the paddle_plan_id of the enterprise plan", %{conn: conn, user: user} do doc = conn |> get(Routes.billing_path(conn, :upgrade_to_enterprise_plan)) |> html_response(200) assert %{ "disableLogout" => true, "email" =>, "passthrough" =>, "product" => @configured_enterprise_plan_paddle_plan_id, "success" => Routes.billing_path(PlausibleWeb.Endpoint, :upgrade_success), "theme" => "none" } == get_paddle_checkout_params(find(doc, "#paddle-button")) end end describe "GET /upgrade-to-enterprise-plan (active subscription, new enterprise plan configured)" do setup [:create_user, :log_in, :subscribe_enterprise, :configure_enterprise_plan] test "displays basic page content", %{conn: conn} do doc = conn |> get(Routes.billing_path(conn, :upgrade_to_enterprise_plan)) |> html_response(200) assert doc =~ "Change subscription plan" assert doc =~ "prepared your account for an upgrade to custom limits" assert doc =~ "+ VAT if applicable" assert doc =~ "calculate the prorated amount that your card will be charged" assert doc =~ "Preview changes" assert doc =~ "Questions?" assert doc =~ "Contact us" end test "displays info about the enterprise plan to upgrade to", %{conn: conn} do doc = conn |> get(Routes.billing_path(conn, :upgrade_to_enterprise_plan)) |> html_response(200) assert doc =~ ~r/Up to\s*\s*50M\s*<\/b>\s*monthly pageviews/ assert doc =~ ~r/Up to\s*\s*20k\s*<\/b>\s*sites/ assert doc =~ ~r/Up to\s*\s*5k\s*<\/b>\s*hourly api requests/ assert doc =~ ~r/The plan is priced at\s*\s*€10\s*<\/b>\s*/ assert doc =~ "per year" end test "preview changes links to :change_plan_preview action", %{conn: conn} do doc = conn |> get(Routes.billing_path(conn, :upgrade_to_enterprise_plan)) |> html_response(200) preview_changes_link = find(doc, "#preview-changes") assert text(preview_changes_link) == "Preview changes" assert text_of_attr(preview_changes_link, "href") == Routes.billing_path( PlausibleWeb.Endpoint, :change_plan_preview, @configured_enterprise_plan_paddle_plan_id ) end end describe "GET /billing/change-plan/preview/:plan_id" do setup [:create_user, :log_in] test "renders preview information about the plan change", %{conn: conn, user: user} do insert(:subscription, user: user, paddle_plan_id: @v4_growth_plan) html_response = conn |> get(Routes.billing_path(conn, :change_plan_preview, @v4_business_plan)) |> html_response(200) assert html_response =~ "Your card will be charged a pro-rated amount for the current billing period" assert html_response =~ "€-72.6" assert html_response =~ "Back" assert html_response =~ ~s[ get(Routes.billing_path(conn, :upgrade_to_enterprise_plan)) |> html_response(200) assert doc =~ "Looking to adjust your plan?" assert doc =~ "You're currently on a custom plan." assert doc =~ "please contact us at" end end describe "GET /upgrade-to-enterprise-plan (subscription past_due or paused)" do setup [:create_user, :log_in, :configure_enterprise_plan] test "redirects to /settings when past_due", %{conn: conn} = context do subscribe_enterprise(context, status: Subscription.Status.past_due()) conn = get(conn, Routes.billing_path(conn, :upgrade_to_enterprise_plan)) assert redirected_to(conn) == "/settings" end test "redirects to /settings when paused", %{conn: conn} = context do subscribe_enterprise(context, status: Subscription.Status.paused()) conn = get(conn, Routes.billing_path(conn, :upgrade_to_enterprise_plan)) assert redirected_to(conn) == "/settings" end end describe "GET /upgrade-to-enterprise-plan (deleted enterprise subscription)" do setup [:create_user, :log_in, :configure_enterprise_plan] setup context do subscribe_enterprise(context, paddle_plan_id: @configured_enterprise_plan_paddle_plan_id, status: Subscription.Status.deleted() ) context end test "displays the same content as for a user without a subscription", %{conn: conn} do doc = conn |> get(Routes.billing_path(conn, :upgrade_to_enterprise_plan)) |> html_response(200) assert doc =~ "Upgrade to Enterprise" assert doc =~ "prepared a custom enterprise plan for your account with the following limits" assert doc =~ "Questions?" assert doc =~ "Contact us" assert doc =~ "+ VAT if applicable" assert doc =~ "Click the button below to upgrade" assert doc =~ "Pay securely via Paddle" end test "still allows to subscribe back to the same plan", %{conn: conn} do doc = conn |> get(Routes.billing_path(conn, :upgrade_to_enterprise_plan)) |> html_response(200) assert doc =~ ~r/Up to\s*\s*50M\s*<\/b>\s*monthly pageviews/ assert doc =~ ~r/Up to\s*\s*20k\s*<\/b>\s*sites/ assert doc =~ ~r/Up to\s*\s*5k\s*<\/b>\s*hourly api requests/ assert doc =~ ~r/The plan is priced at\s*\s*€10\s*<\/b>\s*/ assert doc =~ "per year" end test "renders paddle button with the correct checkout params", %{conn: conn, user: user} do doc = conn |> get(Routes.billing_path(conn, :upgrade_to_enterprise_plan)) |> html_response(200) assert %{ "disableLogout" => true, "email" =>, "passthrough" =>, "product" => @configured_enterprise_plan_paddle_plan_id, "success" => Routes.billing_path(PlausibleWeb.Endpoint, :upgrade_success), "theme" => "none" } == get_paddle_checkout_params(find(doc, "#paddle-button")) end end defp configure_enterprise_plan(%{user: user}) do insert(:enterprise_plan, user_id:, paddle_plan_id: "123", billing_interval: :yearly, monthly_pageview_limit: 50_000_000, site_limit: 20_000, hourly_api_request_limit: 5000, inserted_at: |> Timex.shift(hours: 1) ) :ok end defp subscribe_enterprise(%{user: user}, opts \\ []) do opts = opts |> Keyword.put(:user, user) |> Keyword.put_new(:paddle_plan_id, "321") |> Keyword.put_new(:status, insert(:subscription, opts) {:ok, user: Plausible.Users.with_subscription(user)} end defp get_paddle_checkout_params(element) do with onclick <- text_of_attr(element, "onclick"), [[_, checkout_params_str]] <- Regex.scan(~r/Paddle\.Checkout\.open\((.*?)\)/, onclick), {:ok, checkout_params} <- Jason.decode(checkout_params_str) do checkout_params end end end