Deprecated feature

We are moving away from CNAME-based custom domains. If you're concerned about adblockers, we recommend <%= link("setting up a proxy", class: "underline text-yellow-800 dark:text-yellow-400", to: "", target: "_blank", rel: "noferrer") %> for your analytics script instead.

Custom domain

Serve the tracking script from your domain name as a first-party resource instead of loading the script from our domain.

<%= link(to: "", target: "_blank") do %> <% end %>
<%= if @site.custom_domain do %> Configured domain: <%= @site.custom_domain.domain %> <%= link("Remove custom domain", to: "/sites/#{URI.encode_www_form(@site.domain)}/custom-domains/#{}", class: "inline-block mt-4 px-4 py-2 border border-gray-300 dark:border-gray-500 text-sm leading-5 font-medium rounded-md text-red-700 bg-white dark:bg-gray-800 hover:text-red-500 dark:hover:text-red-400 focus:outline-none focus:border-blue-300 focus:ring active:text-red-800 active:bg-gray-50 transition ease-in-out duration-150", method: "delete") %> <% end %>